
Unlimited Fantasy

MC Given a Chance to Venture through Infinite Realms and go through an Adventure like no other. What Can I say? This Novel Will Take you on a Journey Across Worlds/Realms! Ever Seen Jurassic Park? MC will Go There! Ever Read Battle Through The Heavens? MC will Go There! Ever Seen The Flash (Or other DC Shows)? MC Will Go There! Ever seen Fairy Tail? MC Will Go There! It is an Unlimited Journey!

Chenglei · 其他
53 Chs

Back to the Forgotten Desert (Chapter 49)

. . .

Although Daniel had a lot of difficulty finding the whereabouts of Amber, everyone knew where Tor lived.

"Huh, the place wasn't that hard to find."

Daniel curiously looked at the incredibly western-like building in front of him. The house of course, was ginormous, however, if one were to look at it from a giant's perspective it was actually quite small.

Daniel using all of his strength in his arm knocked the door.

"Helloo! Tor! You there?!"

In response to Daniel's shouts, a loud clanging noise was heard from inside.


Tor's angry shout came from the other side.

'Hehe don't tell me he is still suffering from the effects of drinking 'The Devil's Piss'

He chuckled at the thought of the laughing giant crying from the pain of a hangover.

"It's me you big oaf!"

He yelled back.

"Eh? Young warrior? Hisss…"

Tor opened the door and immediately afterwards he hissed in pain as the seemingly gentle rays of the sun assaulted his eyes.

"Pfff hahaha!!"

It was Daniel's turn to laugh this time. |1|

"So tell me Tor, how are you holding up? Hehe, is the drink of true warriors affecting you?"

Daniel said laughingly.

"Haha... Ouch…"

Tor just laughed weakly in response.

"Hahaha okay I'll stop messing with you. I came to ask you if you knew the location where Amber ate the mysterious fruit."

"Hmmm… Daniel, as a friend I want to warn you that these monster are incredibly dangerous. I am not sure where they came from, however even me and the other Guardians had issues handling these creatures. Even when we killed one through great difficulty, another one would show up. If not we wouldn't have cordoned it off and would've cleared that area of these creatures."

Tor said with a solemn expression.

"Sigh… It will probably be a bit troublesome, however I do not have the ability to choose. Plus, if they are truly as powerful as you say, then it will align with some of my personal goals."

He said smiling as killing intent began rolling out of him as if it were a dark red fog.

"Hahahaha!! OUCH!"

Tor clutched his head in pain.

"Haha… well then since you are so eager to face against these creatures. The Danger zone will be somewhere to the northeast of the village, one of the Guardians I stationed there is called Oros. He is the one I placed in charge of the area for now. Hmmm…. Here take this."

Tor reached for his back and took out a rock that looked small in his palm, but big in human terms. In the center of the rock was a marking that Daniel recognized as unique to the Sun Village, a symbol of the Sun. Tor lowered it to Daniel.


Daniel extended his arms for the rock and held it tightly.

'Oof! This thing is very heavy! Must be a unique type of rock, or else I wouldn't feel it this heavy!'

'U.F Store it please."


Daniel suddenly felt the weight disappear and his arms lighter.

"Haiss… I really envy you wizards…"

Tor said as he watched the whole process on how the rock suddenly started to vanish into some sort of 'void'.

"Hahaha, well not all wizards have the same magical ability though. Only those with [Spatial Magic] have the ability of storing items."

"Welp! Imma head there now!"

Daniel said clapped his hands.

"Haha!! Good Luck young warrior! I will go and rest, my head is killing me."

Tor said as he walked back inside the house.

"Yup! See ya!"

Daniel turned around and headed towards his destination with an excited grin on his face.

'Maybe these mysterious creatures will finally help me level up!'

- - - - -

After an hour of flying, Daniel finally started seeing some Giants in the vast, hot desert.

'It's a good thing I managed to fully refine the [Dragon Slayer Art - Galaxy Wings], If not, would've had to walk these miles for hours.'


Suddenly, a large spear could be seen heading straight for Daniel at a sound breaking speed.

"What the fuck?!"

He immediately dodged to the side, the spear missing him by barely a few inches.

"Hey! Who the fuck threw that!"

Daniel angrily looked down only to find 4 large giants covered in huge, menacing and hulking metal armors charging towards him.



'What? Why do they think I'm one of the creatures?!'

[Host, perhaps, it is because of your giant wings?]


Daniel's wings slowly started to dematerialize as he irritatedly stared at the giants.

'At least their hearts' are in the right place…'

"Oiiiii!!!! I AM HUMAN!!!!"

He shouted.

"Huh? Human?"

"Yes brother, I think it said that it's human?"

"Its wings disappeared. Perhaps it is telling us the truth?"

"Hmmm, alright you three wait here. I will go confront it. Or him."

The giant in the middle said with a tone of authority.

"You got it boss."

The others nodded in agreement.

The Forgotten Desert is an incredibly dry and hot place. Here, the golden sand is always scattering everywhere thanks to the hot gusts of air and the usual sandstorms that occur.

Because of this, the giants were unable to identify Daniel from the air, and instead noticed his [Galaxy Wings] that were similar to that of a winged-creature.

"Who are you!?"

Yelled the giant, as he suspiciously stared at Daniel's silhouette that could barely be seen through the screen of sand that was covering him up.

'He really is human. Hmm.. but the wings, Wizard perhaps?'

Daniel responded back solemnly, "Bond, James Bond."

"E-eh? Okay… may I ask, what business do you have here, Mr. Bond?"

The giant felt it strange for the person to say his last name first and then his full name, however that did not matter. He needed to know what this mysterious person is doing here.

"I'm here to investigate the mysterious creatures, and the area in which Ms. Rilith found the fruit."

He said as he stepped forward.

"How do you know all this?"

The giant suddenly got aggressive and clenched onto his sword that was in his scabbard.

Instead of answering Daniel asked the giant, "Are you Oros?"

"Yes, that is indeed I. I will ask once more who are you?!"

Oros yelled as he took out a huge sword from its equally large sheathe.

"Look brothers! Boss took out his weapon! It must be one of those creatures!"

One of the Giants said pointing at Oros, who was aggressively pointing his sword towards Daniel.

"Lets go help out!"

The other giant said.


One of the giants shouted.

All of them halted, and stared at the one who stopped them.

The giant then lifted his finger and pointed, "Look!"

The rock that Tor gave Daniel was out, and Oros could be seen placing his sword back into its sheath and scratching his head awkwardly.

"I am terribly sorry Mr. Bond. I did not know that Leader sent you."

Oros said as he smiled wryly.

"It's okay. My name is not James Bond by the way. It is Daniel, Daniel Conbolt. "

He said as he chuckled.

- - - - -

|1| : Because Tor is always the one laughing.

|2| : ? ଲ(^ⓛ ω ⓛ^)ଲ ?

- - - - -

I have an announcement to make.

I have been working on an Original novel as of lately, because I wish to post it on this new website called: Moon Quill. The website is brand new, and was created by a huge band of authors. You guys can go visit it at www.moonquill.com .

It saddens me to say this, but from now on I will be posting at a 'MadSnail' pace. Well it won't necessarily be every month. More like once every 2 weeks, or if I can, once every week. I'd like to sincerely thank those who have stuck with me from the beginning and watched me improve in my writing. Now I want you to continue with me on a new journey. One that I myself have created.

Thank you! ♡( ◡‿◡ )

The New Novel will be called : "The Student"

You will be able to find in Moon Quill soon! I am still working out the kinks, however I will definitely be posting it in a few months.

Once again, thank you so much for accompanying me on this journey! (≧▽≦)

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