
Manufacturing Setbacks

Currently, Berengar sat in his office, surrounded by a pile of documents, as well as a group of his finest engineers from multiple fields of study. While Berengar had worked hard to create some truly astonishing weapons designs, the timeframe he had set for their manufacture had become a losing battle, and as a result, many of his Empire's most talented minds had come to propose alternative solutions. 

Among these men was a man by the name of Eckart Roth, who had taken over as the Reich's lead naval weapons designer after the Italian shipwright Evio retired years ago. Eckart had a nervous expression on his face as he passed forward documents regarding the failures to create guided missile cruisers, and destroyers within the alotted time frame, there was even a hint of guilt in his voice as he admitted his wrongdoings to the man he respect most of all in this world.