
Tyranny of Steel

作者: Zentmeister
已完結 · 9.1M 流覽
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    340 評分
  • NO.200+
Nomination Award for WSA 2021 ContestNomination Award for WSA 2021 Contest

Julian Weber is an officer in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and a graduate of Westpoint Military Academy with a degree in civil engineering. As U.S. involvement in Afghanistan comes to an end, Lt. Julian Weber finds himself involved in a terrorist attack by the Taliban, which claims his life. However, he quickly finds out that death is not always final as he is reincarnated into the body of a Baron's son and heir in an alternate Earth set in Late-Medieval Europe. In an era of political turmoil and civil strife, the Baron's young son is named Regent of the Barony of Kufstein and forced to contend with feudal powers. Will he be able to institute reforms leading his Barony into the age of industry? Or will he succumb to the pressure of his feudal overlords and a corrupt church that seek dominion overall?

10 標籤

Empire of Butuan

Alexis Francisco age 25, was your not-so-normal College Student at Mindanao State University, on the island of Mindanao, Philippines. Born and raised in a family of prestige and wealth in the City of Butuan, whose lineage traces back to the pre-colonial Philippines, values, martial arts, and traditions of the old are deeply rooted in his mind. Despite this, his love for politics, history, and languages, made him so promising that his family started to train him to be the next successor of their family’s wealth. Devoid of greed and lust, made him just the perfect candidate to do so. But jealousy is the bane of the human race, you never know when to stop and who should not be touched. Relatives full of greed and insecurities started plotting his death, thinking they were much more suitable than him. And just like that, the promising heir of the oldest family in the Philippines is now dead in the alley outside of his school. Brutally shot in the head five times making him look like an amalgamation. But the heavens favoured its chosen sons, given a chance to be reincarnated in a universe quite similar like his, choosing to accept, his adventure starts. Reincarnated as a newborn heir of the Rajahnate of Butuan. Saigu Alexie of House Shaja. Arm with his knowledge and capacity as a modern man, let us join him in his journey as Heir to the throne of the Rajahnate of Butuan. Notice: This novel is not intended to insult or degrade any culture, race, ethnicity, or religion. If ever you are offended because of this novel, I would like to apologize in advance. Also, English isn't my first language so please bear with the repetitive words, grammatical error, and wrong usage of filler words, and many more. Hope you understand GENRES: Low-Fantasy, Alternate Universe, History, Racism, Kingdom Building, Romance, Wars, Low-History, Non-Harem, Monarchy, & Religion --------------------------------------------------------- Hi everyone. I am Holy_Slayer, a newbie writer based in the Philippines. This novel is inspired by my hometown’s history and my love for monarchy. I would like to apologise in advance as this novel might be offensive to some readers who are too nationalistic. If you ever wanted to read this, be open-minded and forget your lesson in our history as this novel will not be touching 100% in history despite having a ‘history’ as one of its genres, but I am trying to incorporate some historical events and people in my story. NOTE: The Rajahnate of Butuan is a real kingdom that existed in 988.

Holy_Slayer · 历史
103 Chs


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If you stop writing this novel, I'll come and find you and torture you till you start writing again, do you hear me? lol, just kidding, the story is good and I like it, don't drop it.


Unite Germany! Unite Germany! Unite Germany! Unite Germany! Unite Germany! Unite Germany! Unite Germany! Unite Germany! Unite Germany! Unite Germany!


It's a hidden gem! I really don't understand how this story doesn't get more exposure but i believe that if the author continues, this story will gain a lot more attention.


MAPS BROTHER MAPS. Put a few maps in the description. We need maps in kingdom building novels. Even though it is the civil enengineer in me speaking.


This image pretty much shows how I feel about this novel .................................................................. ....................................


I waited for such a long time, to have a good kdb novel, without a system but only the intelligence of the MC. I dare the author to stop writing, and my arm will extend to wherever the author is and strangle him, til he carries on.


One thing Is very clear about this novel. The author put a lot of work in it & did his research which is much appreciated. But 2 things I didn't like about this novel that caused me to ultimately drop it after 110 chapters. 1. the story is too linear & there are rarely any twists. this makes the novel boring. 2. the MC is a hypocrite & nothing special about him.


I'm a sucker for kingdom building and historical fiction. This got both. Now, I don't like some things but they are minor. Grammar is good, mistakes are non-existent. You may feel frustrated by the plot sometimes but you can easily ignore it. At least I did, but again, I'm brain dead after reading too many Machine Translations. Good work author. May the monke gods bless you. Here, have some holy monke bathwater.


Ukraine : "Vladimir- Kun pleas be gentle ". Vladimir-kun : "sorry Ukraine-chan ,I can't hold back anymore" . *squirts the entire 2nd Guards Motor Rifle Division into Kyev *


I suppose that America in this world will not be discovered for a long time because Constantinople is still in the hands of the Byzantines who even if not Catholic have relatively cordial relations with the European countries. So it would be a good idea to send exploration and colonization ships to the new world and the Atlantic islands to make America and maybe even Oceania and South Africa (very sparsely populated at that time) the chasse gardé of Germany and at least give Germany a considerable advantage before the other European countries understand anything.


Completed. Thanks for this amazing novel author. [img=coins][img=recommend][img=exp][img=Loving it]


good kingdom building story, glad to see a well written industrialisation story, just wish there were more chapters to read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


One thing Is very clear about this novel. The author put a lot of work in it & did his research which is much appreciated. But 2 things I didn't like about this novel that caused me to ultimately drop it after 110 chapters. 1. the story is too linear & there are rarely any twists. this makes the novel boring. 2. the MC is a hypocrite & nothing special about him.


It is a pretty good novel and it has an excellent translator. The only problem I had reading this was that it seemed more of a list of events happening than a story. the transitions between events were very inorganic and history-textbook-like (not the case for the first arc against his brother). the Wars are very bland and lack the taste of strategy. (this is due to the fact that mc is more technologically advanced). this fact is well established. however, you would assume that other counts and viscounts have their own spy network that specializes in espionage and information gathering. The author leans into "other characters underestimate the mc" a bit too much. It almost feels like he is trying to make the MC an emperor as fast as he can, which in turn messes with the story development and kingdom building.


This is really really good! Research has been done. Story flow is fantastic. World building chef's kiss! Characters are like dressings to a salad. I really like this one. Keep it up! If you wanna know what the story is its about a German Engineer reincarnated in the past as a German but did a ra ra Rasputin who is big and strong and has one eye that is flaming sapphire. His enemies look at him with terror and fear but to his people he is such a lovely dear. He could preach the bible like a preacher. Full of ecstasy and fire, but he also was the kind of teacher that any women would desire. He will rule German land and never mind the Czar, but the Renaissance art, Tudor and Elizabethan fashion he brings will bring up the Great German Empire. In all affairs of state he was the man to please, But he was real great when his with Linde to squeeze. For the Queen Adeka he was no wheeler dealer. Though she'd heard the things he'd done. She believed he was a holy healer. Ra Rah Berenger Germans greatest love machine. He drank hard beers and said, "I feel fine".


*If you want the short version of this message skip to the last paragraph* I wanted to write this review just because I reread the first chapter and saw a few negative comments already judging the novel within 10 paragraphs. I will say that this has been, hands-down, one of, if not, the best web novel I've read. The writing style is refined, though it does blip once every so often. The character creation can see improvement, but it doesn't just completely rely on plot-armor to solve everything. Yes, there's convenient misunderstandings and escape routes, but, well, obviously the author isn't going to kill off the MC out of nowhere. The world creation is clear, because the author bases it off already existing history with some tweaks. Definitely some controversial subjects that are touched upon that might make some people feel weird, but if you keep an open-mind you'll definitely appreciate the writing. I am fully caught up (186 chapters at the time of writing this) and it is definitely worth the read. 10 CHAPTERS. Just give this novel a read for 10 chapters, and you'll appreciate it for what it's worth. Just like with the 3 episode rule with anime, let's apply it here. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.


This is the one with "The Best Kingdom Building and harem" Tag. Hopefully to get one extra chapters on how or what happened to Empire after Berengar died. Love the Ecchi Scenes though. Realism and taking advantage of your crossing advantage. Truly build the empire through years and taking to heart raising and educating children's


My first read in the world of Webnovel and I enjoy it A LOT. Fast paced sometimes, slow paced sometimes, a lot of romance, drama, conflicts, wars, a very complete story. The best and the worst part of the novel to me is the protagonist, Berengar is a excelent representation of the human being when they gain power, how they show their true nature. He is a extremely hypocrite guy, or the type of protagonist who their feelings and actions are dictated for his convenience and autor convenience. Cruel with his enemies but loving with his loved ones but at the same type so fking selfish that sometimes he don't give a fk about his loved ones and take decisions and does things that hurt them deeply and in any ferfetched way throw them the guilt. A sentence that my grandma says a lot represent him very well: The dead man is scared of the slaugthered man. The definition of hypocrisy. But hey don't misunderstand me, this not make the novel less great, just is something that maybe not much readers like.


Drop. The story is great, but portraying 2 girls at a time as something okay and justifying it is just not my thing. Would be great if mc owns it as bad and still do what he wants. But making him look good with this is hypocritical


Where is Mr Author? Its been 7 days still no update. Are you ok? Where is Mr Author? Its been 7 days still no update. Are you ok? Where is Mr Author? Its been 7 days still no update. Are you ok?



No One 17 and Under Admittedmature rating