
Wandering Soul

[Indefinite Hiatus. Now debating with myself about continuing this work or starting a new one.] I rushed a few things and the story became pretty complex for me to write, so I am currently editing the latest chapters. Once I am done with that, I will continue releasing chapters. At least one every three days. "A man who died and traveled to another world. Something went wrong and only his soul remained. This story explores the possibilities of the ability to possess others. Living as others and seeing life from their perspectives are among them." Read more for additional details -> If you're expecting a 'Monster Evolution' novel, you better back off. Evolutions will certainly happen, but there won't be many since the protagonist is not really a 'monster'. This is more of an adventure story in a fantasy world. As for Romance and Harem, if he uses his possession skills on girls but does not establish relationships with them, the characters will be easily forgettable. Also, I tend to describe Gender Bender scenes in great detail, so this novel has a lot of filler ... That's all I had to say. You don't need to read what's below this. (This story is bound to changes.) [Low-leveled Author grinding some mobs to get experience.] I feel very dissatisfied with some of the chapters, so, once I am close to finishing Volume 1, I might heavily change them. The general story won't change, but details will. Some might think that my story is garbage. I think so too. However, I will make sure you enjoy this garbage novel by making it interesting enough for you. How? I don't know. I will just give it my all for now. My Twitter (no one follows me): https://twitter.com/DepravedSeeker

DepravedSeeker · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Bear (Slightly changed but still needs improvements)

My actions changed the flow of this battle and our opponent was not so happy.

Roar! "What was that?! How dare you hurt this great me!" (Paralyzing Bear)

"OOH! That archer is pretty strong!" (Awestruck Guard A)

"She wasn't that powerful before!" (Befuddled Guard B)

"Did she use a skill?! Or was she hiding her strength the entire time?!" (Curious Guard C)

"Hahaha! Never mind! As long as she can kill this monster, I'll buy her a drink!" (Delighted Guard D)

I don't know when it started, but I can now see my surroundings as long as I'm not directly taking control of someone.

This allows me to clearly see everything that happens on this small battlefield.

Also ...

<You have the ability to break difficult to understand information into simple facts!>

<The passive skill 'Analytical Thinking' has been acquired!>

As I have been constantly getting new knowledge about this world, I have been able to understand things more easily.

That's what this skill probably represents.

I looked left and right curiously as Daisy did all the hard work.

My chances of seeing humans fight have been slim so far, after all.

The adventurers who were like freelancers were at the forefront, sweating and bleeding as they battled the paralyzing bear.

Some used swords and shields, the Warrior class.

Those who only used swords of different lengths, the Swordsman class.

Bow-wielding people who never stop shooting, the Archer class.

Finally, there was even a person who was wearing a black hooded robe and drawing magic circles in the air and chanting to launch fireballs, the Mage class.

I didn't consider him a potential partner as his spells seem a bit more powerful than mine, so the effect of Soul Share would be minimal.

Weapon Strengthening would only make his staff sturdier and Improved Physical Prowess wouldn't help much.

Also, only very impressive mages can cast magic in a similar way to non-humans, so it would be odd if he suddenly uses my Chantless Casting.

On the other hand, the guards hired by merchants and nobles were like wage earners.

They also seem to be specialized in defense.

Most of them have spears and shields, the Spearman class.

The strongest looking ones are heavily armed and constantly release an intimidating aura, the Knight class.

There were variants and higher ranked versions of each class and people can have more than one.

However, their main class is the one that usually defines their fighting style.

The class system is limited to humans and is the best way for them to become stronger.

They are also the only known race that cannot evolve.

As for why this is so, no one knows ... At least not Sylphy.

The battle continued, but our team seemed to be losing to that bear.

The adventurers were fighting fiercely and had no time to chat while the guards stood at the back to protect their employers and rescue the injured adventurers.

Daisy's attacks gradually reduced our opponent's vitality but it seemed inexhaustible.

Fortunately, no one has died yet.

Some drank expensive red potions to recover, while a priestess wearing a white robe healed those most in danger.

Her robe is engraved with some silver crescent moon symbols and gold lines. She must be from the Moon Goddess religion.

The goddess I want to talk to ... I hope there is a way to do it.

Sylphy and Mary are not fans of religions so I don't know the answer to this.

Almost all the people here were human while the rest were from animal-eared tribes.

A cat girl and a dog boy, probably cousins or siblings, were looking at Daisy with bright smiles as if admiring her strength, wagging their tails happily.

As for the nobles and merchants here, they were trying to escape for their lives just moments ago.

But once they saw Daisy's strength, they turned their carriages, and now they are looking at Daisy with excited expressions on their faces.

'They seem to like you. You could become a security guard or even a bodyguard if you wanted.' (Usagi)

It is not the best job, but one can earn a steady income.

' ... No. This is because you lent me your strength, Rabbit. However ... once you go where you come from, I'll be weak again, right?' (Daisy)

Cough! ' ... Well ... Your words are correct.' (Usagi)

We didn't say anything more on that topic as it was a bit awkward.

There's no way I'm leaving with her since I have a place to return to.

Where Ember and Sylphy are, that's where I should be ...

The adventurers on the front lines kept decreasing in number.

20 ... 18 ... 15 ... 10.

During all this time, the damage Daisy managed to inflict on the paralyzing bear was not small.

His previously yellow fur was now almost completely drenched in red blood.

His movements and breathing had also become erratic.

Besides, he was not at all pleased.

Roar! "Orange human, I will definitely kill you!" (Paralyzing Bear)

When there were less than ten adventurers left who could fight, the bear managed to break through their blockage.

However, he did not go to kill the paralyzed humans that were resting on the grass.

Instead, he came directly towards us.

"Protect that archer! She is the only one who can do something against this monstrosity!" (Wise Adventurer A)

"Kuk! I can't lift my arms and legs anymore! Even talking ... is ... difficult ... " (Paralyzed Adventurer B)

"Shit! Daisy, hang on there! Once we catch our breath, we will come to save you!" (Weakened Adventurer C)

This turned into a battle against time.

Daisy needs to survive until those guys can help us again.

Roar! "Damn human! I will eat you to make me stronger!" (Paralyzing Bear)

'Eh?! Rabbit, it's coming towards us! What do we do?!' (Daisy)

'One of the skills I'm lending you should make you able to evade its attacks!' (Usagi)

'Scary! Scary! Scary! That bear is scary, Rabbit! I don't think I can do it!' (Daisy)

Her body began to shake uncontrollably and her handling of the bow became unstable.

She wasn't afraid of Ember when she saw her earlier, but I can understand her feelings.

This bear is quite large and its claws and fangs covered in blood didn't make it look any cuter.

It can not be helped. Time to turn to plan B!

'Lend me your body! I will guarantee your safety if you do!' (Usagi)

'Eh?! What are you going to do with it?' (Daisy)

It was a question with an obvious answer.

There is only one thing to do in this situation!

'HAHAHA! I will kill that bear, of course!' (Usagi)

This is the opportunity I was waiting for!

A one-on-one fight against him!

I was so excited that I inadvertently laughed like crazy so I thought Daisy would refuse.

However ...

' ... Can you really do it? ... Is there really a chance that we can beat him?' (Daisy)

Her trembling stopped and I could feel determination rising from the bottom of her heart.

' ... It seems that you are not afraid of death, but I am different ... I want to live! So ... if you're telling me the truth, then I'll ask you myself!' (Daisy)

She bit her lip and tried to hold back the tears as she clenched her hand tightly.

'Rabbit! ... Please save me!' (Daisy)

She slowly closed her eyes with a sorrowful expression on her face and waited for my answer.

Having come this far, there is no way I can refuse.

'Leave it to me! I won't let him touch a single one of your hairs, Daisy!' (Usagi)

I hurriedly activated Assimilation.

There is no time to lose!

<You have become one with a willing host!>

I opened "my" eyes again ...

Then, different sensations assailed me.

The scent of forest trees blowing in the wind and even "my" own sweet smell.

The tightness of brown leather pants embracing "my" legs and light leather armor over a white t-shirt wrapping "my" upper body.

A few bands of orange hair covering "my" face but barely restricting my view.

And finally ... "my" leather gloved hands holding a wooden bow.

This weapon was enchanted with magic and I can feel mana flowing through it.

That's why arrows fired from this bow can penetrate that bear's fur.

However, I knew from "my" memories that it was still a fairly cheap bow compared to other more famous ones.

'I shouldn't increase the synchronization rate beyond this though ... ' (Daisy?)

If I did, the emotions of the other "me" would affect mine and I could end up dying from a mishap while fighting.

Thanks to Quick Thinking, our conversation went pretty quickly and there were still a few moments left until I had to evade that furball's charging attack.

So I quickly grabbed an arrow from the quiver on "my" back and loaded it onto the bow.

Lastly, I gripped the bowstring tightly and released it while aiming for the bear's head.

'Fire!' (Daisy?)

I could feel that "my" sense of sight was quite good. Very appropriate for "my" Archer class.

My great dexterity made my shots so accurate that it was incredible.

The arrow I shot a moment ago easily pierced one of the bear's eyes ...

Although he would have easily evaded it if he hadn't been running madly at me.

Roar! "It hurts! My eye! MY EYE!" (Paralyzing Bear)

'Whoops! He doesn't seem so happy ... ' (Daisy?)

Not like I care though.

I didn't stop my fingers and activated "my" Arrow Volley skill.

Its level wasn't very high, so I was only able to fire three arrows in quick succession.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

However, that was enough to increase my damage output considerably.

'Die already! Damn furball!' (Daisy?)

I would have liked to talk to that bear using Beast Language or prepared to activate my Aura Awakening skill.

But there was a problem ...

There was no shortage of eyewitnesses ...

'Shit! I will have to perfectly evade his attacks!' (Daisy?)

There is no room for mistakes!

I won't let it even touch "me"!

"Die! Human!" (Paralyzing Bear)

He tried to hit my side with his left claw, so I dodged him to his right side.

My fingers danced as if playing the harp and the bear began to look like a porcupine with so many arrows stuck in it.

When Ember became a Lycanthrope, a very mysterious phenomenon occurred.

The System forced me to use Assimilation and the evolution process affected us both.

We "assimilated" each other's abilities and together we became much stronger.

One of them was Evade, which was now at level 5.

<Your constant analysis of everything around you allows you to predict patterns and find weaknesses in your opponents!>

<The passive skill 'Critical Thinking' has been acquired!>

My newly acquired skill allowed me to see the trajectories of his attacks as if they were faint red lines.

The bear continually tried to pierce me with its claws or bite me with its sharp teeth.

But ... none of those attacks managed to even graze me ...

Left, right, jump, roll ...

Its claws tore through trees as its mouth only bit into nothing but air each time.

'I feel like I'm dancing ... ' (Daisy?)

"My" body is quite flexible ...

Also, were my reflexes that good?

As if to answer my question, several messages appeared in front of me.

<Possessing a higher rank species for a long period has enhanced your senses!>

<The passive skill 'Enhanced Sixth Sense' has been acquired!>

<Willingly assimilated hosts provide increased growth to the user!>

<The passive skill 'Enhanced Sight' has been acquired through 'Assimilation'!>

If Active Skills didn't exist, I'd think my status was just a representation of my current abilities because of things like this ...

My battle continued, but I was only exhausted while my opponent almost touched his grave.

"What a disgrace! To think that I ... would be killed by such a weak human woman ... " (Paralyzing Bear)

"Heh. Do you truly think so? Well, according to you, 'I' am just a bug." (Daisy?)

I whispered into Beast Language so only he could hear me.

His expression turned incredulous and he tried to say something, but the light in his eyes was fading fast.

ROAR! (Paralyzing Bear)



<The passive skill 'Bow Mastery Lv. 2' has been acquired through 'Assimilation'!>

He roared using his last strength before his body collapsed to the ground with a heavy sound.

My breathing was irregular and "my" delicate fingers were bleeding under the gloves.

'I shot too many arrows ... ' (Daisy?)

Not one was left in the quiver on "my" back ...

If he hadn't fallen with the last arrow, I would have been forced to reveal more of my power, putting the other "me" in a hard-to-explain situation ...

However, it ended quite well as I managed to keep my promise.

My knees got very weak from bending them too much, so I sat down on the grass to get some rest.

"Amazing! She did it!" (Amazed Guard A)

"Yeah, that lass is pretty good!" (Baffled Guard B)

"Thanks to her, we can safely earn our pay!" (Candid Guard C)

"I won't go back on my promise! She has won herself a drink!" (Determined Guard D)

The guards in the back raised their weapons to the sky and cheered together as the slowly retreating nobles sighed and returned here once more.

"Daisy! Are you okay?!" (Previously Weakened Adventurer C)

The adventurer who previously shouted "my" name is actually "my" brother ...

"I'm fine, Dale ... somehow I managed to evade its attacks." (Daisy?)

I smiled gently as "I" usually do and took his hand to get up.

"Yes, I saw you ... Your movements were beautiful. Where did you learn to evade like this?" (Dale)

There is no way I can answer that ...

Well, time to claim my prize. Since I managed to weaken that bear, Soul Eater should work without any problems.

Because assimilation was suddenly deactivated, Daisy's body was going to fall, but her brother caught her safely.

" ... Thank you for helping me, Dale ... I suddenly got a little dizzy ... " (Daisy)

Good thing she's quick-witted and properly remembers what just happened.

That is one of the best advantages of using Assimilation.

Daisy was in good hands now. I left hastily as I didn't want that bear to suddenly bleed out.

<You have possessed a Paralyzing Bear!>

<Do you want to use 'Soul Eater Lv. 4' on your current host?>

<Yes / No>

'Yeah. Sorry, little furball. It is the law of the jungle that the strongest gets to survive.' (Usagi)

We are in a forest though ... Well, it doesn't really matter ...

<The passive skill 'Stout Muscles Lv. 3' has been acquired!>

<The passive skill 'Increased Vitality Lv. 4' has been acquired!>

<As the inherent skill 'Paralyzing Claws Lv. 2' cannot be acquired, it has been converted into the active skill 'Paralysis Coating Lv. 1'!>

<The passive skill 'Paralysis Resistance Lv. 5' has been acquired!>

<The skill 'Improved Physical Prowess' has leveled up! (Lv. 2 -> Lv. 4)>

<The skill 'Weapon Strengthening' has leveled up! (Lv. 2 -> Lv. 4)>

<The skill 'Experience Boost' has leveled up! (Lv. 3 -> Lv. 4)>

<The skill 'Beast Language' has leveled up! (Lv. 3 -> Lv. 4)>

<The skill 'Consecutive Slashes' has leveled up! (Lv. 1 -> Lv. 3)>

<The skill 'Frenzy' has leveled up! (Lv. 1 -> Lv. 2)>

<The skill 'Unarmed Combat Mastery' has leveled up! (Lv. 1 -> Lv. 2)>

I felt his power flowing into me and wondered how strong I would be able to become in the future ...

Fire! Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Sorry for the late chapter. I will be quite free tomorrow so you can expect another one.

Also, this novel will probably go Premium in the near future thanks to your help. Cheers!

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