
Uzumaki of the Six Eyes

Choking to death on his love letter, now named Satoru, finds himself reborn as a helpless babe in the unforgiving world of Naruto. He lands in the lap of destiny, nestled amongst the vibrant red haired Uzumaki clan, during a period of false peace before the Second Shinobi War. But Satoru isn't your average infant. Reborn with the unparalleled power and name of The Honored One, his silver hair and piercing blue eyes hold a secret – the potential to rewrite the bloody history of the ninja world. But how will a silver haired, blue kid person from the modern world fare along alone in a world filled with war, violence, death and destruction. Will he be able to protect those he loves or will he be protected by them only to lose them. Every otaku dreams of being reincarnated but is it truly a blessing or just a cruel joke from fate. I do not own any of the characters from Naruto written by the one and only Masahi Kishimoto or Jujutsu Kaisen by Gege Akutami. I only hold rights of any kind to my OCs. Love y'all for reading my fanfic. Criticism is welcomed.

ThatDudeG · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Beneath the Gathering Clouds

The tension in the air was palpable as the emissaries from Iwa and Kiri stood before the Raikage, their expressions a careful mask of diplomacy and determination. The Raikage, seated at the head of the chamber, regarded them with a keen gaze, his eyes flashing with an intensity that belied the gravity of their discussion.

"Our esteemed allies," began the Raikage, his voice resonating with authority. "We stand before you today to propose a strategic alliance—a coalition forged in the crucible of necessity and opportunity."

The other emissaries inclined his head in acknowledgment, their demeanor betraying none of the skepticism that simmered beneath the surface.

"Our target is clear," interjected Raiu, the future third mizukage, his tone sharp and decisive. "The Uzumaki clan, with their growing strength and influence, pose a threat to our collective interests. It is imperative that we take action to neutralize this threat before it grows beyond our control."

The Raikage nodded in agreement, his gaze unwavering as he absorbed their words. "And how do you propose we accomplish this?" he queried, his voice a measured cadence that brooked no room for ambiguity.

The emissary from Iwa, Ohnoki's son, stepped forward, his expression grave. "We believe that a coordinated assault, executed with precision and stealth, is our best course of action."

He continued, "By dividing our forces and launching simultaneous attacks on multiple fronts, we can exploit the weaknesses of the Uzumaki defenses and overwhelm them before they have a chance to respond."

"From the information that we have collected we do not believe that it is necessary for the Kage's to interfere and also so that Konoha would not have an opportunity to attack our villages when it's defenses would be at their weakest"

Raiu and The Raikage A nodded thoughtfully, their minds already calculating the intricacies of such a plan.

"And what of their allies in Konoha?" Raiu inquired, his voice laced with a hint of caution. "How do we ensure that they do not interfere?"

The Raikage spoke up, his voice powerful and booming inside the dimly lit chamber. "We propose a diplomatic approach—a facade of peace and cooperation that will lull the Second Hokage into complacency. By engaging in negotiations under the guise of friendship, we can draw his attention away from the true nature of our intentions and buy ourselves the time we need to strike."

The emissaries regarded them with a steely resolve, his gaze piercing through the facade of diplomacy to the heart of the matter.

The question hung heavy in the air, like a shadow cast by the impending storm of war. The emissaries from Iwa and Kiri exchanged a knowing glance, their expressions a careful mask of calculation and greed. This was the moment they had been waiting for—the chance to lay claim to the spoils of victory, to sate their insatiable hunger for power and wealth.

The emissary from Iwa stepped forward, his voice resonating with a steely determination. "The spoils of war shall be divided according to the contributions of each village to the campaign," he declared, his tone brooking no room for dissent. "Iwa shall claim its rightful share, based on the sacrifices made by our brave shinobi in the heat of battle."

Raiu nodded in agreement, his eyes gleaming with a fierce hunger. "And let us not forget the role that Kiri shall play in this endeavor," he added, his voice laced with a hint of menace. "Our village has shed blood and sweat alongside our allies, and we shall not be denied our portion of the spoils."

The Raikage regarded them with a measured gaze, his expression betraying none of the eagerness that burned within him. "Very well," he conceded, his voice a low rumble that reverberated through the chamber. "Let it be known that each village shall receive its due reward for its contributions to the war effort."

The emissaries exchanged a knowing glance before the emissary from Iwa stepped forward once more, his voice ringing with authority. "We propose a fair and equitable distribution of resources—each village receiving its rightful share based on the contributions of its forces to the campaign. It is only through cooperation and unity that we can hope to achieve victory."

The Raikage nodded in agreement, his expression grave yet resolute. "Very well," he declared, his voice carrying the weight of their collective decision. "Let us prepare for war. The fate of our villages hangs in the balance, and it is our duty to ensure that we emerge victorious."

And with that solemn decree, the emissaries withdrew, their minds already turning to the riches and glory that awaited them on the battlefield. For in the world of shinobi, victory was not merely measured in lives lost and battles won, but in the spoils of war that awaited those bold enough to seize them.


[Konoha, a few days later]

A flurry of urgency filled the halls of the Hokage building as a shinobi rushed in, his footsteps echoing through the corridors.

"Nidaime-sama, we've received communication from Kumo regarding an alliance. They're proposing a meeting in Yugakure within the month."

(A/N: Yugakure is the Land of Hot Water. The place with all the hot spring resorts and stuff. It shares its borders with Konoha and the Land of Iron.)

Tobirama's brow furrowed in concern as he absorbed the news.

"Call for an emergency council meeting,"

The weight of the decision hung heavy in the air, a sense of unease settling over the room. "This alliance does not seem as straightforward as it appears on the surface," Tobirama mused silently to himself, his mind already racing through the potential ramifications.

(A/N: Thanks for going through another interruption. Since I already involved a lot of political discussion in the beginning of this chap I do not want to write another lengthy discussion. If you guys would prefer I write all of that. I'll update this chapter and make a note for future chapters as well)

Despite his reservations, Tobirama felt compelled to honor the wishes of his late brother. After a lengthy deliberation with the council, it was decided that they would heed the summons and meet the Raikage and his delegation in Yugakure to discuss the terms of the alliance.

Little did Tobirama know, however, that this seemingly innocuous decision would unravel a chain of events that would ultimately lead to the downfall of both the founding clans of Konoha. It was a period shrouded in politics, betrayal, and darkness—a dark chapter in history that would ultimately be redeemed by the actions of a certain blonde, knuckleheaded ninja.


The incessant rubbing of Satoru's eyes, ears, skin, and even his tongue sparked a nagging suspicion in Akagi's mind. Could it be possible that this child possessed a kekkei genkai that heightened his sensitivity to external stimuli? Could it be a dojutsu that also affects his other senses? He has been rubbing his eyes the most after all. I should discuss this further with Ashina-sama and Genji-sama, after all their wisdom could give me some answers to this situation.

"I understand the situation Akagi, I will inform this to Ashina-sama as well. Don't let any information about this spread out. It could put both of you in danger."

"Hai Genji-sama"


[Satoru POV]

Fuck am I awakening a dojutsu everything seems so clear to me now my senses are overwhelming me. Also, what is this sensation feels like the synesthesia that I have read about so much. But I definitely don't think I am hearing with my eyes, so is this chakra.

Well, whatever I still have a long time ahead of me after all I can learn more about this shit later. Babies don't take responsibility for anything after all.

It's been a while since mom has returned, she doesn't usually leave me with our neighbors for this long.

*Knocks on the door*

"Ma'am, we are from the Uzukage's office. We have been asked to take the child with us to meet Kage-sama."


In the solemn chambers of the Uzukage's office, Ashina-sama, Genji, and Akagi convened to discuss the pressing matter at hand. Genji's astute observations sparked a revelation, prompting Ashina-sama to ponder the implications of Satoru's newfound sensitivity to chakra.

"Genji, what do you make of this situation?" the Uzukage inquired, his voice laced with a note of concern.

"Indeed, Ashina-sama," Genji responded thoughtfully. "The chakra signature emanating from the child appears to have undergone a transformation. It possesses qualities reminiscent of kekkei genkai users I've encountered in the past, although it has a sense of purity."

Ashina-sama absorbed Genji's assessment with a measured nod. "I see," he murmured, his brow furrowing slightly. "Akagi, for the time being, I advise against undue worry. Kekkei genkai are often blessings bestowed upon their wielders, and it appears that this may manifest as a dojutsu in Satoru. Let us allow the child to grow and develop naturally. We will reassess the situation as it unfolds."

"I understand, Ashina-sama."

"I will continue to monitor Satoru's progress closely and report any significant developments."

Just as Akagi had departed with Satoru, a sharp knock echoed through the chamber, heralding the arrival of urgent news.


"Ashina-sama our scouts have reported movement from the Kiri and Kumo-nins."

Ashina's expression darkened at the revelation.

"It seems the tides of conflict are stirring once more."

A heavy sigh escaping his lips. "The emergence of a new dojutsu amidst these turbulent times is no mere coincidence. I fear that Satoru may unwittingly find himself entangled in the midst of it all."


Hi guys this is a slightly longer chapter since there is a lot of political mumbo jumbo at the start.

Also it was only after a comment from @Naenaeja that i realised a few things. Canonically Gengetsu Hozoki and Mu fought each other with Mu losing and Gengetsu succumbing to his injuries but here i left Gengetsu alive and also the fact that Tobirama and The second raikage A had a meeting in the first war not at the time of peace before the second war.

Therefore i have decided to play the "I am the author and this is a fic" card.

But all jokes aside, thanks for pointing it out.

Since naruto is such a huge franchise I won't be able to keep up with every tiny detail of all the characters so such inconsistencies with canon may arise, but please bear with me. I will keep the story entertaining even with these changes.

Thanks for reading and have a beautiful day.

Power Stones and comments really do motivate me. See you guys in the next chapter.

Hand over your powerstones or else all your songs will be the Rick Roll FOREVER.


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