
Entering the Fold

The golden-haired and one-eyed King of Austria sat upon his throne, gazing down at the newest arrival to his court with a smirk on his face. Though he had estimated this outcome was inevitable, he still did not believe it would happen so soon. 

As word spread about Austria's continued victories against the Eastern Coalition, and the destruction of Krakow, fear and panic had followed it into the hearts of Austria's neighbors. Dietger, the Duke of Bavaria, had long since realized that a sleeping Lion dwelled on his southern borders, and had taken various actions to counter it. 

In fact, for the past year, he had taken an option of appeasement. Unfortunately for him, Austria's power continued to rise like a soaring eagle, and thus, additional difficulties presented themselves. After witnessing the entirety of Eastern Germany, annexed by the southern State, Dietger had realized any attempt to keep his sovereignty was moot.