
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 33: Picking up All Might

After unlocking the full potential of his race, Yuki experienced a metamorphosis of extraordinary proportions. His once formidable strength and speed multiplied exponentially, rendering him a force to be reckoned with. The immortality inherent in his race began to manifest, halting Yuki's physical growth. Yet, to describe this as a limitation would be a grave misunderstanding. Already towering over the average adult, it only meant that he will not grow into a giant.

Moreover, a myriad of changes accompanied this unlocking of potential. Yuki's body no longer required sustenance, freeing him from the need for food or drink. Breathing became a vestigial function, unnecessary to sustain his existence. He now could withstand even the most extreme environments, from the vacuum of outer space to the deepest abyss. Furthermore he also bid farewell to the mundane bodily needs that had once inconvenienced him.

To quote the novel ' No Game No Life' The top 6 races are regarded as 'Living beings' while the bottom 10 races are regarded as 'Living things'. The split between the top 6 and bottom 10 races represent the difference between heaven and earth, as the 'Living beings' are vastly more powerful than the 'Living things' and Yuki as a Flügel has now truly become one of these Living things.

The lower races, the 'Living things,' are creatures with physical bodies, reproducing through ordinary means. The higher ranks, on the other hand, transcended the constraints of mere physicality. They are energies or abstract concepts that had developed their own will, transforming into what the novel termed 'Living beings'. In essence, they are entities of immense power, beyond the understanding of ordinary mortals.

Just to give one example, if a living thing were to drink the blood of a living being, that living thing would instantly vaporize, due to not being able to handle that much power. Another example would be that a single Flügel once easily massacred an entire city of the race ranked below them.

After stepping out of the Rite of Restoration, Yuki's curiosity compelled him to open the chat group, eager to check on the new messages. However, instead of the familiar interface, a foreboding red warning materialized before his eyes, disrupting his expectations.


[Due to the extended duration of your stay in this world, the mission has been updated.]

[Objective 1: Join the imminent war at Marineford and safeguard the child of fate from the clutches of the reincarnator.]

[Objective 2: Thwart the nefarious plot of the reincarnator by eliminating him.]

Yuki's eyes widened as he absorbed the gravity of the message before him. Without hesitation, he firmly pressed the accept button, acknowledging the new directives that had been set before him. Reaffirming his resolve, Yuki cast aside any distractions and refocused on his original objective, to check the messages of this group from the past year and to inquire if All Might has already found a method to heal himself. To his surprise however this group did not have a single new message, as if no one even opened the interface in the past year.

Fake Flügel: "@All Might, have you already healed your body?"

Yuki, while waiting for a response, took the opportunity to acquaint himself with his newfound powers, exploring the depths of his abilities. Finally, the notification chimed, signaling All Might's reply. Yuki's eyes scanned the screen.

All Might: "No."

Fake Flügel: "Then, as promised before, I will now help you. Can you send me your location? I will come and pick you up."

All Might wasted no time in replying, quickly revealing his whereabouts to Yuki.

All Might: "I just boarded a coated ship near Punk Hazard on the route to Fish-Man Island. Currently, I am a few thousand meters underwater."

Yuki couldn't help but sigh inwardly as he read All Might's message. Fish-Man Island posed its own set of challenges when it came to accessibility. While many would find it daunting, Yuki knew that navigating those depths was well within his capabilities. However, there was one particular inconvenience that he couldn't shake off: the irritation of seawater stinging his eyes.

"Troublesome," Yuki muttered to himself, contemplating the minor discomfort that lay ahead. Being a Flügel, he was accustomed to soaring through the skies and traversing vast distances effortlessly. Yet, even for someone of his prowess, the prospect of getting seawater in his eyes during the journey was an annoyance he wished to avoid.

Yuki swiftly responded to All Might's message. "Okay, wait there for me. I'm gonna pick you up," he typed, already formulating a plan in his mind.

While he waited for All Might's acknowledgement, Yuki decided to gauge the group's opinion on the updated mission. "@Everyone, what do you all think about the updated mission?"

The Fool chimed in with a sense of surprise. "I did not open the chat group in the last year. If not for me getting a strange message sound in my brain just now, I wouldn't have noticed."

Indeed, the sound of a peculiar bell ringing in their heads caught everyone's attention. This phenomenon happened when Yuki used the '@' symbol, a digital summon that demanded their immediate attention. With this feature, Yuki could notify and gather the members for urgent discussions or critical missions.

Scheming Shinigami: "I joined the marines a year ago and am currently stationed at Marineford, awaiting the start of the war."

Little Demon Venerable: "As one of the Shichibukai I was also requested to join, at first I wanted to refuse seeing no benefit in joining, but looks like I need to accept it, see you all during the war."

Apparently, every member of the group has heard that a war against the Whitebeard Pirates will soon be waged in Marineford, and some have even been drafted to take part. Such great news has even reached All Might, who has spent most of the past year training.

It was this knowledge that drove All Might's desire to seek refuge in Fish-Man Island. In his mind, the underwater kingdom appeared to be a sanctuary untouched by the impending war, its isolation offering a shield from the chaos unfolding on the surface. To assemble such a formidable force for the battle, the marines had scoured towns far and wide, conscripting countless men to join their ranks.

All Might, having spent a significant amount of time alongside Issho, had witnessed firsthand the depths of corruption within the marines. Although Issho at that time had not joined the marines, showing his student why most marines are not that good was nothing difficult for him. After seeing it, All Might was disappointed by their twisted concept of justice and did not want to be in their ranks.

Fake Flügel: "So how about the rest of us meet at the Sabaody Archipelago to further discuss what to do about the mission."

Yuki had carefully chosen the Sabaody Archipelago as their meeting point, and his reasons were manifold. Firstly, it was essential for him to bring All Might to the archipelago for his much-needed healing. Drawing from his memories of the anime, Yuki recalled that Trafalgar Law was there before the war, making it so that he needed to take All Might there anyway.

Secondly, the proximity of the Sabaody Archipelago to Marineford played a crucial role in his decision. With the impending war looming, it was imperative to minimize travel time and ensure swift access to the battlefield when the time came. The archipelago's strategic position would serve them well.

However, amid the weighty considerations, there was a more lighthearted reason that tugged at Yuki's thoughts. As a fan of the One Piece anime and manga in his past life, the prospect of meeting the Straw Hat Pirates ignited a sense of excitement within him. The opportunity to interact with the very characters he had once admired on a screen was a dream come true. Yuki was determined not to let this chance slip through his fingers.

As the chat group buzzed with their plans, Black Star's declaration resonated. "I will go there in the following days," he wrote.

If only Kaido knew that Black Star's exit was imminent, a simple message from Yuki triggering this decision, he would gladly prostrate himself before Yuki, willing to lick his feet in gratitude for ridding him of Black Star.

The Fool: "I will go to marineford using my own means." he declared, convinced that him leaving Whole Cake Island to go to the Archipelago would just spread more chaos.

All Might: "I thought you would help me get healed," he wrote, fearing that Yuki would once again tell him that he would help him later on.

Fake Flügel: "Do not worry, the method to heal you is at the Sabaody Archipelago."

After writing the last message, Yuki closed the interface of the chat group. Without wasting any time, he launched himself into the air, his newly unlocked potential propelling him forward with astonishing speed. Flying towards Fish-Man Island, he calculated that the journey wouldn't take more than a few hours. This could be considered very fast compared to ships that need at least days to do the same.

His knowledge of Fish-Man Island's exact location didn't come by chance. Yuki had made a strategic detour, landing on the nearest island to acquire an Eternal Pose that would guide him to Fish-Man Island.

After hours of flight, occasionally employing the teleportation spell 'shift' to expedite his journey, Yuki found himself soaring above the Red Line. Shift is one of the most common spells associated with the Flügel, while at the same time also being one of the most convenient spells in Yuki's repertoire.

From his vantage point, his keen eyes discerned a particular scene, countless Tenryūbito, flagrantly abusing slaves. The sight ignited a spark within Yuki, a deep-seated desire to unleash a full power Heavenly Smite upon the Holy City, to mete out a righteous punishment to these oppressors.

However, as quickly as the thought arose, he dismissed it with a sense of pragmatism. The repercussions of such an audacious act would reverberate far and wide, alerting not only Imu but also the Gorōsei and the Holy Knights. Although Yuki was confident in his ability to inflict considerable damage, he recognized the folly of hastily engaging these unknown variables, realizing that the immediate pursuit of vengeance would yield more harm than good, even for someone like him, who could just teleport away.

"Before I return to my own world, I will certainly come back and unleash a Heavenly Smite." Yuki promised himself. This is certainly within the range of what he is capable of, as he only needs to use 'shift' to teleport and then unleash his magic before returning home.

Just as Yuki made this promise to himself, a cold shiver ran down the spine of the strongest of these so called rulers of this world. Perhaps their observation of Haki had warned them.

As Yuki soared above the Red Line, he deftly brushed aside the enticing but dangerous thoughts. For now, his focus was resolutely fixed on the mission ahead. In an instant, he transformed his trajectory, hurtling earthward in a rapid dive that sliced through the ocean's surface. The water parted like a fleeting memory as he continued his relentless descent, plummeting another ten thousand meters until he finally arrived at Fish-Man Island.

As Yuki's feet touched the hallowed grounds of Fish-Man Island, his senses were immediately assaulted by a chaotic scene unfolding before him. A whirlwind of commotion engulfed the island, as the King's army fervently tore down the once-proud flag of Whitebeard, replacing it with the Jolly Roger of Big Mom. It was a bold move, driven by unwavering faith in the prophetic visions of Sharley.

With a furrowed brow, Yuki pondered the audacity of this flag replacement, even before Whitebeard had drawn his final breath. The anime just mentioned that they chose to pay Big Mom to protect them after the death of Whitebeard, however it did not mention that they already changed their guarantor during the time Whitebeard was still alive.

From a shrewd business perspective, the decision made sense, aligning with Big Mom while Whitebeard still breathed was a strategic move to hedge their bets. By literally tearing down the flag of the world's mightiest man, Fish-Man Island had effectively offended a force that could bring devastation upon them. Thus, they found themselves dependent on Big Mom's protection, seeking solace in her shadow as a shield against Whitebeard's potential wrath. However they were confident that Whitebeard would not survive the upcoming war, resulting in them not having to face the wrath of the strongest man in the world.

However, there was more to this. Yuki's keen intellect recognized another facet of Fish-Man Island's decision. A land that many pirates pass through without a protector stood on precarious ground, vulnerable to the whims of the pirates passing through. Switching to Big Mom while Whitebeard was still alive had another benefit. After all, while they still have a protector, their bargaining power is much higher, due to them not desperately needing a new protector.

But fate has a peculiar sense of irony. Unbeknownst to Fish-Man Island, they had unwittingly chosen Big Mom, someone who had been ensnared by the manipulative strings of Klein. Once Klein departed this world, this powerful pirate crew would inevitably crumble, due to him taking with him all his puppets, resulting in them being reduced to a mere husk devoid of substantial combat power. Like lambs awaiting their inevitable slaughter, the Big Mom Pirates would meet their ultimate fate.

As Yuki ventured deeper into Fish-Man Island, his keen eyes scanned the bustling dock area, searching for any sign of All Might's presence. Utilizing his adept magic skills, he invoked a search spell, hoping to locate his companion amidst the labyrinth of ships and structures. However, to his surprise, the spell yielded an unexpected revelation: All Might was not at the dock but aboard a ship steadily approaching the island.

With bated breath, Yuki patiently awaited the vessel's arrival. Finally, as the ship docked and its gangplank descended, Yuki wasted no time, swiftly making his way towards All Might.

A warm smile graced Yuki's face as he greeted his group member. "Hi, long time not see," Yuki exclaimed.

Yuki's presence had caught All Might off guard, who thought he certainly would be the first to arrive. Momentarily taken aback, the Symbol of Peace instinctively reciprocated the greeting. "It has been quite a while indeed."

Yuki's words drifted with a calm and collected air, tinged with a teasing undertone. "I heard you want to get healed."

A radiant smile spread across All Might's face, his eagerness unabashed. "Yes, yes! Let us not waste any time." he declared, his voice brimming with renewed determination.

Healing, something he dreamed about for over ten years. Certainly All Might was excited and did not want to waste one more moment in fear that Yuki will change his mind.

"Ah, but impatience can be a double-edged sword," Yuki warned, his voice calm and composed. "We may have the luxury of time, but since you seek speed, you must be prepared for what lies ahead."

All Might's mind whirled with confusion as Yuki's cryptic words echoed in his thoughts. Before he could grasp their full meaning, a sudden surge of power lifted him off the ground. The air crackled with magic as Yuki cast a spell, shielding All Might from the crushing pressures of the underwater world and bestowing upon him the ability to breathe beneath the waves for a limited amount of time.

In an instant, Yuki propelled himself forward, his form slicing through the watery abyss with the grace and speed of a shooting star. All Might, still reeling from the sudden turn of events, could only let out an incredulous scream, the words lost in the swirling currents as he clung to this seemingly madman who had taken him on this daring plunge.

Whispers of intrigue and curiosity filled the air. Onlookers were drawn to the extraordinary sight unfolding before them. It was a sight they had never witnessed before, a spectacle that was worth watching!

"Did you see that? Unbelievable!"

"Who is that? How can they move underwater like that?"

"Didn't that guy eat a Devil Fruit! They're defying all logic!"