
15 Stuff Happens

I left the empty office and walked back to the large meeting room. I knocked and Director Piggot barked acceptance. I entered the room and saw Armsmaster was there. Vista was still there as well with an awake Tattletale, now officially re-branded as Insight. The PRT representative already had the forms filled out and she had just signed them. The other Undersiders were gone.

"Welcome to the team, Insight. As soon as you decide on a costume, we can have Hive Queen do you up a special reinforced one with protective armor pads and everything." I said and Insight nodded as I sat down beside Vista.

"What did the Head Director want?" Emily Piggot asked without waiting for the PRT rep to leave.

"I thought she wanted me to heal someone after the text messages we exchanged previously. She asked me to follow her into a spare office down the hall. I stepped in and everything went white. When I took another step through more whiteness, I was back in the office and she was gone. Her two guards didn't say anything and left as well."

Emily looked at her watch and frowned. "You've been gone for over half an hour."

"Wait, it's been that long?" I asked. "It definitely didn't feel like half an hour."

Emily glanced at Armsmaster and he nodded. "I have no choice but to put you into M/S protocols for 24 hours."

"Of course, Director. I have no problem with that." I said and Vista took my hand. "I doubt you're allowed to come with me."

"No, she isn't." Emily said. "Armsmaster, escort him to the proper holding cell and bring Miss Militia in for the standard Q & A session. She's spent more time with him than anyone besides Vista."

Armsmaster nodded and motioned for me to follow him. I gave Vista a kiss on the lips and followed the tinkertech armored man out of the room and down into the basement with the holding cells.

"I'm a little impressed that you're not arguing about how unfair it is." Armsmaster said.

"I could argue that it should be 48 hours, except that'll deny the other Wards my expertise on console duty." I said and he let out a huff. "You know Dragon loved my monitor hack and adapted it for her own use in the Birdcage."

"She may have mentioned it." Armsmaster admitted.

"I'd like to see her setup sometime. I can only imagine what she has for her to be so effective in everything she does." I said and he pointed to the open padded cell. I stepped inside and he shut the door and hit the intercom. "I still don't remember anything about before my trigger event, so you can skip those questions."

Armsmaster nodded and walked away.

I sat down and looked at my hands. I didn't try to manifest Legend's energy blast, because if I did reveal it, it would give away that I had met the man under undesirable circumstances. I leaned against the padded wall and crossed my legs at the ankle and folded my hands on my lap.

As I sat there to wait for my interrogation, I could still taste Vista's kiss on my lips and I remembered the last time we had a long make-out session. I felt myself reacting under my hands and I glanced down to see what was going on. To my surprise, my willy started growing, and growing some more.

I moved my hands out of the way and saw that my skin tight costume was not suitable for hiding whatever was going on. I heard an odd sound through the intercom and looked up to the small window in the door, only no one was there.

"Um... is... is anyone there? I think I need help." I said and touched the protrusion. I felt a shiver go through me and it felt both weird and good. "Something's going on. Is this normal?" I asked and lightly touched myself again and felt the same weird and good feeling again. "Can someone help me, please?"

Miss Militia's face appeared in the little window.

"Miss Militia!" I exclaimed and pointed to my crotch. "I don't know what's happening to me! Is it supposed to be like this when I'm in Master / Stranger protocols?"

"Oh, my god." Miss Militia said and her face disappeared from the window.

"Hey! You can't leave me like this! What am I supposed to do?"

"We are having an emergency meeting to discuss this." Armsmaster's voice said. "Please be patient and try to resist the urge to touch it or play with it."

"I'm supposed to play with it when this happens?" I asked.

There was a muffled groan and the sound of armored feet walking away. I looked down at the bulge that was a lot bigger than my normal willy and couldn't resist the urge to at least look at it. I pulled at the collar of my unitard and had it down and over my hips in a moment, then stared at the six inch long and slightly vein-covered thing between my legs.

"What the hell happened to my willy?!?" I shouted.

No one answered.


There were several blushing female faces around the conference table, several embarrassed male faces, and one hilariously laughing man that had watched the M/S footage of ten minutes ago and now the live feed as a young man tried to play various kid games with his erection. Peekaboo, Hide and Seek, and I Spy, were among Assault's favorites to watch.

"I volunteer... to give him... the talk!" Assault managed to say between laughs.

"Absolutely NOT!" Emily Piggot, Miss Militia, Battery, Vista, Hive Queen, and Insight shouted.

That reaction only made the man laugh harder. Assault even had to take off his helmet to wipe off the tears from his eyes because he was laughing so hard. His wife Battery slapped the side of his head and he said he loved her too much to let her talk to the boy and would do it for her.

"Someone has to do it!" Emily said with the same authority she issued orders with.

"Do we sound off for volunteers by age or seniority?" Miss Militia asked. She desperately wanted the job to teach Alex about the Birds and the Bees and didn't want to seem too eager to do so. Her feelings for the finest male specimen she had ever met only slightly clouded her judgment.

"I don't know anything about that side of things." Vista said, clearly disappointed.

"I know some things; but, I've never done anything like that." Hive Queen said, her face red. Admitting you were a virgin was a difficult thing to do, especially in such austere company.

"I'm 17 and I've had sex before." Insight said. "Unfortunately, my power doesn't work on him and I have no idea how to talk to him without screwing it up."

Battery glanced at her still laughing husband and sighed. "Assault's right. I'm not right for it, either. I have no experience either firsthand or secondhand."

Miss Militia turned her head to look at Director Piggot.

"Don't give me that look, Militia. I could order him to not do anything or I could lecture him about it." Emily said, her face angry and her voice soft. "I also doubt he'll listen to orders he knows I can't enforce."

Miss Militia took a deep breath and let it out, almost in a relieved sigh. Everyone else took it as resignation and that the duty had fallen to her. She was a good soldier and she would follow through with the mission, no matter what. With one last look at the other females, she nodded.

"Since I have two Wards under my care that are ignorant of these things, I best get to educating them." Miss Militia stood and held a hand out to Vista. "Do you want to be embarrassed alone or be embarrassed with Myriad?"

"Myriad!" Vista said and hopped up to take the hand. "He's really understanding and I love him."

Miss Militia hid her surprise at hearing such a blatant admission from Vista in front of everyone. "Then let's get down to the basement. We have an ignorant soul that needs our help."

Vista smiled and nodded. Everyone watched as they left and they counted the time as they waited for them to appear on the monitor. The surprised look on Myriad's face when Vista walked over to him changed to desire when she started to strip off.

Suddenly, Miss Militia's face was in front of the camera. "I am invoking Privacy Law 187 to conduct a sex education class. Both Vista and I will remain in M/S protocols with Myriad for the duration."

The camera went blank and everyone in the room turned to look at Emily.

"Don't look at me. I wanted to see how she handled it, too." Emily said and turned the monitor off. "At least she took the interview questions."

"She has always followed proper procedure." Armsmaster added. "I expect her to notify us when her class is over and we can watch the interrogation."

"We can all be about our day, then." Emily said. "Dismissed."

The room cleared out in only moments and she went to her office to sit behind her desk. The ergonomic chair she had hated when she was injured, let her almost feel hugged as she sat there and contemplated their Ward that was pretty much a Trump 12, one of their highest ratings for powers.

The problem she had was that he had to physically touch someone to use his weird knockout power. He had volunteered, in front of witnesses, for any Endbringer call and she was forced to add him to the priority list. That meant he had to tag them and then touch them again to knock them out. If he could stop an Endbringer like that, it would be the first time in history it happened.

Emily had squealed like a little girl when she saw Myriad take down Velocity so easily and the implications of his power had hit her. She hadn't jumped at using him immediately to clean up the city, however. The sneaky bastard had healed her without healing her and that had distracted her for long enough that she had the time to map out the young man's future deployment plans.

She had revised it several times and had chosen to put it off for now. She knew that the Youth Guard would make a stink about her using a Ward in an actual campaign to rid the city of dangerous capes, starting with the annoying ones that worked for the drug dealing asswipes called the Merchants. Her hatred for the drug trade, that her people couldn't handle without cape help, annoyed her to no end.

Emily sighed and sat back as she took out the file folder from her top drawer with Thomas Calvert's information in it. She let a predator's smile spread across her face as she looked at the photos of both of his legs with holes in them and the shocked face he wore. She had Armsmaster tuck him into a protected cell, stripped him naked, blindfolded him, and secured him with both arm and leg restraints.

She laughed at the excessive force complaint and signed it with a little note that said he was a cape with unknown powers, probably since Ellisburg where he had abandoned her people and let her get severely hurt, and stated he was treated immediately and restrained under M/S containment protocols. It was justification for her payback and she didn't care. She had him now and he was going to pay.


Thomas Calvert sat in his cell and had no idea what had happened. In one timeline, he had been inside the PRT building and his office had been stormed by Armsmaster and he was shot in the leg and dragged into a Master / Stranger cell, stripped, and secured. He had immediately dropped the timeline, because he did not want to see what happened next.

That was shortsighted of him, because before he could set his escape plan into motion, his home was raided by Armsmaster and a group of PRT troopers. He had been shot in each leg and then dragged back to the PRT building, tossed in a M/S cell, stripped, and secured.

Calvert had no means to contact his moles to free him or his mercenaries to attack to let him escape and that really irked him. For all of his vaunted power, all of his machinations meant nothing in the face of someone having given him up at some point and the Parahuman Response Team had been fully prepared to take him out, no matter where he was.

My secret base! Thomas Calvert, aka Coil, lamented the fact that he couldn't initiate the self-destruct protocols to cover it up and remove all of the evidence of his crimes. He just hoped that his mercenaries would defend the place, even if they weren't going to be paid this month.


Coil's mercenaries surrendered under the condition that they were released without prosecution and would receive their pay for the month. It was just a job for them and they didn't care who paid them. Both Armsmaster and Dragon agreed that was a reasonable expectation for their job description, even if they were criminals, and used some of Coil's funds to pay them.

They were secretly tagged electronically by Dragon and released with just the clothes they wore with no weapons. As soon as they were processed and out of the way, Armsmaster and Dragon raided the computers while the PRT and Protectorate capes stripped the place.

By the end of the day, Emily Piggot was the happiest she had ever been as the evidence of Calvert's past and future crimes were given to her. A discreet message would need to be sent to the Alcott family about their daughter potentially having a trigger event and gaining some kind of precognition power. She really should send over a Protectorate cape to deliver it and thought about the best candidate.

Miss Militia. Emily thought and nodded to herself. The woman had sacrificed her own time to teach two ignorant children about their bodies and how puberty was changing them, so she would be perfect to approach another child of similar age. In fact, she could bring Myriad and Vista along to ease the other girl's worries.

With the plan set, Emily just had to wait for the M/S protocols to end.


The next morning and just before I was released from the Master / Stranger protocols, I was still stunned over what I had learned the night before and during the night.

"We are to never speak of what happened here." Miss Militia ordered as she finished dressing.

Both Vista and I nodded. Despite the wealth of information we gained about playing with ourselves and with each other, we agreed to not abuse it.

"In my own culture, we see nothing wrong with any of this, since it's the mentor's job to instruct their charges in any subject they lack in." Miss Militia said. "However, people here will misconstrue what we did as morally reprehensible."

"Not legally?" I asked before I could stop myself.

"In today's society, the moral outrage would be enough to prosecute me, even though we didn't have sex." Miss Militia informed us.

I could almost see the thought on her face that she had really wanted us to. It was quite flattering to have Vista be in love with me and now I had proof that Miss Militia wasn't far behind her.

"We really learned a lot." Vista said and I nodded several times and started to get dressed.

"I expect you to keep your word, too. No going all the way." Miss Militia cautioned.

"We know we're not ready for that." I said and it was Vista's turn to nod. "We wanted to be, though."

Miss Militia smiled warmly at me. "I know. I feel the same way." She said and quickly put on her face covering to hide her blush for admitting what I suspected. "After the door opens, hit the showers. We stink after sweating so much."

I laughed and Vista giggled. Miss Militia uncovered the camera and the little window of the cell before she knocked on the door.

"I'm glad we have backup costumes." I said and the door opened.

"Welcome back to the land of the liv... ugh! I'll get the hose!" The guard said as he waved a hand in front of his face.

The three of us laughed and stepped by him.

Miss Militia's cell phone beeped and she checked it. "It looks like Director Piggot missed us so much that we have a mission already."

"We?" I asked and looked at the message. "Vista and I are going, too? That's awesome!"

Miss Militia smiled, because I could see her eyes squint a little. "We'll need to take a quicker shower than we normally would."

I gave her a thumbs up and grinned. "Be right back!"

Vista, Miss Militia, and the guard blinked their eyes three times and I was back with a towel drying my hair.

"All done." I said and used a comb to style my hair. "What's taking you two so long? Let's go!"

Vista laughed and shook her head at me. "Who's the most powerful member of the Wards now?"

"You." I said and stepped close. "I do everything for you."

Vista looked pleased and gave me a quick kiss. "I need a shower before you try to hug me."

"Okay." I said and scooped her up and looked at Miss Militia. "Be right back!"

"Wait!" Miss Militia exclaimed.

It took longer for me to give Vista a shower, because I couldn't help myself and touched her all over tenderly. I also had to take her to her room on the Rig to get her replacement costume. I did manage to dry her off properly before dressing her, though.

Vista's face was bright red when I plugged in her hair straightener and handed it to her. "A-Alex..."

"I really liked it, too." I said and gave her a kiss for several seconds. "I'll let Miss Militia know we're ready."

Vista nodded and I ran back to where I had left our mentor.

"Vista's doing her hair." I said and Miss Militia nodded. "Do you need a lift to your room on the Rig?"

Miss Militia and the guard stared at me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You just... how..." Miss Militia mumbled.

"As long as I'm touching someone, I can use Velocity's powers and it doesn't harm who I'm carrying." I said. "I haven't researched it or anything, though. It works and that's all that matters."

Miss Militia glanced at the guard briefly and nodded. "I will accept your help."

"Yes, ma'am." I said and scooped her up like I had Vista. Miss Militia's tanned face flushed as she put her arms around my neck. Three seconds later, we were on the Rig and in front of her room's door.

"I have to add this to my report." Miss Militia said as she stood up.

"I only have two arms, so don't exaggerate my carrying capacity." I said and saluted her. "Call me when you're changed."

The look on her face told me that she wanted me to continue helping her. I gave her closed door a pointed look and then looked at her face. She looked conflicted and then sighed.

"I'll be ten minutes. Expect my call then." Miss Militia said before she entered her room and closed the door.

I smiled and ran back to Vista's room. "Ten minutes."

Vista had just finished her hair and had dried it. She left her helmet off and waved me close. I stepped into her arms and we started kissing. Ten minutes was not a lot of time, now that we knew what we were doing, what it meant, and what it could lead to.