
32: Ing

"Brother! Wake up! You're gonna be late!" A joyful, young voice echoed from a room in a cozy, simple house in the streets of Japan. The house had visible problems, like the wood on the floor had some small holes, the walls had cracks, the ceiling had some visible yet smaller holes than those on the floor. This house's walls also were moist and the dark areas had some fungi growing there. The windows were broken and placed together so they wouldn't open, the door was made of rusty metal which would make an irritating noise when dragged through the floor to open. The room where the voice came from was pretty nice.

The walls were cleaner, the floor had the holes caused by termites were closed with some sort of grey matter which was hard as a rock. There was a cabinet in the left side corner of the room, on top of the cabinet there were some items. A small, table lamp, a portrait, and a book. The book's title was [Memento Mori] while the cover of the book was a circle with a skull and other smaller details. "Just five more minutes..." Another voice answered the first one as the light came through the window and shone in the sleeping person's eyes.

This was the Otosaka residence, where currently both Yu Otosaka and Ayumi Otosaka lived. Yu, as a 16 years old teenager that he was, slept late that night, also he and his sister packed a lot of stuff. Yesterday he was just confronted by a white-haired girl who also had powers, but her powers were to be invisible to only one person at a time, which in his opinion is pretty useless. "Brother!" The smaller yet somehow stronger Ayumi shouted as she cutely tried to shake her brother awake, Yu chuckled as he got up from his futon. "Okay, okay, okay... I'm up. Now let me go before I start to tickle you till you die." Ayumi took this threat seriously as she dashed away in fright while Yu chuckled. He loved his sister, ever since their mother died and their father left, they now lived in this house since it was the only one they had.

They paid the bills with the help of an unknown uncle. Unknown in the fact that they never saw this man, yet he sends them money, which Yu won't complain about. He sent them the essentials so they could live, the house still needed repairs, but it was a home, cozy and sweet home. Yu sighed as he remembered how he was forced to join the new school that he is in, his little sister and he packed a lot of stuff so they could move out of this house to a new one.

Just yesterday night their "uncle" called them and they were practically forced to move out. How so? Their "uncle" told them that he was getting some money so they could live in a good home, that was why he only sent them enough money to live and pay the bills, then he said that today a truck would come to take the things of their house into their new apartment and that they should pack... He did not accept a no as an answer as he had already paid enough money so they could live there for months. He also would monthly give them money so they can buy what they need/want.

Yu sincerely thought it was a joke, but because he soon received a notification on the phone he was able to buy after months of working on part-time jobs so he could have enough money, about a deposit on his account. It was 10 times more money than they ever received from their "uncle"! So all he could do was to agree and move out, which was why both he and his sister packed a lot of things yesterday. He didn't know how his sister was able to wake up before him, she was such a hard worker! He of course helped her as he could, cleaning things here and there, and helping cooking. "Ayumi! Are you ready?" Yu asked as he wore his clothes, he soon heard a knock on the door and went to open it, he soon was in front of a man wearing a blue uniform.

"Hello. Is this the Otosaka household?" The man asked, as soon as Yu nodded, the man looked behind and nodded, from the truck other five men appeared. Yu was about to stop them when he saw what was written on the side of the truck. "Ing Industries?" This was a well-known industry, it was known as Ing Industries. This industry appeared two years ago but soon became the most popular for having good service and good payment for their employees. Some things in his house are even from Ing, which was high quality and cheap! He sighed knowing that his "uncle" was serious about moving out. "Otosaka Yu?" A woman approached him, she was wearing a man suit with a tight on her neck, which made her incredibly gorgeous. "Y-yeah." The woman was professional, she did not care that the boy looked at her with a mixture of lust and confusion.

"Sign here, here, here, and here." She showed him a document that he needed to sign, which was the authorization to move the things they had on the house, and that no one on Ing Industries would be responsible for any accidents that may occur. Yu read what he had to sign, which the woman nodded to, it is important to read every single word of a document you need to sign. So you don't accidentally sell your soul... The percentage is low, but never zero~.

As Yu read the documents, the five men began to move furniture and boxes, they worked hard as their muscles could be seen under their uniform, moving and pulsing as they moved. Ayumi was also trying to help, which Yu could only shake his head to and stop her so that those men could do their work properly without her interference. Five minutes later everything they owned was in the truck, the five men worked efficiently and extremely fast, it was not for nothing that Ing Industries are famous! The woman nodded her head and read the document when everything was done, as she saw Yu's signature she nodded and asked: "We also offer free transport if you do not have any way of transporting to your new abode. Do you wish to?" She asked as it was the protocol to offer free transport to their new location. Yu thought for a second and nodded, it would be better to take the free transportation rather than go with the truck or use public transportation.

Hours later, they were in front of their new home... A condominium, owned by the Ing Industries.