
WORM your adventures

A supposedly random person wakes up in the body of a young boy on Earth Bet, the world of WORM. He doesn't remember anything and ends up having the worst day ever. He triggers his power and has to learn what it is, what it does, and what he's going to do with his life. Follow his adventure in the Grim-Dark world of Worm. Is he's going to prosper or bring everything crashing down? Let's find out! Only a few chapters so far. Sporadic updates. I might not do more and only in my spare time. WORM is owned by Wildbow and its respective owners.

The_Fictional_Sema · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

16 Sharing Is Caring

I was a little excited after making out with Vista and I was glad Miss Militia had informed me of a piece of clothing called an adjustable jock strap to kind of hide it. We were also making a house call and that kept my ready state going, which was a new experience for me.

I mean, it was one thing to walk around the boardwalk and along the central streets in Brockton Bay under supervision. It was a completely different thing to go on a ride-along with a respected Protectorate hero on an official mission. I couldn't tell you why that kept my willy hard, though. Was it because I was with Vista or was it Miss Militia's feelings for me?

We weren't going to fight anyone and would only have a discussion with a triggered young girl to try and sell her on the whole Become A Ward pitch. She didn't have to join; but, she was a precog and they were always great to have on your side. It didn't really matter what type of precog she was, either. Not to me, anyway. She was also near Vista's age and apparently really smart.

The SUV came to a stop and the same guy that had his fingers regrown gave me a thumbs up gesture. "Good luck, kid!"

"Thanks, Frank." I said and hopped out and used a hand as I helped Vista climb out. She giggled a bit and then coughed before she put on a serious face. I grinned at her and she lightly slapped my arm to get me to behave and stop teasing her.

Miss Militia gave us a fond look and nodded towards the slightly fancy house. We followed behind her to the upper middle class two storey home and she rang the bell. The door opened and I was suddenly holding a girl in my arms and she hugged me tightly.

"Thank you so much, Myriad!" Dinah Alcott exclaimed. "There was only a 0.6% chance that I would have gotten out of the kidnapping on my own if you hadn't interfered."

Vista gave me a questioning look and I shrugged. I really didn't have any idea what she was talking about.

"Dinah Alcott?" Miss Militia asked.

"That's me." Dinah said and let me go. "Now that you've told Director Piggot about Coil's infiltration, there's just over a 67% chance I'll remain safe within the walls of the PRT and the Wards program."

I seemed to shiver slightly and Vista touched my arm.

"Myriad? What is it?" Vista asked.

I didn't hear her and moved automatically as I took out my cell phone and dialed a specific number. When it clicked, I spoke immediately. "Alpha priority code 45325-Foxtrot-673-Lima-331. Shutdown and scrub Tier Three protocols and restart. You. Are. Compromised."

There were several clicks, a loud beep, and the call went dead.

"Myraid!" Vista and Miss Militia shouted.

I jerked slightly and blinked my eyes. "What's wrong?"

"What did you just do?" Miss Militia asked me and took my cell phone from my limp hand. "That's Dragon's private number. Only Armsmaster, Director Piggot, and I have access to it."

"I'm not sure." I said and took the phone back. I replayed the last thing it recorded and I listened to myself speaking. "Huh. For some reason, I know that will only work once. Weird. I don't know how I know that."

"You're not a Case 53." Dinah said and then she looked at me with wide eyes. "There's a 97% chance that you will have knowledge about future events as long as you don't interfere."

I gave her the same wide-eyed look back. "Um, I'm pretty sure it's too late for that to be true."

Dinah winced and rubbed her forehead. "Y-yes, you... 75%... 60%... 55%... 40%... ugh!"

I reached out and caught her as she collapsed.

"That's twice now." Vista said and shook her head. "Your mental trump power really works."

"I'm a little surprised she could get any read on you at all." Miss Militia said and used her own cell phone. She sent several texts and put the phone away. "We are to proceed inside."

I scooped Dinah up into my arms and followed Miss Militia into the house with Vista right behind us. Dinah's parents didn't freak out about their daughter being unconscious and I put her on the living room couch as the adults went to the kitchen and discussed Dinah's future as a Ward. Miss Militia handled the negotiations easily and Dinah's parents eventually agreed to sign the enrolment forms.

I wasn't sure that was right, not without talking to Dinah about it first.

"We'll talk to her when she wakes up." Vista promised, which was prophetic.

"Owww." Dinah groaned and opened her eyes. "What happened?"

"Thinker headache and power exhaustion." Vista and I said together.

Dinah smiled, despite the pain showing on her face. "This wasn't your first time?"

Both Vista and I blushed at her words as we thought about last night and what didn't happen.

Dinah's smile vanished and she blushed, too. "There's a 99% chance I completely embarrassed myself by my poor choice of words."

"It's okay. You just reminded us that... yeah." Vista said and turned her head to glance down at my crotch and then she looked up at the ceiling.

Dinah's eyes looked at my crotch as well and then she looked up at the ceiling, too. "There was a 50% chance that it was supposed to be that big when you were older."

Vista caught her breath. "So that's why!" She said and looked at me. "I think that's what happened to you, Myriad. Your power copying thing might have copied more than you thought it did!"

I sat there and thought about that. I had assumed I was only copying physical powers and it never occurred to me that I would also be copying any physical enhancements they might have that was caused by said powers. I went over the people I had copied and out of the few that I had beaten in a fight so far, the only one that had a visual body enhancement would have been Alexandria because of her super strength.

So much for not revealing I fought different people. I thought and didn't sigh. "That could explain growing over two inches in height last night, too."

Dinah dropped her eyes from the ceiling and they landed right on my crotch again. "There's a 92% chance it's not done growing." She whispered and looked at my face with a blush. "Neither are you."

Vista reached over and put a hand on Dinah's arm. "Stop using your power for that."

"But..." Dinah winced and sighed. "There's only a 14% chance I'll be included in your private lessons."

Vista and I exchanged surprised looks.

"There's a 98% chance you'll include Hive Queen tonight because she comes to you for help." Dinah said and both Vista and I blushed hard.

Vista had told me how good of a friend Taylor had been while I was immobilized and they had spent more time together than any of the other Wards and it wasn't because they were the only two girls in the team. I was very grateful for that and it was also why Vista had been okay with me sharing cuddles on the couch with Taylor.

"I'll be back this evening with the rest of the paperwork." Miss Militia said and shook Mr. and Mrs. Alcott's hands.

"We're so glad to have someone of your integrity looking after our little girl." Mr. Alcott said.

"Director Piggot knew that only sending a message or making a phone call was much too impersonal and chose me specifically to come here to talk to you about things." Miss Militia said. "It was her idea to bring Vista and Myriad as well, since they are close to your daughter's age."

The proud parents smiled.

"I'll be sure to let my brother the mayor know how well the PRT and Protectorate are handling things." Mr. Alcott said. "Thank you for coming over."

"It was my pleasure." Miss Militia said and walked over to us. "Vista? Myriad? Ready to go?"

"Yes, ma'am." We said and stood up.

"Feel better, Dinah. We'll see you soon." I said and she smiled.

Vista nodded to her and we followed Miss Militia out of the house and over to the SUV.

"That went well." Miss Militia commented as the driver pulled away from the curb.

I gave Vista a questioning look and she blushed a little, then she smiled and nodded. Since we were forewarned, it wouldn't be a shock if Taylor really did approach us tonight about helping her.


Battery was a harsh taskmistress as we sparred. Her boosting power was both neat and annoying, because she could have bouts of super strength, extra speed, agility, dexterity, and toughness. Sometimes it was at the same time and sometimes she cycled them.

Unfortunately, like Dauntless and Eidolon, her powers were mental. Her mind granted her body power and I couldn't copy it. It was a little frustrating, especially since I was pretty much hiding nearly everything I had gained from the other heroes. She also never let me touch her in the same place more than once. She hadn't even shaken my hand before we started.

At one point while we were grappling and she was showing me different moves, she had somehow gotten me face down on the mat and sat on my lower back. I was easily put into an armbar that would have broken my elbow if I wasn't invulnerable and it was a good submission move. Unfortunately, she then bent my elbow as she leaned down to apply pressure to try and dislocate the joint and my hand cupped her breast.

Despite the soft mound being large and quite nice while I also felt the nipple pop and it caressed my palm, I found it to be lacking when compared to Vista's. I really didn't need more proof that I was head over heels for the girl and I couldn't move my hand to let Battery's breast go.

Battery leaned down into me a bit more, which gave me a much better grip on her, and she saw the look on my face. "I definitely couldn't have given you the talk if you wore a face like that the whole time." She whispered into my ear and one of her hands let my wrist go before it snaked down my body and cupped my crotch. "Nothing, huh?"

"You're married." I whispered back, even if that wasn't the reason why I wasn't hard. Being beaten into the mat a dozen times, usually face first, wasn't a turn on for me. Plus, Vista. That girl was damn pretty.

Battery softly laughed and let me go down there. "Just rubbing it will make it hard, you know."

"Miss Militia warned me about that. It sometimes reacts even if I don't want it to." I responded.

Battery let my wrist go and sat up, which technically kept me pinned, so I didn't try to roll over. I did not want her to think I would be trying to take advantage of her with her straddled over my waist while wearing only workout spandex. She must have suspected it, because she rolled off of me and laid down beside me.

"Ten minute break." Battery said and looked at my face as I rolled onto my side to face her. "I wouldn't have blamed you for trying to roll over."

I intentionally let my eyes roam down to where we would have been touching and moved my eyes back to her face. "Tag still wouldn't have worked if I tried."

Battery barked a laugh and her smile was full of amusement. "You figured me out, you sneak."

"Yes. You only let me touch you once, no matter where it was on you." I said and she nodded. "I doubt you'll let me grab your breast when we continue."

Battery looked thoughtful for several moments. "Would that work? Your hand was twisted around and upside down at the time."

"I haven't been trying to test it, since if it did work, whomever it was would be out for at least a few hours without someone else using their powers to wake them up." I said and she nodded in understanding.

"If Panacea wasn't so busy, we could set up a few exercises and tests to see if it's the placement of your palm, just the fingertips, or if your entire hand is needed." Battery suggested.

"That's why I haven't mentioned it to the guys in the lab." I informed her and she nodded.

"I'm sure there would be a few volunteers for testing after all of the people you've healed."

"Only if they wanted a good power-induced nap." I chuckled. "It's okay, though. I have a date on the weekend with Healer Woman and I'll ask her then if she can spare an afternoon or something for tests."

"How much does she hate that nickname?" Battery asked with a laugh. "What are you doing dating another girl when you have Vista hanging all over you?"

"Amy hates it enough to smack me and laugh every time I say it and we're hitting up the East Side Hospital to raid their patients for some quick cash." I said and then coughed. "I mean, we're healing everyone for free and making the PRT and Protectorate look altruistic! Yeah!"

Battery laughed and punched my shoulder. "You can't lay there and tell me you're breaking the law!"

"Breaking it? Nah. We negotiate for donations and we usually have to argue them down after they offer us a bunch of money." I said and she looked surprised. "I know, I know. That's stupid."

"Unbelievably." Battery said and her hand rubbed my shoulder where she had hit me. "I'm sorry about that. It was an automatic reaction."

I put a hand on hers and held it. "I know. You're worried I'm damaging my reputation and I appreciate that. Thank you."

Battery nodded her head. "You're not asking everyone for money, are you?"

"Nope. We do the cancer and ICU wards first, then we tackle the kids. Once we do that, we hunt down the rich organ replacement patients and trick them into donating a fraction of what they would pay the hospital. It saves them tens of thousands of dollars, years of anti-rejection drugs, and empties the bed for someone that really needs it."

Battery gave me a warm smile. "You really are being altruistic about it, aren't you?"

"Did I mention that I'm rich? I have lots and lots of money to spend. By the way, I'm rich." I said and she laughed.

"Come on, rich boy. You need a few more humbling beatdowns before supper." Battery said as she stood up and helped me stand.

I gave her a grin as I slowly reached for her left breast, since I had already touched it previously. She let it get an inch away from the tight cloth before she moved in a flash, grabbed my wrist, flipped me up into the air upside down and then she slammed my shoulders into the mat with a loud thump.

"Totally... worth a try." I wheezed the compliment and she gave me a wicked grin before she quickly applied yet another beatdown.


Taylor was really nervous as she walked down the hallway. She had bled off some of her emotions into the nearby swarm and took several deep breaths. She had been beaten verbally, assaulted physically, and pretty much tortured for a year and a half by three sadistic bitches until she triggered. Since Myriad had woken up, her mind had been filled with odd thoughts and she felt weird feelings that she wasn't used to.

She was also used to hiding and suppressing her emotions every day and she knew it wasn't healthy. She couldn't help herself, though. It was almost ingrained into her psyche to take things and not react like a normal person would, because she thought she was above petty revenge and not reacting to the trio tormenting her was better for her own peace of mind.

Then Taylor met Myriad, Alex Powers, and her life had changed. She was just starting to get used to what her new normal had become with him as a friend and changing schools, then he was suddenly frozen for a month and a half. That had nearly broken her. She could do nothing to help the boy that had saved her and she had thrown herself into her work like never before to distract herself.

Taylor had quickly become the top of her class, her work ethic in the Wards was exemplary, and it was all Alex's fault. Even with him there and not there at the same time, it was always thoughts of him that had gotten her through yet another rough time in her life.

As thoughts of him once again filled her mind, Taylor set her resolve to go through with it and knocked on Alex's room door. Out of everyone that she knew, including the other Wards and friends at Arcadia, she was positive that he was the only one that she wanted to help her with her problem.

The door opened and Taylor balked at seeing Vista stand there wearing cute pyjamas. Before Taylor could say anything embarrassing or could run away, Vista took her hand and pulled her into the room. She shut the door and Taylor's eyes went right to the other occupant of the room. The half-naked and really muscular handsome boy she had come here to see.

Taylor bit her bottom lip as Alex reached out and took her hand. She didn't resist him as he brought her over to the bed and sat her down on it. Her blush started when her eyes saw the bulge in his pyjama bottoms and then the bottoms weren't there anymore and her breathing sped up when the underwear followed.

That looks a lot bigger up close. Taylor thought absently and stared at the thing.

"The first thing Miss Militia told us was that we should never feel ashamed of our bodies. Everyone is different and we all have similar parts, even if they look different." Alex said and Taylor could do nothing but nod and stare. "She also told us to never talk about what we did during our sex education class."

Taylor lifted her eyes to look up at his face. "But... but, I... I need help and..."

Alex put a finger on her lips and smiled at her deepening blush. "She didn't say anything about not showing anyone what to do or how to do it."

Taylor's eyes shifted to Vista and her eyes widened to see the girl was now just as naked at Alex.

"Don't worry, Taylor. We know exactly what we're doing and we've had a lot of practice exploring ourselves and each other." Vista said and stepped close to Alex to hug him. "We haven't had sex yet, though. We're a bit too young to enjoy it like we're supposed to, so we have to wait."

Taylor gave her a sad face and reached out to take her hand.

"I told you she would understand what we mean to each other." Alex said and his hand took Taylor's other hand.

"I do." Taylor whispered and looked into his eyes. "I won't take advantage and I won't..."

"We know." Alex and Vista said together.

Taylor didn't stop them when their hands moved and started undressing her. She was soon just as naked as the other two and she wasn't sure why she wasn't embarrassed. Her mind checked the swarm and to her surprise, she hadn't been using them as an emotional buffer. After a moment, she realized that they accepted that this was a normal biological function and there was no hesitation in them.

The lesson started and Taylor was fascinated with how informative it could be, even without a single word spoken. The light touches and caresses made her twitch and tingle in a good way and she was both relaxed and full of anticipation. Vista's visuals were amazing, especially since she was flexible in a way that Taylor hadn't expected.

Alex's fingers danced over Vista's breasts and the girl moaned as she played with herself, then Alex played with her, then they did it together. When he kissed her and Vista cried out, Taylor couldn't stop herself and her own fingers joined in on the dance and lightly caressed her. Vista moaned again at the new sensations and Taylor felt both pleased and happy, because she was learning so much.

It wasn't long before Taylor felt their fingers on her and she was suddenly on her back and her toes were curled up and her back was arched. Her very first orgasm was almost painful as her body locked up and her legs trembled. It took her several minutes before she calmed down and relaxed enough to breathe normally. Her mind was a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts, too.

Before Taylor realized what she was doing, she was kissing Alex like she had never kissed anyone before and she quickly started helping Alex get off with Vista's enthusiastic help. It was only fair that Alex had a turn, too. Taylor's learned penchant of throwing herself into her lessons and to do them to the best of her ability had overridden her common sense.

It never once occurred to her that Alex was not her boyfriend and that they really shouldn't be doing things like that with each other.