
Yugioh: New Duelists X

Yuji Kusanagi a 15 years old boy who likes playing DM. But after a certain event involving DM, he was expelled from his school, then his parents decide to burn all his cards and duel disk. Fed up, he ran away from home and decide to become a duelist like he always wanted.

DSComeback · 漫画同人
72 Chs

☆18: Reaching for The Master


Jaden's mouth wide agape, his jaw looks like it is almost fallen if not for his skin and muscle holding it.

All the HERO on his field are destroyed in an instant with just a single flip of a card.

"No... way...", said Syrus weakly after witnessing the demise of Jaden's HEROes.

Yuji's eyelid twitched looking at the destroyed monsters, "Ugh..."

Contrary to them, Crowler immediately stands up with both fist raised to the sky.

[Goooood Joooob! Signoraaa Sakura!!]

Meanwhile, upstairs, their particular questionable senior laughs at their misfortune.

"Hahahahahaha! They get Mirror'ed!"

Alexis frowned as she's looking worriedly at Jaden.

[Do your best Jaden! I know you still had a way out... right?], think her as she bites her lower lip.

"Damn... I'm messed up!"

Jaden quickly looking at his remaining cards, and examined which one would be the best card for the current situation, or latter situation for holding out Aster until Yuji's turn.

"Kuri", then beside him a spirit of Winged Kuriboh appears to remind and guiding him.

"Winged Kuriboh?", said Jaden, surprised.

"Kuri!!!", The Winged Kuriboh quickly points him to a certain card in his hand.

"This card? Gotcha! Thank you for the help, partner!"

The Winged Kuriboh rolled his body happily, and then come back into his deck.

Jaden then placed a card, "Kuh! Turn end!", announced him, sweating.

He turned his head to Yuji, "Sorry Yuji...", apologized to him.

Yuji waved his hand, "No need! We've still had 4700 Life Points left, besides... it's common for a duelist to fall on the trap", smiles him.

Jaden nods, "Um, You're right! As long as we still have Life Points and cards left, the duel isn't over yet!", told him, clenching his fist tightly.

Both of them then turned their attention to Aster, both of them instinctively knows that the next turn would be the start of the true battle.

The turn when the power of The Destiny HERO series would be revealed.

Both of their hearts began to beat rapidly, cold sweat began to trickle down the back of their necks, and their blood flowed full of adrenaline.

Aster stood smiling with his eyes closed while holding his hips like a Vogue Model. He then open his eyes.

"Jaden Yuki, Yuji Kusanagi, and also Sakura Isshiki. I bet the three of-", he then shakes his head, and turn his attention to the spectators present.

"I bet all of you are dying to know what Destiny HERO series looks like and their abilities"

He then shifted his gaze towards the opposing opponents.

"As a Pro I have no obligation to show you all my TRUE deck, but... since it's a special occasion I'll make an exception this once!"

Aster put his two fingers on his deck, "Here I go seniors, Draw!", and beautifully made an arch.

Looking at the cards in his hand, Aster can't help but to show a mischievous grin.

"Chanting...", told him slowly.

"Whenever the three of you are fusion summoning a monster, all of you would always chant, as to announce their arrival"

Aster smirk, "It is uncanny. Very rarely I got to witness someone doing it, not even in The Pro League I have witness something like your seniors do"

He nods smiling, "However, I do like it. A Pro's job is not only to win, but also to entertains and mesmerized the audiences", told him as he watches the spectators present.

Yuji slightly narrowed his eyes, [A Pro Duelist job isn't only to win, but also to entertains the audience?]

Somehow, Aster's words strangely struck a chord within him.

Aster took a card, "From my hand I activate the spell card Polymerization", told him as he placed the card into the Duel Disk's blade.

He then took two cards from his hand, and shows it to the opponents and the audiences, the materials for the fusion summoning.

"I send Destiny HERO Malicious and Destiny HERO Celestial from my hand to The Cemetery to fuse them!", after that he discard the 2 cards plus Polymerization on the plating to The Cemetery zone.

A vortex of Blue and Orange energy swirls together, suddenly appears behind Aster.

The two monsters begin glowing, each with a different color, and then swallowed into the center of the vortex as a comet-like form.

"The HERO afflicted with Demonic curse! The HERO who granted Divine blessing! Combine into one, and rule over this dark future!", Aster raised his hands like he's receiving a divine grace.

"Fusion Summon!", yells him as Aster clenching his hands together by intertwining the fingers, creating a snake hand seal.

The arena become darker, with only the moon from the field spell Skyscraper illuminating them.

The moon projection slowly increasing in size as if it's falling, some of the spectators present begin to panic if it isn't because of Crowler reminding them that the falling moon is just a holographic projection, a chaotic event would probably ensure.

"Look!", shouted a student, pointing his finger towards the falling moon.

In front of the pale luminescent moon, an unknown figure jumps from the Skyscraper with his back facing it, overshadowing the moon. It is unknown why, but the moon in question stops falling after the mysterious figure appears.

"Come on! Destiny HERO Dystopia!!", exclaimed Aster.

Golden Corinthian helmet with a big letter 'D' engraved on the forehead, wearing a futuristic battle suit with midnight blue color like the starless night sky. The knight-like HERO appears in front of his master making a battle stance to intimidate their enemies.

Destiny HERO Dystopia (LV.8)

ATK/2800 DEF/2400

Clenching his fist, Aster exclaimed.

"The HERO series who outstripped all HERO, and the evolution of Elemental HERO! That is The D-series! Death, Doom, Destroy, The Destiny HERO!!!"

Jaden's eyes twinkling, "A- awesome!! So this is Destiny HERO? The Evolution of The Elemental HERO series?!"

He then turned his attention to his mounted deck, [That's mean... my Elemental HEROes, can it still evolve?!]

Aster raised his right hand, "Dystopia's effect activate! If this HERO is special summoned, target one level 4 or lower Destiny HERO in The Cemetery, and deals damage to the opponent equal to the chosen HERO's attack"

He continues, "The one I target is Destiny HERO Celestial in The Cemetery! Go, and deals 1600 damages to Jaden!"

D-HERO Dystopia clenched his fist then opens it, creating a dark blue rotating sphere on the top of his palm.

"Dystopia, Squeezed Palm!", ordered Aster pointing his finger to Jaden.

The Knight-like HERO then throws it to him.

"Keh!", Jaden who witness the coming sphere raised his arms to block it. But it was in vain, because the sphere explodes the moment it comes into contact with his body.

Jaden-Yuji |4700>3100|

Everyone had their opinion on which effect is the best? The anime or the real life one?

Dystopia's anime effect were totally different from the one Aster were using right now. It was stated in the database that Dystopia (anime) can inflict damage equal to the attack of monster used for his fusion summoning.

Meaning, if Aster were using D-HERO Dogma as the material, he can immediately inflict a whooping 3000 damages at once.

Of course, if there is a downside, that he can only use that effect if Dystopia were fusion summoned.

But don't think a real life effect is weaker. Unlike the anime counterpart, the real life counterpart of Dystopia can use that effect as long he was Special Summoned.

So if you are fusion summoning him, special summoning him from the extra deck outside the mechanic (ex: Waking The Dragon), reviving him from The GY (ex: Monster Reborn), etc.

Even if it can only deal damage 1600 at best (the highest attack most Level 4 or lower level D-HERO have is 1600), as long you are skilled enough, you can abuse Dystopia's first effect.

Of course, the same can also apply to his second effect.

"Dystopia's effect still continue. First, banish Destiny HERO Dynatag in The Cemetery to activate his ability", yells Aster pointing his palm to Jaden's direction.

Aster's Duel Disk ejects Dynatag's card, then he quickly put it into The Banishment zone.

"Dynatag's effect allow me to target one Destiny HERO on the field, and add 1000 attack to it until the end of my opponent's next turn", explained him.

The ghost of Dynatag appears beside Dystopia, and patted his shoulder with his hand engulf in orange-sunset aura, transferring his remaining power to his brethren.

D-HERO Dystopia (LV.8)

ATK/2800>3800 DEF/2400

Dystopia give him a thumb up, and Dynatag replied by giving him a thumb up as well, before disappears into golden dust.

"Now, activate the second effect of Dystopia! Except during the damage step, If Dystopia's attack is different from his original attack, return it to its original value, and destroy one card on the field"

Aster then pointing his index finger toward the set card containing the scarecrow.

"Dystopia, destroy Yuji's Scrap-Iron Scarecrow", ordered him, "Noble Justice!"

D-HERO Dystopia extends his right hand, the seal on his palm opens revealing a dark abyssal hole-like tunnel that start to inhale the air, debris, dirt at super speed like with the vacuum power of a black hole.

The holographic image of the set card were forcefully flipped and revealing a scarecrow made from a man's junks.

Then, like the air and debris, the scarecrow was swallowed into the hole, sending it directly to another dimension called The Cemetery zone.

"With this, one annoying trap is gone", smiled Aster with Sakura who nods along at his words.

Aster's expression become more serious, "Let's go to the battle phase, shall we?!"

"Time for a direct attack!", He clenched his fist, then extend his hand, opening his palm directing an order to his HERO.

"Dystopia, attack Jaden Yuki directly!"

Dystopia rush toward Jaden quickly, etching his footprint to the floor and creating a massive dust behind.

"Dystopia Blow!", yell Aster.

Looking at the incoming D-HERO, Jaden let out a smirk, "Reveal the set card! Quick-play spell, Flute of Summoning Kuriboh!"

Jaden quickly placed a card from his deck, "Lend me your strength! My partner, Winged Kuriboh!"

A brown fur ball fairy with pure white wings emerges on Jaden's side.

Winged Kuriboh (LV.1)

ATK/300 DEF/200

Chazz kicked the seat in front of him.

[It's that damned Fur Ball again!!!], shouts him in his mind, looking at Winged Kuriboh with a murderous expression.

Aster grit his teeth slightly, "Winged Kuriboh, isn't it?!"

[If I'm not mistaken, Winged Kuriboh have the effect to prevent battle damage as long as it is destroyed and sent to The Cemetery from the field]

Dystopia launches his fist, striking Winged Kuriboh with a powerful uppercut, sending him to the heaven above.

"If Winged Kuriboh is destroyed and sent to The Graveyard from the field. For the rest of this turn, I take no battle damage", grins Jaden.

Aster snorted, "You're lucky this turn, but heed my words 'next time you won't be so lucky', Jaden Yuki", remarks him as he set a card without batting an eye, then ending his turn.

Jaden rubs his nose, "We'll see about that", told him.

Next is Yuji's turn. Jaden had done a good job to defend and stalled the opponent's attack.

Now it is up to him to begin the counterattack.

[So that's The Destiny HERO series that surpassed all HERO series? It's impressive, but-],

"It doesn't mean our Elemental HERO pales in comparison to them", exclaimed Yuji.

Aster shifted his gaze from Jaden to Yuji.

"You're free to try, but... don't regret it", taunts Aster.

Yuji nods, "Then I shall accept that challenge", told him, smiling as his green eyes become slightly brighter.

"Hm?!", The moment Yuji said the words, Aster felt a foreboding sensation as he is buried and crushed beneath the cold ice and snow.

Sakura beside him sighs, it seems she knew what will going to happen to someone who rather full of himself or his particular deck, and speculates that Aster's Destiny HERO will face an accident, and it'll be a bad one.

"My move, Draw!", shouts Yuji.

He took a glance, and amused by it,"Ah...", his pupils expands, and without further ado he put the newly drawn card into the blade as he left out a chuckle.

"I normal summon Elemental HERO Bubbleman in face-up defense position!"

A HERO who resembling a bootleg Batman from DC Comic appears on the field, kneeling while letting out the refreshing aura like a morning dew.

E•HERO Bubbleman (LV.4)

ATK 800/DEF 1200

Aster slightly narrowed his eyes, and whispers.

"There isn't a single card on their field except Bubbleman"

Yuji clenched his right hand.

"When Bubbleman is summoned, and if I control no other card, I can draw 2 cards!"

Aster closed his eyes after witnessing E•HERO Bubbleman's effect, as if like he's already expecting that.

"I activate the spell card Fusion Substitute. The fusion materials are one HERO monster and one water attribute monster. I fuse Elemental HERO Liquid Soldier in my hand, and Elemental HERO Bubbleman on the field!"

Yuji raised his hand and start chanting.

"The HERO who wield the power of the coldest ice and merciless winter! Become the avalanche that return everything to ZERO!"

A whirlpool of energy appears on the ground where E•HERO Bubbleman and Liquid Soldier jumped together toward it, then disappears alongside the whirlpool.

The floor froze quickly, accompanied by the thick white mist. Piercing blade-like crystal ices rose from beneath, with the largest tombstone-like crystal containing a silhouette of a man.

Smiling, Yuji claps his hands.

"Fusion Summon!"

All the blades-like crystals, and the giant tombstone-like crystal, shattered! Creating a cold, dense mist all over the place.

"Lend me your strength, Elemental HERO Absolute Zero!"

The mist subsides, revealing a new HERO in shinning white armor.

E•HERO Absolute Zero (LV.8)

ATK/2500 DEF/2000

Aster's face paler, as the hairs on his body stood up on edge, and his heart stops beating as if someone squeezing it with a very cold hand.

As a Pro Duelist, Aster has cultivated his dueling sense over the years to the points he can gauge his opponent, and specifically their monster.

[That Elemental HERO... is a bad news!]

Yuji continues, "Then, If Liquid Soldier is sent to The Graveyard or Banished for a material for fusion summoning a HERO monster, I can draw two cards and then discard one"

After doing the process, he then shows another card to Aster.

"Then, I activate the spell card Advance Draw!"

The newly stood HERO gradually become translucent like water surface, and finally disappears into clustering blue lights.

"By tributing one Level 8 or higher monster on the field, I can draw two cards", explained Yuji.

[He tributes his monster?], wonders Aster.

The clustering blue lights combined into a sphere of ice that hovering in midair.

Yuji who noticed Aster's confused gaze let out a smirk.

"Absolute Zero's effect, if this card leaves the field...", he paused.

Sakura frowning, "Brace yourself for a blizzard", warned Sakura coldly as she squinted her eyes sharp as a dagger looking at her Pro Duelist partner who is still confused.

When Aster turns his head toward Sakura, and then-

"BANG!", laughs Jaden as he imitates a gun shot with his hand.

The sphere explodes, creating a vicious gust of cold wind, mist, ice fragments, and shockwave all over the arena.

The HEROes on Aster and Sakura's field instantly frozen into a statue of ice, a second after it frozen, it immediately shatters into icy dust.

Yuji smirks, "If Absolute Zero leaves the field, destroy all monster the opponent controls"

Jaden, who watched this, awkwardly laughs.

"Iya~ No matter how much I saw it, the destructive ability of Absolute Zero is always surprising...", Sakura who hears Jaden's comment also nods.

"No way... my Destiny HERO is- Kuhn!", with surprised looks, Aster bit his lip and snapping himself out from the shock.

"See? Even The Destiny HERO which have surpassed The Elemental HERO can be defeated easily", told Yuju as he was starred by the furious Aster.

But after a moment, Aster let out a deep sigh, "Absolute Zero's effect is a shocker, but I still have a card to reverse it!"

He quickly waved his hand, "Reverse card open, Destiny Mirage!"

A big puddle made from tar and shadow appears on Aster and Sakura's field.

"Come back, Dystopia!", and The Destiny HERO which had been destroyed comes back, emerging from it.

"So it is the same type of effect like the trap card Elemental Mirage?", said Yuji amazed.

Aster nods, "That's right. Destiny Mirage's effect, when a D-HERO monster I control is destroyed and sent to The Cemetery by the opponent's card effect, I can return all of them to the field at the same turn"

The corner of his mouth arch upward

"By the way, do you still remember Dystopia's effect?"

Aster asked him, which Yuji replied by slowly nodding with a sour expression.

He extends his hand, "It's a revenge! Dystopia, inflict damage to Kusanagi!"

Unlike the first one with Jaden, this time D-HERO Dystopia created two dark blue rotating spheres.

"Squeezed Palms!", yell Aster.

Yuji immediately raised his hand to block the upcoming spherical missiles. Alas, he still got damage.

"Aaaaghh!", Jaden-Yuji |LP 3100>1500|

Their LP immediately cuts in half, and Aster smiling as he's looking at Yuji's painful expression.

"As expected of a Pro, using Mirage to not only revive, but also trigger Dystopia's effect to inflict damage. Clever tactic, I should say", compliments Yuji.

"So let me return it to you!", told him, grinning.

"First, I activate Fusion Substitute's effect in The Graveyard"

Yuji's Duel Disk then ejects two cards from the slot for The Graveyard zone.

"I banish the spell card Fusion Substitute from The Graveyard", Yuji then placed the card into The Banishment zone.

"Then, by returning one Fusion Monster from The Graveyard to The Extra deck, I can draw one card from the deck!"

Yuji return the card, then when he placed his fingers on the top of the mounted deck-

[This sensation!]

When he placed his fingers on the top of the mounted deck, Yuji felt that the tip of his fingers keep getting hotter as if he touches a boiling water.

"Is that... you?", asked Yuji as he's looking at his main deck.

The corner of his mouth bend upward, "Heh!", and a strange happy feeling filled his heart.


With exciting vigor, Yuji draws the card as if he's winning a jackpot 777 from the slot machine.

[I knew it... it's You!]

Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon, a Level 8 DARK Dragon type monster that once destroyed The Duel Academy's Duel Arena alongside Sakura's Venomous Dragon.

"Do you want to try Aster?", asked Yuji in low tone, but sadly there isn't any reply... not a normal one that is.

The hand where he is holding Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon's card is getting hotter, which Yuji interpret it as a YES from him.


Aster, who is looking at Yuji is confused, and he somewhat felt a disturbing prickling sensation as someone pokes his back with a sharp object.

Yuji quickly shows Aster a card, "Now, I activate the trap card Graverobber from my hand"

"How?! You can't activate a trap card from the hand, and even if you do, the trap card Graverobber doesn't have the description that it can be activated from the hand!", shouts Aster, confused.

Yuji showing a gleeful smile, "It can. But to do it, you must activate the other card's effect first"

"Other card's effect?", Aster wonders for a second, thinking how to activate a trap card beside setting it first and then wait your next or the opponent's turn.

The closest thing he got is by doing it with the help of using the spell card Temple of The Kings.

In the spectator's seat behind Yuji, an upperclassman named Kei Mavis squinted her eyes.

"I see... so you used his card", told her as he let out a chuckle.

Zane took a glanced at Kei, [His card?]

Before the tag team duel, to strengthen his deck and strategy further, Yuji visited the Duel Research Society's HQ to acquire more information.

There, he found a video and articles about The Battle City Quarterfinals that were held years ago.

In certain old articles he reads, he found an interesting info about a certain duelist, the runner-up of The Battle City tournament.

The one who faced The Duel King Yugi Muto in The Battle City's final.

The name is...

"Marik Ishtar", grins Kei Mavis.

That is when Yuji acquired the information about Marik's deck, and in his deck there is a special card, specifically a card named-

"Makyura the Destructor", said Yuji.

"That is the name of the card. Makyura has the effect that during the turn it was sent to The Graveyard, I can activate Trap Cards from the hand", explained Yuji.

Aster held his chin, "I see, now that I remember it, there is a duelist named Marik Ishtar who used that card in the past when The First Battle City is held"

Yuji nods at his words, then immediately extend his palm toward Aster.

"Let's continue. I activate Graverobber's effect to steal one card from the opponent's Graveyard (anime)"

Out of nowhere, a short kid with a mischievous expression plastered on his face emerges beside Yuji holding the spell card, Monster Reborn.

His Duel Disk gives him a similar card, then Yuji raised it for the opponents to see.

"Return to our side, Elemental HERO Bladedge!"

A blue pillar of light comes out from the sky, transporting The Elemental HERO clad in golden armor back into action.

E•HERO Bladedge (LV.7)

ATK/2600 DEF/1800

"Elemental HERO Bladedge... I see, so your plan is to revive him then attack Destiny HERO Dystopia with the help of Skyscraper's effect"

Aster let out a mischievous smile like a Con Artist, "Good option, but-"

With a nonchalant attitude, Aster waved his hand casually, activating the last set card on their field, which is the trap card... Waboku.

"Waboku's effect. This turn, I take no battle damage and all monster on my field can't be destroyed by battle", explains him.

Waboku, a trap card that existed since the debut of Duel Monster game.

A trap card capable of nullifying even the worst outcomes of a Battle Phase, and since it can be used at any moment and in any build, makes it highly reliable.

"Hmph! With this, your Battle Phase is the same as over", snorted Aster.

What Aster said can be regard as true. With Waboku, Yuji can't destroy D-HERO Dystopia, let alone dealing damage.

Even so, this doesn't hinder Yuji at all, and listening to Aster made him smiled.

"You sure about that?!"

"What?", asked Aster, a bit confused.

"With Waboku, my battle phase is almost the same as it over, that's true"

"But, it doesn't mean I can't inflict damage to you", said Yuji, then looking at the back of E•HERO Bladedge.

"A simple intimidation won't work on me", Aster squinted his eyes, wondering what kind of card he will use.

Yuji's eyes lit up, "I'll show it to you, Aster!", shouted him.

Jaden clenched his hand, "Yuji... are you really going to use that?!", asked him, looking at Yuji with excited eyes.

"You really know me", replied Yuji, which he then continued to activate another card from his hand.

"This is the answer, Aster. First, I activate the spell card Double Summon"

He continues, "Then, I tribute Elemental HERO Bladedge on the field for this guy!"

Yuji took a card from his hand, and raised it high for everyone to see.

"From the dark dimension, you who wield the flame of destruction".

Inside the world of darkness, where chaos and destruction reign. One dragon stood up at the mountain's peak, gazing at the black sun above.

The dragon roared, and flaps his majestic wings, flying quickly toward the black sun.

"Set ablaze the enemy that stand in front of your dual-colored eyes!"

The dragon roared again, and his two different colors eyes started glowing more intensely!

"Advance summon!"

The dragon roared, shooting a crimson-blood fireball which destroyed the world's boundary.

"This feeling!"

Sakura turned her attention to her deck, she felt that Starving Venom Fusion Dragon are roaring intensely and ordering her to quickly summon him to fight against Yuji's dragon.

With a worried expression she held her deck trying to calm him down.

"Shhh... I'll summon you later, okay?", said her smiling like a mother sings a lullaby to her child, which made the roaring stops.

Aster's mouth twitched, forehead creased, eyes brimming with anxiety.

Grinning, Yuji shouted:

"Arrive in Fire, Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon!!"

Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon (LV.8)

ATK/3000 DEF/2500

The space above Yuji shattered like broken mirror, and a crimson, majestic dragon emerges from another dimension.



Some spectators shouted, whistle, and cheering at the appearance of the mighty dragon, while the others started panicking, afraid of the dragon and afraid if the previous event would repeat.

The dragon landed beside Yuji and Jaden's side. Roaring intensely toward Aster, which face had become paler.

Aster's body trembling, "What... what is that dragon?!"

The moment he laid his eyes on it, he instinctively felt a mysterious and oppressive force.

Even he knew it was a holographic image, he can't help but to gulp his own saliva and steps back a bit.

If Elemental HERO Absolute Zero's oppressive pressure is akin to being buried alive under the snow and ice, slowly freezing to death.

Then the pressure The Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon emits is like being trapped inside a burning wicker man, a sacrifice to plead to the outer god.

"Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon. One of the remaining cards that I...", Yuji stops talking, as he's looking at Odd-Eyes with prideful yet sadden eyes.

"Odd-Eyes...", whispered Aster.

He grits his teeth, and staring intensely at Yuji.

First, he used a bunch of Elemental HEROes that alien to him, and now he summoned an Eyes-Dragon like Seto Kaiba and Joey Wheeler.

[Yuji Kusanagi, who... who are you really?!]

Asked Aster in his mind, as he's looking at him with envy and frustrated expression.

Yuji's eyebrows narrowed, and with a smile, he says, "Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon's effect activate!"

He continues, "If Odd-Eyes is tribute summoned, destroy one monster the opponent controls, and inflict damage to the opponent equal to that monster's original attack!"

"Such a powerful effect!", yells Aster, surprised.

Yuji slightly gritted his teeth, then extends his fist toward D-HERO Dystopia, ordering the mighty dragon to destroy the opposing HERO.

"Odd-Eyes, Let's break The Destiny!",

The mighty dragon's dichromatic eyes and the orbs embedded in his body all starts to shine.

Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon opens his mouth, inhaling the surrounding air, gathering the energy in his mouth creating two different colors of flames, and then firing it in a streamlined wave like a laser beam toward Aster.

The D-HERO Dystopia glanced at Aster, then shifted his gaze to the mighty dragon. He clenched his fist, and began to run toward the dragon.

"Annihilation Force!", Yuji yelled.

D-HERO Dystopia jumped, spreading his arms and crashing his body toward the dragon's breath attack, hoping to contain the energy and defend his dear master.

"Dystopia!", screamed Aster.

Alas, the attack was too much for a HERO like him.

The streamlined-like beam attack, pierced through his torso, and crashing at his dear master that he wants to protect.


Aster screams as he is showered in the wave of flame, face distorted in agony.

Aster-Sakura |LP 4300>1500|

The D-HERO Dystopia witness his master getting attacked, the image of his agonizing face etched into his mind.

His body fall to the ground, creating a dull SPLAT sound.

Dystopia's body start to disintegrates, turning into glittering blue ashes, but his gaze still plastered on Aster's figure.

As he's extending his hand, trying to reach him...