
14 Powered Out

"Are you sure you're only twelve?" Tattletale asked me as I fed the dogs expensive pet food.

"Mostly." I said and scratched the ears of the dogs. "Like I told Panacea, sometimes I feel a lot older than I am. The thoughts I have sometimes are weird, too. I should be having fun playing outside and instead I've got powers and fighting gangs and villains."

"Making a beach in the showers yesterday and having a pizza party didn't count?" Vista asked.

"Yeah, I guess it does." I said and gave her a thoughtful look. "I think our new teammate can be called Insight and she can stay safe at the base while wearing a new costume."

"That's actually a good cape name." Tattletale said. "What about the others?"

"I think we can let Hellhound rebrand as Trainer and she can use her healed dogs as scouts and contraband sniffers." I said and both Tattletale and Vista looked surprised. "Grue's a loss, since his power is too distinctive. He has to be shipped off to somewhere that no one knows him. Regent is also a loss, because his father is such an asshole and ruined all of their reputations."

"Yeah, no one wants to deal with Heartbreaker's kids." Tattletale said. "It's too dangerous."

Vista nodded and I pet the dogs one last time before I closed the cargo area and climbed back into the SUV. A quick text message exchange with Dragon had an account set up for Insight at the bank and we were there for only a few minutes as Tattletale was given a debit card and the account information. After that, we all put our shares of the money into our accounts and drove back towards the Rig.

"Now that you're about to switch sides officially, what can you tell us about Coil and his operations?" I asked and Vista gasped and Tattletale paled. "Don't ask me how I know that name, because I have no clue. I just somehow know he's your secret boss and he has a bunch of mercenaries with tinkertech laser weapons and he has spies in the PRT."

Tattletale seemed to freeze and then groaned as a vein on the side of her forehead pulsed. "His name... is... Thomas Calvert. PRT liason... ex-commander... Ellisburg... Director Piggot knows and hates him... he's a cape and... his power... not... I... I can't... uhhh."

I caught her as she fell unconscious and before she slumped to the floor. I eased her back onto the seat and held her steady. "Okay, that was weird. Thinker headache and power exhaustion?"

Vista nodded and typed on her cell phone. "I'm requesting a private meeting with the Director. This is not information to just send out over open communications."

"Changing destination from the Rig to PRT headquarters. ETA, six minutes." The driver said and the SUV swerved around a sharp corner and sped up.

"Use code Zulu." I suggested and Vista nodded.

By the time we arrived at the building, the director herself was waiting for us at the door with several officers. When she saw who we had captured, she barked several orders and we were all shuffled off into a private meeting room. The driver was included, too.

"First thing's first." Emily Piggot said, her face angry. "You used the invader emergency code."

"Vista and I were softly interrogating a prospective Wards member and I mentioned a name that popped into my head. She gave us a lot of information in return." I said and took out my phone and played the last thing Tattletale said.

"That rotten son of a bitch is a cape!" Emily spat and looked at Armsmaster. "Lockdown. If he's in the building, shoot him in the leg and drag him here. If he's not in the building, find him and shoot him in both legs and then drag him here."

"Yes, ma'am." Armsmaster said and strode out of the room with a purpose.

"While that's being taken care of." Emily said and her glare settled on my face. "You need to tell me all about this so-called experiment that you conducted without official approval that changed the goddamned landscape of the harbour!"

Vista flinched at the venom on the woman's voice and I slammed my hand on the desk, startling both women.

"I thought absorbing your injuries would have let you calm down, director." I said with a deeper voice than normal. "Would you like for me to try something I've never done before and reverse what I did to you?"

Emily's face went from annoyed to angry. "Are you threatening to use your powers on me again?"

"It's not a threat, director. It's an aspect of power testing and is covered under the PRT's directives and regulations. As a previous subject of a power effect, your participation is only logical."

Emily silently fumed at me because I was entirely correct in my wording.

Vista touched my hand and distracted me. I gave her a small smile and nodded. She took her hand back and didn't say anything in either support of me or against me. Neutral was a good position, considering the things Director Piggot could do to someone that displeased her.

"The experiment was a test of our combined powers and how effective we could be when paired in an official capacity." I explained. "Since we have no practical experience teaming up during patrols, I suggested that we see what kind of limits we were dealing with."

Emily looked from my face to Vista's blank one. "I saw the results."

"We really strained ourselves to cover that much space. Vista was sweating and I felt the strain until we managed the first compression. The second wasn't as bad and the last was easy. Getting back to shore didn't bother us at all, even after maxing out our powers." I said and Vista nodded. "I'm sure that after a week of rest, we can handle another ship of a similar size or smaller."

Emily hadn't lost the anger from earlier and she opened her mouth to speak, only to be interrupted by a knock on the door. It opened without her responding and she straightened up in her chair before she stood and reluctantly saluted.

"Head Director Costa-Brown." Emily growled out and we all knew she was not happy to have the other woman in her domain without an invitation.

"At ease." The tanned skinned woman that was in the doorway said. She looked around at the villains in various states of unconsciousness and looked back at me. "Your work, I assume?"

"Vista and I, Head Director." I said. "A coincidental meeting on the way back from the boardwalk."

She nodded and waved behind her. "I need to speak to you immediately. Everything else can wait."

I looked at Emily Piggot for permission and she had a constipated look on her face before she nodded. I hopped up and saluted her and stepped around Costa-Brown and into the hallway. Two guards were there and I stood beside them as Costa-Brown promised to return me as soon as possible and shut the door without saying when that would be.

"Follow me." Costa-Brown said and I fell into step behind her as she strode down the hallway with a purpose.

I couldn't help myself and looked down at her backside in her tight uniform pants as she walked. It was weird for me to admire it, until I thought back to Vista in her bathing suit and how good she had looked wearing it. She had inadvertently unlocked something in my head, because I usually didn't notice things like that.

Costa-Brown opened a seemingly random door and motioned for me to enter. I paused briefly and looked at the guards behind us. They didn't react and she waved me forward again. Since I was a ward of the state and also a Ward, she was my overall commander and I couldn't refuse an order, even if it was only implied and not stated.

I stepped into the room and saw a brief flash of bright white light before I entered what looked like an infirmary. I turned around and there was a bare wall behind me.

"Don't worry about that." A woman's voice said and I turned back to see a tall black woman enter through an actual door. She wore glasses, had her long dark hair in a bun on the back of her head, and wore a conservative black sweater and high-waist grey pants under a doctor's lab coat. "You can call me Doctor Mother."

I gave her a questioning look. "We're sticking with cape names?" I asked and she didn't respond.

"You don't have to introduce yourself, Alex. I know all about you." Doctor Mother said and walked over me.

"Do you?" I asked and she nodded. "Then who was I before I was attacked and triggered?"

The black woman stopped walking and stared at me. "The PRT didn't tell you?"

"They wouldn't even tell me the name of the woman that tried to protect me." I said and reached up and touched my blood-stained domino mask.

Doctor Mother shook her head and waved at the medical bed. "Go ahead and have a seat. We'll get to the examination and..."

"No, thank you." I interrupted her and her face went blank. "The Head Director brought me here to heal someone. Why would I need to be examined?"

"I want to determine what happened to you and..."

"You can watch the video the PRT confiscated and censored to see what happened." I interrupted again and her eyes squinted slightly. "I've spent months and months being tested on and experimented on, so if you're friends with the Head Director, she can get you all of those records."

"I am ordering you to get on the bed." Doctor Mother said.

"You are not in the PRT or Protectorate chain of command." I countered.

"I am." Another woman's voice said. "I am ordering you to submit to an examination."

I looked up at the speaker. "I might be young; but, I'm not stupid. Anyone can fake the director's voice. Since she was back in Brockton Bay and I'm wherever here is, there's no reason for me to believe you are who you say you are."

"Why are you being difficult?" Doctor Mother asked, her eyes even more squinted.

"Being kidnapped by the head of the PRT? A woman I just met is demanding I let her perform unknown medical experiments on me? No one is telling me what's going on? Pick one."

The door opened and Alexandria, head of the Triumverate of Heroes, stepped into the room. She wore her full costume and my eyes danced over her formfitting outfit before I could stop them. I couldn't help but compare her to Vista. Despite the larger breasts and wider hips, I thought Alexandria was lacking.

It was then it hit me that I really was completely in love with Vista and no one else would measure up.

"Myriad, you need to let us examine you." Alexandria said and walked over to me. "Since you started gaining powers, the previous tests that were conducted are insufficient."

I looked from her to Doctor Mother and saw the woman's satisfied look. I looked back at Alexandria and straightened my back. "Whatever so-called tests you have, invasive or otherwise, won't work. I'm invulnerable. Not kind of invulnerable, not partially invulnerable, and if you hit me enough times thinking that I'll break, I never will. I'm completely invulnerable."

Alexandria glanced at Doctor Mother and the woman nodded.

I immediately knew she would act like Vicky when I told her that and Alexandria's fist flew at my face in the blink of an eye. The thing was, I saw it coming and I did the same thing I did with Vicky. I rolled with the punch and used the momentum to swing around. Instead of a slap, I made a fist and I backhanded the woman in the side of the head and shattered her helmet.

Alexandria's head snapped to the side and pieces of helmet fell to the floor. A particular gleam in her eye told me that I had just overstepped whatever line she thought I should have. One hand covered part of her face as her other hand became a fist and shot out to strike me. I turned around and grabbed it like in fighting practice with Battery.

Tag. I thought and bent over to flip her over my shoulder and slammed her into the floor. It cracked and I saw it was a only flimsy facade over concrete. I heard the door of the room close and didn't try to see if Doctor Mother had retreated or if someone else had entered.

The biggest threat was right here at my feet and I dropped down to slam my fist into her face as hard as I could. I hadn't unleashed myself like that before and it was interesting to see the powerful woman's head bounce on the concrete.

An energy blast hit me in the back and I was flung across the room and crashed into the solid wall. I felt like I had been hit by a freight train and I pushed out of the rock wall and turned around to see Legend standing there in an aggressive stance.

"Are you alright, Alexandria?" Legend asked her and handed her a domino mask.

"I'm fine." Alexandria said and rolled over and up onto her knees. "He just surprised me."

"I thought you were kept updated on the Wards?" I asked and brushed off my costume. Taylor's reinforced spider-silk was awesome and it hadn't been damaged at all.

"Stand down, Myriad." Legend said and raised his hands to point them at me.

"Alexandria started this by striking me first." I said and made my hands into fists. "Doctor Mother wanted to see if my previous tests were invalid and gave her permission to test me."

"Well, I'm stopping it." Legend said and he started to glow.

"You're joining in? Awesome." I said and grinned. "Go ahead and give me your best shot."

The light grew in intensity and Alexandria stood up beside the man. "Focused head shot. He needs to be knocked out for the other tests."

Legend nodded and raised his hands slightly. "I'm sorry about this, Myriad."

"Why? You're just following orders. It absolves you of all guilt, doesn't it?" I taunted him. "You're not going to have nightmares about using an Endbringer attack on a kid you just met, are you?"

Legend's concentration faltered and his power flickered. That was the opening I needed and I zoomed around behind him and punched him in the back of the head. His shot went off and blasted a hole right into the rock face and it exploded the entire wall as it converted over twenty feet of solid rock into dust that filled the room.

Alexandria covered her face from the projectiles and missed Legend dropping to the floor, unconscious. I stood behind her to save myself from being covered in dirt until the dust settled and walked around her. Just as she uncovered her face, I grabbed her arm in the same spot and thought Tag as I flipped her over and slammed her right back into the same dent I had first put her in.

"Fight's over." I said and heard the room's door open again. I turned around and watched as Eidolon walk in. I knew exactly how to distract him, though. "Daaaaaddy!" I exclaimed and ran over to him with my arms open.

Eidolon froze and was probably shocked at my distracting shout. My fist connected with his face and half of his mask was indented into his now dented face and he was flung out of the room, through the walls of two other rooms, and landed inside a huge conference room as he smashed through the expensive table. Several other people were there and they jumped to their feet.

"Door to safety!" A woman wearing a fedora shouted and she dove through the glowing white door to escape.

Doctor Mother shook her head and turned to speak to me.

"I don't want to hear it." I said and walked over to Eidolon. I gave his partially crushed face a close examination and figured he would be fine. I hadn't felt anything copied from him, which meant his powers were mentally accessed or created. I couldn't copy it, whatever it was.

I did get Legend's energy blasts and his flight capability when I defeated him and gained Alexandria's super strength when I knocked her out. I couldn't copy her flight ability, since I already had something similar from Legend, and her invulnerability wasn't as good as mine.

"I assume whatever Contessa did was how I was brought here?" I asked and no one responded. I reached out and grabbed Doctor Mother by the neck and picked her up. "I asked you a question."

"Y-yes." The black woman responded.

"Then call for a door to return me to where I was." I ordered.

"Door." Doctor Mother said and a glowing white door appeared beside me.

I gave her a pointed look and turned to put her through the door first.

"CANCEL!" Doctor Mother yelled and the door disappeared before she could touch it.

"Now do it right." I said and she called for another door. "You'll be pleased to know that I will be filing a report about all of this and it will be sent to all relevant parties, including the Head Director herself and the PR department."

"You can't do that." One of the others standing around the wrecked table said. "You'll ruin years of..."

"You should have thought of that before kidnapping a Ward from inside a secured and locked down PRT building." I said and looked at the glowing white door. "I know it's safe to go through, since you wouldn't risk your life if I put you though first. However, I'm sure it's not going where I want it to."

Before Doctor Mother could say anything, I changed my grip on her and held her close as I walked through the door with her. We appeared inside a tropical jungle and the heat hit us like a slap to the face.

"That's pretty sneaky, Doctor." I said and looked a the dense foliage. "I wonder how long a normal human will last here without food, water, or protection from animals and insects?"

The black woman's blank face twitched and she let out a sigh. "Door."

Another one appeared and I didn't hesitate to walk through it into the unused office that was at the PRT building. I was not surprised to see the two guards were still there and Director Costa-Brown wasn't. I let the black woman go and motioned towards the closest wall.

"If you don't want me to file that report or reveal Alexandria's secret, you will leave me alone." I said and she squinted her eyes at me. "Yes, I know who she is. I broke her helmet and saw her face before she could cover it. Latina women have very distinctive features."

Doctor Mother let out a curse and called for a door. It appeared and she gave me a glare before she stepped through. The two guards followed her and left me alone in the room.