
Establishing the Navy

At the moment, Berengar was sitting in his study, overseeing reports on his desk. There were several notes of importance he had to go over. Many of these were focused on the procurement of resources for his vessels.

To accomplish this, Berengar had sent trade representatives to the Kalmar Union in Scandinavia in an attempt to garner an ample supply of oak timber. The reason for this was simple, Norway would be a massive stockpile of such material, and presently there was little demand for it. Thus he could acquire his shipbuilding materials at a low expense.

As for the procurement of linen to use for his sails, and hemp for the ropes Berengar had already begun growing both hemp and flax for some time now. Thus he did not need to spend too much money when it came to acquiring the amount he was missing from his current stockpile.