Here is a Telugu joke. A man goes to a fruit seller and asks, 'How much for one mango?' The seller says, '10 rupees.' The man says, 'I will take 10 for 50 rupees.' The seller is shocked and says, 'Are you mad? I can't do that.' The man replies, 'Well, you should learn from my tailor. He stitches one suit for me and gives me two shirts for free!'
A Telugu joke goes like this. A man was at a restaurant. He ordered a very expensive dish. When the waiter brought it, the man tasted it and made a face. He said, 'This tastes like my wife's cooking!' The waiter was worried and said, 'Sir, is it that bad?' The man said, 'No, it's just that I can't afford it at home either!'
Here is one. A Telugu man went to the market to buy a chicken. He asked the seller, 'How much for this small chicken?' The seller said, '100 rupees.' The man said, 'But it's so small!' The seller replied, 'It's a special breed, very tasty.' The man said, 'Okay, I'll take it.' When he got home, he found out it was a baby parrot instead! His family had a good laugh about his 'chicken' purchase.
There was this hunter who thought he was a great tracker. He followed some tracks in the snow for hours, thinking he was about to find a huge bear. When he finally found the 'creature', it turned out to be his own dog who had been wandering around in the woods all morning.
Another joke is: What's the key to a great Thanksgiving dinner? The turKEY. This is a pun as we often think of a key as something that unlocks or is important, and in this case, the 'turKEY' is made to seem like the most crucial part of the Thanksgiving dinner in a funny way.
Another joke is: What do you get when you cross a turkey with a banjo? A turkey that can pluck itself! These kind of jokes add a lot of humor to the Thanksgiving spirit.