
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 36: You guys are funny, join my crew!

"You guys are funny, join my crew!" Luffy burst out with his typical carefree enthusiasm, extending an invitation to Yuki and All Might. Unknown strangers though they were, Luffy's instinctive nature propelled him forward, inviting them into the fold of the Straw Hat Pirates. The audacity they displayed in front of the Tenryūbito left a mark on him that begged for camaraderie.

Yuki's intrigue grew, his eyes dancing with the possibilities this unexpected encounter presented. Luffy's audacity to extend such an offer to two strangers he'd just met intrigued him.

All Might couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the offer. Luffy's openness was almost endearing, yet it also highlighted the whimsical nature of the pirate captain. "I appreciate the offer, but I'm not one to join a crew without knowing more," he responded, his tone carrying a touch of bemusement. His year-long seclusion had somewhat insulated him from the world, leaving him unfamiliar with the name 'Straw Hat Pirates'. 

"How about we start with a proper introduction?" Yuki interjected, a playful glint in his eye. He was well aware of Luffy's identity, but maintaining a façade of ignorance was crucial. After all, displaying any foreknowledge would only raise suspicion.

Luffy's reply was bold. "I'm Monkey D. Luffy! The future pirate king!" His proclamation had a determination that was impossible to ignore. Luffy's confidence radiated like an unyielding flame, igniting the excitement of the moment.

Yuki followed suit with his introduction, his voice carrying a casual charm that matched his nonchalant demeanor. "Yuki Takehara, pleased to meet you," he stated, though his mind was already spinning with anticipation for the interactions to come.

Alongside him, All Might followed suit, his formal response aligning with his heroic nature. Internally, though, All Might's mind had already shifted gears. While the young pirate's enthusiasm was contagious, he couldn't help but wonder how he might influence Luffy's path towards more benevolent pursuits.

As they continued, they arrived at grove 13, stepping into its midst. Conversations sparked between Yuki and the few Straw Hat Pirates who had joined them. The thrill of interacting with characters from his cherished anime had initially promised a unique experience, yet Yuki found himself grappling with an unexpected reality. 

Yuki's internal commentary was laced with a tinge of disappointment. 'Talking with favorite anime characters,' he mused, 'shouldn't it be more magical and less... well, awkward?' The disparity between his imaginings and the reality before him wasn't lost on him.

Luffy's company had offered an interesting twist to the encounter. However, Yuki's thoughts on the matter couldn't help but wander. As he interacted with the Straw Hat captain, his candid assessment was undeniable. 'Luffy's quite the character, an unadulterated fool.' 

Yet, beneath the jest, Yuki's impressions had solidified, and they weren't necessarily favorable. 'My condolences to all who have to endure his company on a regular basis,' he added mentally.

But then, a more profound understanding settled in. 'I'm beginning to grasp why Garp and Dragon sent him off to mountain bandits,' Yuki realized, the pieces of the puzzle falling into place. 

"We've finally made it," one of the Straw Hat Pirates exclaimed with palpable excitement, their words marking their arrival at the much-anticipated Shakki's Rip-Off Bar.

Hatchan, evidently familiar with the establishment, swung the door open with a sense of purpose. "Rayleigh, Shakki, are you here?" he called.

At the entrance, All Might and Yuki found themselves in the midst of the group led by Hatchan, their steps bringing them into the bar's interior. But the scene that unfolded before them captured their attention far more vividly. A woman, her black hair a stark contrast to the environment, was dishing out a beating to a trembling pirate. His barely audible muttering of "I'll pay…" seemed more a plea for mercy than a transaction, his body likely too battered for anything more.

Yuki glanced at All Might, their eyes briefly meeting, and he could practically sense the skepticism emanating from the hero. It was a nonverbal question, a silent inquiry. 'Is this really the right place?'

Before them, the woman continued her task of pummeling the unfortunate pirate, her actions contrasting sharply with her words as she extended a welcoming statement. "Welcome. What'll it be?" 

The scene took a twist as her attention shifted to Hatchan. Amid her unrelenting thrashing of the hapless pirate, she managed to catch sight of Hatchan, immediately calling out. "Oh my, Hatchan!"

"It's been too long, Shakky," Hatchan greeted, a sheepish smile gracing his features as his hand found its way to the back of his head.

"How long has it been? Ten years?" Shakky's response was equally casual. 

"Just take a seat and wait. I was just extracting some outrageous amount of money from these guys." Her words held a sense of routine, as if the scene of her dealing with pirates was an everyday occurrence.

"Take your time," Hatchan's voice resonated as he settled into a seat. Yuki's gaze flicked towards All Might, a fleeting exchange of glances that conveyed more than words ever could. The former hero's initial shock at Shakky's handling of the situation was palpable, but Yuki's reprimanding glare served as a reminder of the precarious circumstances they found themselves in.

All Might, despite his initial surprise at Shakky's method, realized the futility of a reaction. Under the weight of Yuki's gaze, his unease ebbed away, replaced by a reluctant acceptance.

When Shakky had extorted enough money from these wretched patrons, she kicked them out, literally kicked them out of her bar. She then turned her attention to Hatchan and sat down next to him.

Meanwhile, in the lively backdrop, Luffy and Brook set about raiding the fridge. "Shakky, these beans, they are delicious," Luffy's voice rang with the unabashed glee of discovery.

Observing this spectacle, Yuki couldn't help but think, 'Pirates to the core, having no manners.' The divergence between their behaviors and his own refined sensibilities was striking. His experience as a Takehara had instilled a deep appreciation for etiquette, making him acutely aware of its importance. The thought settled in him, reaffirming his commitment to the customs he had learned in this life.

"Luffy, Brook, I can't leave you alone for one second," Chopper exclaimed in a concerned tone. Yet, his stance shifted dramatically as a wondrous temptation appeared before him, a cotton candy treat offered by Shakky. In a comically exaggerated display, his eyes bulged, his arms stretched, and his tongue swept across his lips, all resulting in a speedy grab for the cotton candy.

As the interactions flowed, Yuki found himself amused by the unfolding dynamics. A grin toyed at the corner of his lips as he noticed All Might's occasional snorts and near-exclamations, clearly struggling to come to terms with the scene around them. It was, in a peculiar way, satisfying for Yuki to see the Symbol of Peace in such an offbeat environment. 'I might need to make a habit out of this,' he mused, savoring the prospect of nudging All Might further out of his comfort zone.

Meanwhile, Shakky dived into a discourse about the high-bounty pirates currently on the island. "There are 11 pirates on Sabaody Archipelago with bounties over 100 Million.," she announced, sparking a fleeting thought in All Might's mind. 'Eleven of them... that's eleven too much.'

"Kidd, Luffy, Hawkins, Drake, Law," Shakky continued, reeling off the names of the formidable pirates.

"Wait, the person we're after has a bounty over 100 Million," All Might exclaimed, his surprise evident. While he was aware of Law's pirate status, he had assumed Law to be inconspicuous and unremarkable until now.

Luffy, ever curious, chimed in with innocence, "Who are you looking for?"

"Trafalgar Law. He's probably the only one that can heal his injury," Yuki responded, pointing toward All Might. He seemed entirely unfazed by the fact that All Might had preferred to keep the details about his injury secret.

Chopper, still savoring his beloved Cotton Candy, felt his curiosity piqued once again, prompting him to ask, "Can I see that injury? I'm a doctor."

Despite his reluctance, a dangerous glint in Yuki's eyes convinced All Might to acquiesce. He turned to Chopper without objection.

As Chopper's eyes fell upon the injury, his usually cheerful face drained of color, replaced by a momentary panic. His words escaped as a whisper, "How can someone survive with such a wound?"

All Might, though he heard the mutter, chose to ignore it, not wishing to revisit that fateful day. Meanwhile, Chopper stared at him as if he had seen a ghost.

Chopper, recovering from his initial shock, managed to exclaim, "It would nearly require a god to be able to fix this." His face bore the undeniable stamp of someone who had never encountered such an injury before. Despite his months of travels with the Straw Hats as well as his time as doctor before, no one among them had ever been as gravely injured as All Might currently was.

Chopper's reaction seemed contagious, as the others joined him in staring at All Might. Uncomfortable with the attention, he instinctively moved to cover his injury.

Luffy, curious as ever, chimed in, "That Law can heal this injury?"

"He probably can. After all, he's the owner of the Ope Ope no Mi. If he can't, no one else can. That much is certain," Shakky began to speak with a certain tone.

With a shrewd smile, Yuki decided to play his cards. "So, considering your extensive intelligence network on this island, how about we discuss a little business? Let's talk about where Law currently is." Yuki's request might have seemed redundant, given that he already knew the information from the anime, but he adhered to the process. He didn't want to have brought All Might here only to say, 'I've known all along where he is.' All Might might have skinned him alive if he had heard that.

Shakky, always sharp in her business dealings, played her part. "1 Million," she said, a clear intent to rip off Yuki evident in her words.

Yuki, however, remained unfazed by her attempt of extortion. With the power of conjuring unlimited gold at his fingertips, thanks to his magic, her financial demands were like ripples in the sea. An amused smirk formed on his lips as he stretched out his hand, his magic coursing through his fingertips.

A fascinating transformation swept through the bar's counter, the wooden surface transmuting into pure, shimmering gold. "Hmm, let me settle this way," he declared, his tone casual yet tinged with a hint of playfulness.

In awe, the counter, once like any other made out of wood, now radiated a golden glow that matched its newfound material. "Should be a bit more than a Million," Yuki continued, his words laced with nonchalance, "just consider the excess a tip. No need for you to sweat the details."

The room collectively held its breath with their eyes nearly falling out of their body. Yuki's seemingly casual conjuration of gold had an mesmerizing effect, each gaze locked onto the transformed bar counter, their faces reflecting an almost frightened astonishment. Amid the shocked onlookers, Shakky appeared to wear an expression that said, 'Of all the things to transmute, you chose my counter?' An inconvenient predicament for her, yet the allure of a mountain of gold did manage to temper her irritation.

Yuki's action had effectively shifted the atmosphere, but despite this minor upheaval, Shakky's pragmatic nature prevailed. She embraced the gold with a subtle grin, answering Yuki's query without missing a beat. "You'll probably find him at the auction house in Grove 1 in a few hours."

Though it sounded like an educated guess, beneath Shakky's words lay a layer of calculated certainty. Based on the intelligence she had acquired over time, she deduced that Law, with his character and objectives, was the sort who would inevitably be drawn to such an event. This hunch lent credence to the information, making it more than a mere shot in the dark.

As Yuki was preparing to make his exit, dragging All Might along, an offhand remark from Luffy reached his ears. The statement tugged at something inside him, an instinctive urge to respond. "With all these pirates around, I can't help but worry about that craftsman guy," Luffy mused aloud.

Yuki's lips curled into a wry grin, his words imbued with a mix of amusement and confidence. "Don't worry, although he might not reach my level, that craftsman could kill you a hundred times over before you even knew what hit you." His tone was tinged with a knowing assurance.

Shakky's dubious gaze settled on Yuki, her expression revealing her skepticism. "Stronger than him? I find that hard to believe," she retorted, a subtle smirk forming across her lips. "But the other part, I'll give you that."

Unbeknownst to Shakky, her response went unnoticed by both Yuki and All Might. By the time she concluded her sentence, the duo had already departed her establishment, leaving the exchange behind them like a passing breeze.