
Yugioh: New Duelists X

Yuji Kusanagi a 15 years old boy who likes playing DM. But after a certain event involving DM, he was expelled from his school, then his parents decide to burn all his cards and duel disk. Fed up, he ran away from home and decide to become a duelist like he always wanted.

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72 Chs

☆19: Full Crash

"Go, Yuji!"

Syrus shouted excited, he can't believe that Yuji managed to get Aster on the same boat.

"You've got it!", said Alexis, nodding happy.

Misawa held his chin, "Nice one, Kusanagi", told him approving over Yuji.

"Hmph", Zane rested his chin on his crossed fingers, narrowed his eyebrows and eyes watching the duel attentively.

Don't take his grunts as a refusal, or any form of critics. He just enjoys watching their duel, and can't help but feel envious toward the Slifer freshmen because they manage to duel someone as good as Aster.

If the Chancellor, which turned to be his Cyber Style teacher allows him to fill in Jaden and Yuji's shoes by dueling Aster, even if he doesn't have any obligation to do it, he would surely take those offer and happy to do it.

He wants to duel! So bad that his fingers tips are starting to get itchy.

"Hmph [Those freshmen... they are good]"

If he has any chance after their duel, would it be Aster, Sakura, or even The Slifer freshmen, he would issue a challenge directly to them to quench his thirst for a duel.

Unlike him, the one beside Zane doesn't have the same opinion.

"Che, they are good because of the cards, without it, they just so-so", criticized Kei.

She then shifted her gaze to Yuji.

"Especially that cheeky brat Ara- Kusanagi", told her, almost blurred out Yuji's real last name.

Meanwhile, on the spectator's seat only for the teacher and staff...

"Geh! Not even a Pro could beat them, is it alright if they're continued studying here and not go straight to The Pro League no...né?", sighs Crowler looking gloomy.

"Haha, you don't say", laughs Chancellor Shephard.

Crowler turned his head to Chancellor Shephard, "But Chancellor!"

Shephard shakes his head, "Now Now, the duel is still ongoing. We don't know which end up winning or losing", told him as he put his hand on Crowler's shoulder.

Crowler then bit his handkerchief, [Signore Aster, Signora Sakura. Ai pray for your success!]

Aster-Sakura |LP 4800>2000|

D-HERO Dystopia disappears from the field, leaving Aster and Sakura's field defenseless.

It's fortunate that Yuji's battle phase is the same as over because Waboku, so even if he attack Aster directly with Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon, he can't bring their Life Points down.


Aster tried to stands up, even thought he was attacked by a holographic image, but for an unknown reason his brain recognized it as a real physical attack and simulating the feeling of pain throughout his body as a reaction stimulus.

"Hehe...", Aster chuckling, "When the last time I feel this excited?"

After being baptized by Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon through pains, rather than dwindling, his dueling spirit and thirst for winning becomes more intense as crimson aura rising from his body like smoke signal.

Aster swept the sweats on his forehead with the sleeve of his tuxedo, "That is quite a painful effect", smiles him, "Not even Blue-Eyes or Red-Eyes have the same effect as your Odd-Eyes"

He continues, "Even so, the fact that you can't beat me in this round proved that Destiny is still on my- OUR side"

"Destiny? Hey, I'm kinda surprised to hear that a Pro like you believed in some fortune-telling shenanigan like Zodiac reading", sneers Yuji.

Aster snorted at Yuji's remarks, he was told by Sartorius that the man in front of him is dangerous and that he's been ordered to exterminate him.

[Sartorius, you're mistaking one thing. The one that would help me in my growth as a duelist isn't Jaden Yuki, but Yuji Kusanagi in front of me!]

Rather than seeing him as an enemy that need to be killed, Aster's opinion on him currently is more like of respectful duelist that he must defeat with everything he's got.

A challenge he must accept and defeat!

"Destiny existed. It is Destiny that brings me to The Duel Academy, it is Destiny that bring the four of us HERO users to duel each other"

Aster's eyes lit up, "It is also Destiny that dictates I must defeat YOU!"

"...?!", Yuji widened his eyes, he felt a strong terrifying pressured come out from Aster.

It felt like someone is holding a gun and pointing it at the back of his head.

Yuji wryly smiles, [looks like I'm waking up the sleeping lion... no, more like reigniting The Fire of The Phoenix!]

Not only Yuji, Jaden also felt the change in Aster's aura and can't help but gulped his saliva.

[This is a Pro?! W- what tyrannical pressure!], think him grinning, excited.

Aster waved his hand, "At this moment activate Vision HERO Increase, Minimum Ray, and Poisoner in The Cemetery!", yelled him.

He continues to explain, "If there is a Vision HERO in The Cemetery and I take battle or effect damage. I can special summon it in The Spell or Trap zone"

Three dark puddles made from tar and shadow appears, revealing a darkened figure with only the upper half of their body.

"Oh? So you've already mastered the use of Vision HERO?", surprised Sakura, even with a blank and stiff expression.

Aster nods, "A Pro or as a duelist in general, we need to know what cards we're playing, of course... that including the tag partner's monster"

He shifts his gaze toward the three darkened figure of The Vision HEROes.

"It's hard to admit, but your Vision HERO is indeed powerful",

He pauses, then continue, "Among The HERO series... I think your Vision HERO has the best synergy with my Destiny HERO series"

Sakura shifted his attention from Aster to her Vision HERO, "Thank you. My father is the one who created those guys for me"

Aster turned his head to Sakura, "Your father made them?"

Sakura nods, "Um..."

Aster smiled, "I see... [So, she's just like me]"

The corner of his mouth bend upward, [Is this also Destiny?]

"It seems being blasted by Yuji's Odd-Eyes have cleared your mind", teased her.

Hearing her teasing, Aster snorted, "Perhaps. But, when it comes to our respective HERO. My Destiny HERO is still the best, more than their E•HERO and your V•HERO"

Sakura sighs, "What a stubborn and cheeky junior"

They both then set their eyes on the opponent.

"Set a card, turn end", announced Yuji.

Sakura turned her head to Aster.

"Well, Yuji already inflict a good deal of damage to us. It is not polite for us to not give him an appropriate response"

"You have a plan?", asked Aster.

Sakura smirks while staring at Yuji, "Watch".

Aster scratches his cheek, wondering what she'll do, but he has a feeling the next thing would be an interesting show to watch.

"Let's bring it to him, Draw!", told her.

She then shows a card, "From my hand, I activate the spell card Graceful Charity. This card allows me to draws 3 cards then discard 2 to The Graveyard"

"One of the cards I discard is Card of Compensation, with the effect to draw 2 cards when the said card is sent to The Graveyard from hand (manga)", explained her, which she later draws 2 cards from her deck.

Not enough, she also draws one more card by using the card in their Graveyard.

"I activate Fusion Substitute's effect. By banishing this card, then... return one Fusion Monster to The Extra Deck, I can draw one card"

After replenishing her hand, Sakura examines each cards to determined which one would be the best for the opening.

"First, I activate Vision Release. This card's effect allow me to special summon one Vision HERO from The Spell or Trap zone to The Monster zone"

Sakura glanced at the backs of the three shadowy figures in her field, then she nods as she had to decided who will be summoned.

"I special summon Vision HERO Poisoner!"

One of the three shadowy figure dissipate into a thick pitch-black smoke, then from the inside the smoke, a new Vision HERO with appearance that resembling the image of a Cobra appears.

V•HERO Poisoner (LV.3)

ATK/900 DEF/700

Sakura raised her hand, "Poisoner's effect activate! If Vision Poisoner is special summoned from The Spell or Trap zone, half the attack of one monster on the field"

She let out a smirk, then points her finger toward the only monster on the opponent's side of the field.

"Do it, Lethal Dose!"

The Vision HERO jumps, and then shot a purple bullet-like liquid toward Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon.

The dragon with dichromatic eyes roared, the liquid bullet of the Vision HERO Poisoner is revealed to be very corrosive, creating sizzling sounds that burns Odd-Eyes armor-like scales with ease.

Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon (LV.8)

ATK/3000>1500 DEF/2500

Yuji gritted his teeth, looking at his precious dragon being weakened.

But Sakura hasn't stopped yet.

"From my hand, I activate the spell card Vision Fusion"

She then explained, "Vision Fusion let me fusion summon one HERO monster by using the material from my hand, field, and... up to two monsters in my Spell or Trap zone!"

She paused a little, then continues.

"But the material in The Spell or Trap zone would be banished instead"

Sakura raised her hand high, "I fuse Vision HERO Poisoner, Increase, and Minimum Ray!"

Grey clouds appear above the field swirling together like a whirlpool accompanied by sparks of lightning that surrounding it like a snake.

But the creepy thing about the gray swirling clouds is that, there is a huge skull peeps in from the center. The skull opened its maw, sucking Vision HERO Poisoner and the two shadowy figures.

"Three Heroes with the power to turn mirage into reality! Combine into one under the guidance of the phantom, and bring demise to your enemy!", chants Sakura as she raised her hand high.

"Fusion summon!", she claps her hands.

The skull retract back behind the gray cloud.

With a dazzling sound and radiant view. The curtain of light opened up from the center of the cloud, which then a Tall shadowy figure slowly descents by basking in the warm light of the sun like an omen.

After his landing, cracks appears all over his pitch-black body, revealing a gleaming red-sunset light of his heavy armor.

"Pierce The Heaven, Vision HERO Trinity!"

Accompanied by the booting sound of the operating system, the lens on The New Vision HERO's helmet begin glowing to signals his awakening.

The new HERO gritted his teeth, then shouts a war cry to announced his arrival.

V•HERO Trinity (LV.8)

ATK/2500 DEF/2000

"Wuooo! What a cool looking HERO! That shinning red armor! The translucent blade-like wings on his back! That tall figure like a mountain! I don't want to admit it but... he is so cool, more than my Thunder Giant!", praised Jaden amazed.

Hearing his compliments, The Huge Red armored HERO coughs and blushing slightly.

"Thank you for the compliment, Jaden. Now, activate Trinity's effect!", told her.

The lens on his chest start glowing, and Vision HERO Trinity let out a huge grin, showing his white teeth like a Cheshire cat.

"After Trinity is fusion summoned, for the rest of this turn... his attack get doubled", said Sakura showing two fingers like V letter to Jaden and Yuji.

V•HERO Trinity (LV.8)

ATK/2500>5000 DEF/2000

"5000 attack?! That's bigger than Obelisk, Cyber End Dragon, and even my Master of Oz!", shouts Chumley, amazed.

"Hey... Obelisk's attack power only 4000, right? That Sakura, I always knew she was exceptional, but... not to this extent ", said Syrus with faltering eyes and sweats running down his right cheek.

Sakura smiled, "Not only that, Trinity can also attack three times during each battle phase"

Misawa frowned, "Not only he has 5000 attack, but can also attack three times in a row! Vision HERO Trinity, what a monster!"

"So this is the power of HERO? A monster with the power to surpass even The Egyptian Gods?!", said Alexis, amazed and scared at the same time.

Syrus, Misawa, Alexis, and Chumley staring worried at Yuji and Jaden.

Yuji smile wryly, "Now that's some game ending monster"

Sakura smiles, "You're right, and guess who will be the first victim of Trinity? I'll bet he would be happy", teased her.

"Haha", Yuji laughs weakly, he doesn't know if he must be happ-

"Yeah, right! Who's going to be happy getting hit by that bulldozer of a HERO?! I'm not some masochist, you know?!"

Sakura's mouth turned into that of crescent smiles with her eyes squinted, "Don't worry... I'll turn you into one soon enough", smirks her.

Yuji gulped his saliva, cold sweats start flowing from his back, and the hairs on his body stood up on end.

"Ha... haha, please don't", laughs him dried.

[Scary... she's scary!]

Sakura snaps her fingers, "Don't give any mercy! Attack with everything you've got!"

The singular lens on Trinity's helmet glowing intensely in crimson rage, with sparks like snake start to appears around the lens repeatedly.

She continues, "Shoot at the speed of light! Triple Trident Threat!!!"

V•HERO Trinity: "Raaahhh!"

Trinity yells a war cry, shooting a powerful Violet beam toward Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon.

"Aaah... Such a shame that a good game would end", sighs Yuji looking toward the coming attack.

Yuji then strike a punching pose toward Trinity, "Strike back, Odd-Eyes!"

Odd-Eyes Advance dragon roared, then fires a spiraling wave of Crimson and Blue fires that coiled and intertwined together.

"Spiral Flame Magnum!", yells Yuji.

Alas, the piercing beam from Trinity is stronger, and easily pushed back the opposing wave of energy.

"This is my VICTORY!", yells Sakura.

The powerful beam pushed back Odd-Eyes' attack, and then pierce through his majestic armor-like scales like it was made from paper.

"Odd-Eyes!", cried Yuji worried.

Looking at the coming light, "Dang it...", Yuji lowered his head down and closed his eyes, accepting the outcome.


Jaden-Yuji |LP 1500>0|