
Uzumaki of the Six Eyes

Choking to death on his love letter, now named Satoru, finds himself reborn as a helpless babe in the unforgiving world of Naruto. He lands in the lap of destiny, nestled amongst the vibrant red haired Uzumaki clan, during a period of false peace before the Second Shinobi War. But Satoru isn't your average infant. Reborn with the unparalleled power and name of The Honored One, his silver hair and piercing blue eyes hold a secret – the potential to rewrite the bloody history of the ninja world. But how will a silver haired, blue kid person from the modern world fare along alone in a world filled with war, violence, death and destruction. Will he be able to protect those he loves or will he be protected by them only to lose them. Every otaku dreams of being reincarnated but is it truly a blessing or just a cruel joke from fate. I do not own any of the characters from Naruto written by the one and only Masahi Kishimoto or Jujutsu Kaisen by Gege Akutami. I only hold rights of any kind to my OCs. Love y'all for reading my fanfic. Criticism is welcomed.

ThatDudeG · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

The Eve Before the Battle

{Here is a map of the Naruto world}

"Ashina-sama it seems a bunch of rats have managed to infiltrate our land. They have spread out their forces along the east,south-east and north-east regions. They seem to have found a way to drill through the mountains."

Ashina's comrade, friend and advisor, Genji was their generation's greatest user of the Kagura Mind Eye. He and his corp of sensors a few of which also had this secret technique had an almost omniscient view of the island.

By discerning any fluctuations in the emotions of others they could find out if there were forces that threatened the sanctity of their village.

"I see." Ashina the current Uzukage, his voice resonating with ferocity and determination commanded, "Genji, mark the locations of their approach on a map and monitor them closely. People cherish gifts let us present them with one they won't forget. Get our best shinobi to launch a counter ambush. Station them as necessary."

"Old friend, shall we warm up these aging bones. This battle should end before the villagers and kinds even find out about the invasion."

Unbeknownst to him, a sinister smile crept across his features, a manifestation of the bloodlust stirring within. To any Uzumaki who beheld him in this moment, he would be unrecognizable—the benevolent leader transformed into a bloodthirsty demon.

The old coots would recall the same expression that adorned his face as he wiped out an entire fleet of Kiri shinobi—an event that earned him the moniker "Shin'en Uzumakumizu no Shihai-sha," the Ruler of the Abyssal Whirls.

"It would be my honor Ashina. As much as I despise war, I really miss the thrill of rampaging around the battlefield." Genji's eyes brimming with anticipation as he uttered this.

"Hahaha" *2

Both friends lauhed voraciously as the sound of their laughter echoed through the halls of the Uzukage's office.

The one thing that the fools who decided to invade did not realise was that the Uzumaki possessed some of the best sensors in the world, the inheritors of the Kagura Mind Eye technique. Yet who could fault their ignorance? This was information known only within the Uzumaki clan and the highest echelons of their "trusted" ally, Konoha.

In the previous Great War, the Uzumaki demonstrated coordination like no other in their attacks, swiftly countering ambushes with near-immediate responses. The allied forces made the grave mistake of assuming that this was due to the skill of their allies in Konoha, specifically the Yamanaka clan.

 The basic precautions they took against sensors were rendered useless against the Kagura Mind Eye.


[Allied Forces POV]

The leaders of the three forces – Ai (Kiri), Atsuchi (Iwa) and Jinrui (Kumo) – convened to finalize their battle plans before the attack.

"It doesn't seem that they have sensors good enough to have found us," remarked Atsuchi proud of his village's earth hiding techniques and dismissed any notion of being discovered by the enemy.

Ai concurred, "It does seem so. We will be moving out of this spot in 15 minutes. We have rested long enough for our forces to replenish their chakra"

Jinrui, growing impatient, interjected, "Enough screwing around! Let's bathe this land in blood."

"And as was discussed our Kumo forces will lead the charge. The first step would be to scale the walls surrounding their village and the Iwa forces will use their earth jutsus to raise a platform to the top as we do not want to deal with any seals that could be scattered about in the ground. After which the Kiri will use their water jutsus to stop any attacks from the Uzumaki guards and finally we will release our Jinchuriki to rampage in their land and amidst the chaos kidnap the women and children and steal any other resources we can. Any resources you grab will belong to your village any additional distribution will be based on merit. Are we clear."

Atsuchi and Ai nodded in agreement, their expressions resolute. "Understood," they affirmed in unison, ready to execute their plan and claim victory for their respective villages.


[Minutes before the confrontation]

"As you commanded, Ashina-sama," spoke an elder from the ranks of the Uzumaki, his voice resonating with reverence and determination. "Our forces have been deployed, aligned with the enemy's distribution and waiting to ambush at the right time."

"Good, it seems they are prepared to make their move. They have recovered their chakra only to have their life snuffed out in the next moments. They have brought their Jinchuriki as well with them so we have to seal it before a tailed beast starts rampaging in our land. Once the sealing is done the conflict should end swiftly."


[Satoru POV]

Being bound to a carrier as mom does all her work is sooo boring.

But can you really blame me for trying to get my hands on her kunai or sneaking a peek at those mysterious scrolls in her bag? I mean, the look on her face when I grabbed one of those explosive tags was priceless!

Though it got me bound to a baby carrier. TOTALLY WORTH IT.

And the silver lining of being a baby? The chance to admire that hot ninja bod from up close every time we take a bath. No not the boobs and ass but the toned muscles and flexible body… Damn it, words aren't enough to describe that.

Okay maybe a little bit boob. Oppai is the best after all.

Oh, and I have finally gotten used to my sensitive eyes. I really hope it's the cheat eyes I think they are.

We're strolling through the market right now. It's noisy, chaotic even, but I can tune it all out if it means spending time with Mom. She's been by my side through every tear, every stumble, tending to me with such unwavering care. Her eyes, warm and comforting, meet mine every time she feeds me, as if she's pouring her love and affection into each spoonful.

Sometimes, it feels like she's projecting someone else onto me. A ghost from her past, perhaps? It's frustrating, almost infuriating, but I push those thoughts aside. Despite it all, Mom remains the one constant in my life, the one I trust and love more than anything in this world.

Top of Form

As I was continuing my internal monologue, I noticed a familiar face but couldn't pin point at who or what. But the only three Uzumaki females that have been shown in the anime are Karin, Kushina and Mito.

Mito is too old to be a child, Karin is ways ahead in the future and yeah, she does look like…

"Hello Kushina-chan haven't seen you here in the past few months. How are you?"

"Ummm Akagi-san, I've been doin' some special training for the past few months. Sensei only told me yesterday that I could take a break-dattebane"

Wowowoah, chottho matte, MY MOM KNOWS Kushina, the red-hot habanero, the girl that declared she would become the Hokage and most of all the mother of the main character.

This can't simply be a coincidence, right? Well, whatever too complicated for my baby brain to understsand or care about.

"The elders told me that I will be sent to Konoha in a few years to meet Mito-sama."

This slightly shook Akagi as she knew the reason as to why Kushina was being sent to Konoha. Jinchuriki's always held a cruel fate, one filled with persecution and complicated looks from others.

"I see Kushina-chan."

Before Akagi could finish what she was saying Kushina interjected

"Nee Akagi-san is this Satoru that I have been hearing all about. He is soooo beautiful-dattebane."

"But why does he have silver hair, don't uzumaki's have red hair."

"Kushina, Satoru is a bit different…"


"What in heavens, is that a…? Kushina take Satoru and get to the shelter. I'll see what has happened and come to the shelter right after. Don't worry too much."


I wonder what Akagi saw and did she set up a flag? Well see you in the next chapter if you want to find out.

But I'm sure many of you would think that it is too cliché to kill her off right now so I'll tell you this much, she won't die. But what of the Uzumaki? That you will have to wait.

I know cliffhangers are annoying but is that not what gives the thrill and makes people second guess what is about to happen. So I will leave you with that.

Thanks for reading.

Hand over your Power Stones else your mom sees your search history.

Also guys what is the weirdest food combination that you've eaten. I'll go first: Pickles in Ice Cream. 

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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