
Wandering Soul

[Indefinite Hiatus. Now debating with myself about continuing this work or starting a new one.] I rushed a few things and the story became pretty complex for me to write, so I am currently editing the latest chapters. Once I am done with that, I will continue releasing chapters. At least one every three days. "A man who died and traveled to another world. Something went wrong and only his soul remained. This story explores the possibilities of the ability to possess others. Living as others and seeing life from their perspectives are among them." Read more for additional details -> If you're expecting a 'Monster Evolution' novel, you better back off. Evolutions will certainly happen, but there won't be many since the protagonist is not really a 'monster'. This is more of an adventure story in a fantasy world. As for Romance and Harem, if he uses his possession skills on girls but does not establish relationships with them, the characters will be easily forgettable. Also, I tend to describe Gender Bender scenes in great detail, so this novel has a lot of filler ... That's all I had to say. You don't need to read what's below this. (This story is bound to changes.) [Low-leveled Author grinding some mobs to get experience.] I feel very dissatisfied with some of the chapters, so, once I am close to finishing Volume 1, I might heavily change them. The general story won't change, but details will. Some might think that my story is garbage. I think so too. However, I will make sure you enjoy this garbage novel by making it interesting enough for you. How? I don't know. I will just give it my all for now. My Twitter (no one follows me): https://twitter.com/DepravedSeeker

DepravedSeeker · 奇幻
28 Chs

Caravan (Removed 'Soul Reaper' as it was too OP)

Ember opened her eyes and got off the bed.

On the other hand, Sylphy was already up and eating an apple while using her human form.

'Good morning, Sylphy.' (Usagi)

" ... Good morning, Big Sister ... I am back." (Ember)

"Morning, Little Rabbit ... As for Wolf Girl ... " (Sylphy)

She first smiled at "me" as she returned my greeting before glaring at Ember and opening her mouth again.

"You owe me some explanations! I know you must have been shocked and even sad to hear about your past. However, that is no reason to try to end your life!" (Sylphy)

She harshly scolded Ember with an angry expression, but her hands were fisted and her body was shaking lightly.

However, she then smiled tenderly at Ember before hugging her as some tears rolled down her face.

" ... But ... I'm really glad you're okay. Sob ... " (Sylphy)

Her rapid change of emotions left me speechless ...

Although I can understand her ...

Ember was very reckless with her actions.

If she had told us about her fears and worries instead of trying to run away from them, we might have been able to change her mind and even have her look to the future with a positive outlook.

No one would have had to suffer ...

Still, I think the culprit for causing this mess was the Alpha Wolf.

He had no delicacy in telling Ember those harsh truths and his words made her unstable ...

"Little Rabbit, I am sorry, but I want to be alone with Wolf Girl for a while. Can you get out of her for now?" (Sylphy)

'I see ... I can do that, but ... ' (Usagi)

I would need to find a temporary host as quickly as I can ...

"I forgot! You said you need to possess a body to survive, right? Well ... I'm sure you'll find one very soon, hehe." (Sylphy)

She seems to be very confident in my abilities ...

However, I think her words are probably true.

Yesterday, I found many traces of different animals and beasts living in this forest, so I will have no problem finding a host before my soul begins to disappear.

In the worst case, I'll simply contact them to save me by using Soul Link ...

Once I was convinced that I could do it, I left Ember's body.

<You have left the safety of a body!>

<'Soul Guard' temporarily prevents you from getting weak!>

Ears drooping. "Master, please don't leave me ... " (Ember)

"Let's go, Wolf Girl. I found a nice little pond nearby so we should take a bath there." (Sylphy)

"Master~!" (Ember)

Ember looked at me sadly, but Sylphy took her hand and they swiftly left.

The door that the spirits made yesterday had already disappeared.

'A bath, huh? This will probably be the first time Ember is going to take one in her human form without me being there ... ' (Usagi)

She should be able to remember some of those moments and know how to wash her own body since I used Assimilation several times.

Also, Sylphy took her magic bag with her, so I don't have to worry about them not wearing clean clothes.

As for me ...

Not having a body feels strange, but borrowing someone else's is even more so. Even then, until I get one for myself, I still have to.

'Well then ... I should also get going.' (Usagi)

My sword was inside Sylphy's magic bag and I didn't have a method of carrying it either, so I couldn't help it if I was unarmed.

However, I can't stay here until they come back ... so I left the hut through a glassless window.

The wind passed me but it couldn't touch me, so I didn't feel anything.

Also, I couldn't smell the scent coming from the trees and I had no mouth to sigh. I could only do it within my "mind".

Sigh. 'I will go that way.' (Usagi)

I went to the same side of the forest where I went hunting that pronghorn yesterday.

The one with the most trees.

'It would be nice if I find a good beast or monster ... ' (Usagi)

I didn't want to be a rabbit again and goblins are kind of ugly.

As for kobolds ... being one makes me feel like I'm like a dog that walks on two legs. In other words, it's truly weird.

Also, if Sylphy didn't feel the need to speak to Ember alone, I would have liked to train my sword skills for a bit ...

I haven't acquired any skills related to longswords yet ...

'Hmm? What is that?' (Usagi)

I was flying over the treetops looking for a good host when I saw a road. It wasn't paved, but it looked like it was used frequently.

'A caravan?' (Usagi)

A long line of both roofed and roofless carriages moved slowly along the road with people marching at their sides.

Half of them looked like armored guards, while the rest were adventurers carrying weapons.

As for those who traveled in carriages, their jewel-encrusted robes reminded me of merchants and nobles.

I didn't have excellent eyesight like Ember, but I could still recognize a familiar face among them.

' ... Oswald?' (Usagi)

Half bald head with brown hair and dark brown eyes.

I barely remembered his appearance from that time I saw him at Fae's restaurant.

After all, I was more focused on their conversation at the time.

Then, I saw an unusual looking being approaching them.

'Is that a ... bear?' (Usagi)

A large ball of fur with sharp claws and teeth. However, its color was odd.

It is not brown, black, or even white, but yellow.

The footprints he leaves where he walks are similar to the ones I found yesterday.

I used Appraisal to find out more about it because I was so curious.

≪ ???

Race: Monster

Species: Paralyzing Bear

Gender: Male

Age: 8

Level: 24≫

Its level is low, but it is definitely not weak, so it has probably evolved once or ... even twice to become like this.

I can also feel that it is different from other monsters that I have seen before.

I looked closely at his actions.

His amber eyes gleamed with enthusiasm as he looked at the humans in the distance.

He didn't look at them as if they were food, but as if he was looking for a battle ...

Seeing him made something inside me start to shake.

If I had a heart it would be beating rapidly without stopping and if I had a face I would have a smile on it.

My feelings resonated throughout my being and one thing became completely clear to me.

'I want to fight that bear and be the victor!' (Usagi)

At that time, the Paralyzing Bear was seen by those who were protecting the caravan.

So I pushed my inner thoughts to the back of my "mind" and rushed into its body as fast as I could.

However, my movement speed as a soul is too slow ... so it took longer than I thought.

By the time I got to his side, he had already downed some humans.

"What the heck is this bear?! I've never seen anything like it before!" (Scared Adventurer A)

"Don't be afraid of him! We need to protect our clients or there will be no payment!" (Resolute Adventurer B)

"Hohoho! Puny humans! There's no way you can beat me!" (Paralyzing Bear)

I was able to understand his words thanks to Beast Language.

Although to normal humans, it probably sounded like the roar of a bear.

His claws were covered with a strange yellow liquid and every time he brushed an adventurer's side with them, their movements slowed down.

They eventually became unable to fight one by one but were timely rescued by the guards at the back.

<You have possessed a Paralyzing Bear!>

<The host has noticed your existence!>

' ... Hmm? What are you? How did you get inside of me?' (Paralyzing Bear)

Soul Share activated automatically enough to share our thoughts, but I didn't lend it any of my power.

I also did not respond to him as a hunter who does not talk to his prey and immediately used Soul Eater.

<The 'System' has awakened as it has rested long enough!>

That was fast!

<You have used 'Soul Eater Lv. 4'!>

<The host's soul is too strong!>

<If the user wishes to consume the host's soul, he must first weaken it!>

<The use of the 'Soul Eater' ability has been automatically canceled!>

<The host has realized your intentions!>

' ... So you are just a little bug trying to bite me! Get the hell out of here!' (Paralyzing Bear)

<The host is struggling against your control!>

Cough! Cough! (Usagi)

I felt like someone was pushing me hard against a wall and I thought for a moment that I would be crushed by the pressure ...

<The 'System' has temporarily disabled your 'Possession' skill to protect you from danger!>

Then, I was thrown out of his body and ended up on the roof of a carriage.

'That was crazy ... ' (Usagi)

I knew he was strong, but not that strong ...

I'm sure I couldn't control Ember if she also tried to struggle against me, so I am truly grateful to have her as a companion ... and lover.

But she's not here right now to help me defeat this bear ...

The system assisted my escape from that bear's clutches and even told me the method I need to use if I want to "devour" its power.

But there was a problem ...

'I need a temporary partner ... ' (Usagi)

Someone I can lend my power to or use Assimilation by force on ...

I quickly analyzed my surroundings and found three good prospects.

The first of them was an average-looking adventurer who had a nice shortsword in his hands.

It probably won't break from hitting the bear multiple times.

The second was a fully armored guard with a spear and shield.

I have no experience using a spear, but his shield should be useful.

After all, I can't forget that that bear's claws are coated with a paralyzing poison ...

As for the third prospect ...

She was the cute adventurer I let survive when Ember's pack was ambushed

At the time, I used Assimilation on Ember and ended up killing two humans under her bloodlust.

However, this time it is different as I will help them survive as our goals overlap each other ...

At least that's what I want to think.

I drifted a little closer to her to clearly see her appearance.

She has orange hair with a short haircut, freckles covering her cheeks, and vivid light brown eyes.

As for her participation in this battle, she was the only archer whose arrows did not miss or bounce. However, they didn't seem to do much.

Her former fellow swordsman didn't seem to be with her, so they were probably only part of a temporary team.

'Now is the time to make a decision ... ' (Usagi)

The paralyzing bear continued his rampage and there were only about twenty left of the thirty guards and adventurers I saw at first ...

If they don't stop him soon, those who were pulled out of the fight will surely die or at least lose some limbs.

So ... Should I help that average-looking swordsman and improve his sword skill?

No ... it's too risky.

If the opponent was a normal bear, I would easily select him as my temporary partner. However, this yellow bear is far from that.

Then, should I go to that guard's side?

His armor and shield look good, but his spear looks like trash.

He probably invested too much in his safety and not his strength.

His weapon will easily break once I get close to that bear, even if it was enhanced through my Weapon Strengthening skill.

Finally, my third prospect ...

Her weak attacks could easily be improved by overlapping my abilities and they will turn deadly against our opponent.

Also, she uses long-range attacks and that bear only seems to know how to rip things off using its claws and fangs at close range.

However ...

'Why do I always end up possessing women? ... ' (Usagi)

Is this also fate? ... If so, I am too pitiful ...

Will I ever lose my identity as a man?

I don't even consider myself a human anymore ...

That sometimes makes my heart bleed, but it can't be helped ...

I have seen many things from other perspectives and have collected different memories in my head that it would be funny if I still considered myself as one.

'I should stop wasting time!' (Usagi)

I shook my "head" and told myself that just "standing" here wouldn't make me any happier.

Then, I rushed into that girl's body and activated the first step of Soul Share to communicate with her.

<You have successfully possessed the Female Human 'Daisy'!>

<The host has noticed your existence!>

' ... Eh? Did something get inside of me? It feels weird ... ' (Daisy)

'Yo! So your name is Daisy, huh? It is very cute.' (Usagi)

'EEEEEEEHH!? What are you?! How do you know my name?!' (Daisy)

<The host has started to show signs of struggle!>

<The 'System' recommends a hasty but delicate approach!>

'Calm down! I'll explain to you about myself later, I promise! For now, let me help you!' (Usagi)

' ... Help me? What are you talking about?' (Daisy)

She managed to calm herself a bit and shot arrows again while we argued.

'It is not obvious? Half of your team is down now and that bear is still quite lively, you know?' (Usagi)

My words are true.

The paralyzing bear had only a few substantial injuries and the rest were superficial.

At this rate, those humans will surely lose.

'I will lend you my strength. As for what I want in return ... I'll tell you about it later.' (Usagi)

Before she had a chance to respond, I fully activated Soul Share.

<You have shared a part of your strength with the host!>

<The host's level has been adjusted to that of the user!>

<The host has acquired temporarily a part of the user's skills!>

However, this time it is different from the time I used it on Ember.

This person is not my companion.

<The user has restricted the use of their 'Influence'!>

<The 'System' understands the user's intentions!>

<The skill 'Soul Share' has leveled up! (Lv. 3 -> Lv. 4)>

<Your shared power fiercely flows through the host's body!>

'Eh? Did you do something? ... I feel stronger somehow ... ' (Daisy)

The change was not visible, so she still had doubts about it.

She then loaded another arrow into her bow and shot the paralyzing bear.

Her attack easily pierced its fur and her face looked extremely shocked.

' ... You did this? ... Who are you?' (Daisy)

'I won't tell you my name, but ... You can call me "Rabbit" for now.' (Usagi)

Usagi is pitiful ...

If you find any typos or feel that a part of the chapter could be improved, just tell me on the comments.

DepravedSeekercreators' thoughts