
31: For Now

The facility began to tremble and shake, that inside thought an earthquake was happening, but they were wrong. On the east side of the facility, the ground split up in two, and from the depths of the earth, a shadow began to move upwards. It was a massive missile, this missile had a blast force and range comparable to a nuclear bomb, but this missile was created specifically for one thing. As soon as the button was pressed, the missile was launched! It began to rise faster and faster towards the sky, some would think it would land somewhere... But no. The missile's target was not on earth, but just right out of it.

The missile's target was the asteroid Charlotte.

Scientists theorized that this asteroid gave a special kind of energy (C-01) that changed human DNA to develop supernatural abilities. What they don't know is that the human DNA has been altered for thousands and thousands of years by this energy (C-01) that originated from the asteroid Charlotte. They were trying to keep these powers permanent, thinking that they would simply vanish after puberty when in reality they vanished only when the DNA would lack energy, which normally was completely used while in puberty, but after a few years, it would come back. They all thought that this energy in the DNA originated from the asteroid, so if the asteroid would be destroyed...

There was no explosion, for sound cannot travel through space, there was only a bright light as the missile the asteroid Charlotte. Everyone in the world could see a bright light coming from the sky, it was the same light as the sun, which confused greatly a lot of people.

For a second two suns shined in the sky, but the second soon vanished from sight. Unknown to many, the explosion caused the energy within Charlotte to expand! The strongest gravity pull that was near enough to attract the energy was earth, the energy then invaded earth, which slowly became full of the C-01 energy. Now, almost 80% of the human population had some modification on their DNA caused by C-01 after generations and more generations, their gene was only dormant. So, what would happen when a huge amount of C-01 energy fused with the earth? All the dormant genes would awaken.

Which is what happened.

Slowly, a lot of people would awaken powers, but that would be In another year. The dormant genes need a lot of energy to awaken, which the body would absorb from the air around from now on. Next year will be known by several people as Dawn of Quirks. Soon, memories of ever seeing the second sun began to disappear from people's memories as they continued to live normally. Every single piece of information in this "second" the sun also disappeared.

-Scene Breaks-

Klein looked up to the sky, not only he saw the missile but he also felt the energy outburst from the asteroid Charlotte. He did not care, after all, that energy was the very same he felt on people with powers, the energy he named C-01. He sighed and smiled, this world will just get even more interesting! He will prepare his students for the chaos that will surge the next year or so, from his analysis, people won't awaken their powers right now because of how long it was dormant. Maybe it would be faster if they ate some Boost Fruits, but Klein doesn't think it may help that much.

He looked at the second sun and decided to confused the future generations. He used his power [All Mighty Powers: Erase (SSS)] to erase every single bit of information or memory of this event, but he did also erased the possibility of a Reality Rewriting event, which was something he could do. Future generations will try to find why did everyone suddenly one day woke up with powers. Klein is certain that chaos will happen and he is all for it. Maybe he will go around causing chaos too, it would be fun at least. Classes ste starting soon, Klein is not the principal of the school he helped open, he is simply a donor for everyone else whole privately he is one of the best teachers there.

What better way to find people to torture than a school with people that probably will have tons of different powers!? Klein can even open a school that teaches children to control their powers! It is a great idea, but chaos comes first. Klein soon remembered he was in the middle of the ocean on the northern side of Japan, so he simply flew back to where Max was.

As soon as he landed, he saw Max holding her head with blood flowing down her nose. Klein thinks that his previous attack, which combined both time and space somehow caused damage to Max. Maybe Klein can teach her how to use [Meta Powers: Temporal Slash (A)]? "Are you okay?" Klein asked as he touched Max's head and used [Meta Powers: Full Regeneration (S)] to heal any damages that she might have gotten from the backlash. "I'm fine! Just some headache... A huge headache." Max chuckled as she got up from the ground, Chloe who was beside Max was confused. A second ago she saw Max freeze, Klein teleport beside her and telling her to stop Time, and a second later she sees Max on the ground bleeding.

"Did some time bullshit happened again!?" Chloe asked as she helped Max get up from the ground. They were on a date in the streets of Japan, this was the first time they have been here so they were exploring and having fun, but then it happened. "It's okay now. Everything's fine." Max answered as he hugged Chloe and looked at Klein who nodded to confirm her words. Everything is technically fine...

For now at least...