
Uzumaki of the Six Eyes

Choking to death on his love letter, now named Satoru, finds himself reborn as a helpless babe in the unforgiving world of Naruto. He lands in the lap of destiny, nestled amongst the vibrant red haired Uzumaki clan, during a period of false peace before the Second Shinobi War. But Satoru isn't your average infant. Reborn with the unparalleled power and name of The Honored One, his silver hair and piercing blue eyes hold a secret – the potential to rewrite the bloody history of the ninja world. But how will a silver haired, blue kid person from the modern world fare along alone in a world filled with war, violence, death and destruction. Will he be able to protect those he loves or will he be protected by them only to lose them. Every otaku dreams of being reincarnated but is it truly a blessing or just a cruel joke from fate. I do not own any of the characters from Naruto written by the one and only Masahi Kishimoto or Jujutsu Kaisen by Gege Akutami. I only hold rights of any kind to my OCs. Love y'all for reading my fanfic. Criticism is welcomed.

ThatDudeG · 漫画同人
12 Chs

The start of an invasion

And so it begins, the alliance talks between Konoha and Kumo, and the covert machinations to invade Uzushio. A delicate dance ensues, with each faction harboring their own hidden agendas, poised to tip the scales and set in motion a cascade of events that will reshape the very fabric of history itself. Who shall emerge victorious in this intricate game of shadows and deceit? Will there be triumph, or only the bitter taste of defeat? As the first domino falls, the stage is set for a conflict of epic proportions, where the lines between friend and foe blur into obscurity. The outcome remains veiled in secrecy, known only to the fates that weave the threads of destiny. Let the saga unfold, and may the gods have mercy on those who dare to tread the path of uncertainty.

So let's start with the first part the shit that's about to go down in Yugakure.

At the venue of the alliance talks, in a brightly lit chamber stood emissaries from both forces.

From Konoha's side:

Tobirama, the Second HokageHiruzen, Danzo, Kagami,and members of the Anbu

From Kumo's Side:

The Second Raikage AHis future successor AMembers of his AnbuAnd the Gold and Silver brothers (Kinkaku and Ginkaku)

"Hokage," A boomed, his voice a gravelly rasp that scraped against the silence. "We propose a strategic partnership – a bulwark against the ever-present threat. In exchange for our unwavering support, we require a fair exchange of resources."

Tobirama puffed on his pipe, a plume of smoke rising like a silent question mark. "Unwavering support, you say? Against what specific threat might this alliance be directed?"

A's lips curled into a smirk, revealing a glint of something akin to amusement in his dark eyes. "The specifics are unimportant, Hokage. What matters is that together, we stand stronger. Now, regarding those resources…" He leaned forward, his voice dropping to a low growl. "We require a steady flow of high-grade chakra metal from Konoha's reserves. Our own stockpiles dwindle, and our shinobi are in dire need."

Tobirama's brow furrowed. Lightning release chakra metal was a coveted resource, prized for its ability to channel powerful lightning techniques. Parting with a significant amount would leave Konoha's own forces vulnerable.

"Raikage," Tobirama countered, his voice as steady as a mountain stream, "such a request is… substantial. Surely, an alternative arrangement can be reached?"

A's amusement vanished, replaced by a cold glint. "Alternatives? Perhaps a generous shipment of your finest medical supplies then? Our healers are running low on essential herbs and antidotes."

Hiruzen, ever the diplomat, interjected cautiously. "Raikage, we are open to discussing mutually beneficial trade agreements. However, the resources you've requested are… critical to our own village's defenses."

A snorted, the sound dismissive. "Defenses? Surely, with our alliance, such concerns become a thing of the past, wouldn't you agree? Think of the possibilities, Hokage. Combined, our forces would be unmatched! Imagine the wealth of resources we could claim from less… fortunate nations."

Tobirama's eye narrowed further, a hint of anger flickering within its depths. The Raikage's true motives were becoming alarmingly clear. This wasn't about mutual defense; it was about veiled aggression and plunder.

"Raikage," Tobirama stated, his voice firm, "Konohagakure does not engage in predatory alliances. Our support comes at a fair price, not at the expense of our own well-being or the exploitation of others."

A's face contorted in a furious scowl. He slammed his fist on the table once more, the sound echoing through the room.

"Fair price, you say?" he bellowed. "Very well then, Hokage. Consider this your fair price – half of Konoha's annual rice harvest. Our people are hungry, and a strong alliance requires a strong foundation, wouldn't you agree?"

The audacity of the demand left the room speechless. Hiruzen, Danzo, and Kagami exchanged horrified glances. Half their rice harvest? Such a concession would cripple Konohagakure, leaving their people vulnerable to famine.

As the tension in the room reached its zenith and the peace talks teetered on the edge of collapse, Tobirama's keen senses suddenly alerted him to the true nature of the situation. With a sinking feeling in his gut, he realized that the alliance talks had been nothing but a ruse

Before he could react, chaos erupted in the chamber as a surprise attack on both Tobirama and the Raikage. Reacting on instinct, the two Kage dodged the incoming strikes, their years of experience allowing them to move with lightning-fast reflexes.

As the dust settled, Tobirama found himself surrounded by his loyal guards, their weapons drawn and ready to defend their leader at all costs. Across the room, the Raikage was similarly protected by his own entourage just missing two individuals.

Tobirama's voice cut through the tension like a blade as he demanded answers from the Raikage. "What is the meaning of this, Raikage?" he demanded, his tone laced with pressure of his chakra.

The Raikage's response was a chilling laugh, his demeanor betraying no hint of remorse or regret. "Hahaha, this is an unexpected turn of events, indeed," he replied, his voice dripping with amusement. "But you are as formidable as the rumors claim, Hokage."

The room crackled with tension as the two Kage locked eyes, their chakra surging in a palpable wave of power. Tobirama's aura, tinged with the mastery of water-style jutsu and the wisdom gained from a lifetime of battles, clashed against the Raikage's own formidable presence—a testament to his raw strength and cunning.

In that moment, as the clash of chakra echoed through the chamber, Tobirama knew that he faced a foe unlike any other. Though the outcome of their confrontation remained uncertain, one thing was clear: the peace talks had devolved into a deadly game of cat and mouse, and Tobirama would need to tread carefully.


Uzushiogakure, nestled amidst towering mountains and enveloped by swirling whirlpools, was a breathtaking sight to behold. The towering peaks of the surrounding mountains cast long shadows over the land, their summits glistening in the sunlight.

The natural beauty of Uzushiogakure was only enhanced by its strategic location. The imposing mountains served as a formidable barrier against any would-be invaders, their sheer cliffs and rugged terrain deterring all but the most determined foes. Meanwhile, the treacherous whirlpools that encircled the island made the sea surrounding it a perilous labyrinth, effectively isolating the village from maritime threats.

With only one path publicly known in and out of the land. Even that would require the support of the Uzu shinobi to traverse for merchants and delegates.

But perhaps the most remarkable aspect of Uzushiogakure was its people. The shinobi of Uzu were renowned throughout the ninja world for their mastery of seals and their prodigious chakra reserves. Their bodies, strengthened by years of rigorous training and enhanced by their unique bloodline, possessed a resilience and regenerative capacity that bordered on the supernatural.

It was this combination of natural defenses and formidable warriors that made Uzushiogakure such a daunting adversary. Any enemy foolish enough to breach its borders would find themselves facing not only the unforgiving terrain but also the relentless onslaught of Uzu's elite shinobi forces.

To counter the formidable defenses of Uzushiogakure, the three hidden villages devised a three-step invasion strategy. Initially, Kiri would navigate the treacherous sea and facilitate the landing of their forces beneath the towering mountains of Uzu.

Subsequently, Iwa's skilled shinobi would employ their Earth style techniques to carve through the formidable granite peaks, clearing a path towards the heart of the village.

As the assault progressed, Kumo's lightning style users would spearhead the charge, their sharp and potent techniques leading the vanguard. Meanwhile, Iwa and Kiri forces would provide essential support from the rear, ensuring the success of the invasion.

After a grueling journey fraught with peril and loss, the invading forces successfully landed at the base of Uzushio's imposing mountains. Despite the sacrifices made along the way, the resolve of the warriors remained unshaken, fueled by the promise of plundering the land for its invaluable bloodline, knowledge, and resources.

After finally drilling through the mountains, they finally reached the main city, but what welcomed them was something they did not expect. If not for one miscalculation on the side of the allied forces they would probably have won this battle with relative ease.


That marks the end of yet another chapter. I expect to write some level of gore and bloodshed in the next few chapters though i am not sure how far it would be taken. I want chaos and that wish won't change.

Hope you guys enjoyed reading the chapter. Have a wonderful day and see you next chapter.

Power stones and Comments heavily motivate me.

Hand over your powerstones or else all you pizzas will have pineapple on them.

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