
Twilight: Inhuman Human

Vampires. A perversion of nature and an unnatural predatory added to the food chain. They'd run rampent for millennia, killing and playing with humans however they see fit. But not anymore. Gaia, the Spirit of Earth, had had enough. She would not stand by as the Humans were preyed on anymore. Thus, he was born. A human with the power to rival a Vampires. An inhuman Human. Impossibly strong and fast. Impossibly vigorous and energized. The perfect human. But what Gaia didn't know was that she was manipulated into this action by an even higher God who'd just granted some wishes for a reincarnator. Said reincarnator was reincarnated as this so-called perfect Human. Yet unlike what Gaia wanted, a force to combat the Vampire infection on her planet, she got a reincarnated martial artist who just wanted to live his life again while romancing hot chicks. Quite the opposite to what Gaia wanted, honestly. But she couldn't change anything, so he was free to do what he wanted. And so he did. (A/N - Right, so this novel is gonna be a 'Rosalie x MC' novel because there are so little of them out there. Oh and if you're against the notion of the MC being Bella Swan's brother, then don't read this. He's gonna be her brother and he's gonna be a decent brother to her. So that means he's not gonna be an arsehole to her. You know, the basics.)

The_Strongest · 电影同人
13 Chs

Family Chat and A Week and a Half Later

Right now, I was sitting downstairs in the living room, watching some shitty comedy TV show and eating some chips. Well, I was until Bella wandered into the living room and stood in the doorway, just looking at me.

I was in a pretty good mood. I'd spent that entire History lesson chatting with Rosalie and found out I also had Chemistry and Biology with her as well. We were actually on somewhat friendly terms when school ended today - we'd be even more so if it weren't for Rosalie seemingly putting up a barrier between the two of us.

Well, not that it mattered much. I'd just have to slowly whittle away at the barrier in the coming days/weeks. I'm nothing if not determined.

So, in my good mood, I ignored Bella's awkward behavior and just focused on the TV while she gathered and composed herself for whatever she was about to ask.

"Say, Jace...do I, uh, stink or smell weird?" she asked and I narrowed my eyes in confusion before eating the chip in my hand before putting the bag down and just turning my head toward Bella with a bewildered expression.

"...What?" I asked with narrowed and confused eyes, "Do you smell weird? I don't know--what kind of question is that anyway?" I smiled as I asked her and Bella flushed in embarrassment before she walked into the room and sat next to me on the sofa in some casual clothes - sweat pants and a hoodie.

Her face still somewhat red, she answered me, "It's...it's just this guy acted like I smelled weird when I sat next to him in class," she admitted and I instantly realized she was on about Edward but I kept quiet as she was continuing, "So, I took a shower after we got back from eating out but I smelled pretty much the same just...fruitier. So do I just smell weird or something...?" she asked, sounding incredibly self-conscious.

I gave an internal sigh, internally promising to hit Edward for sending my sister into one of her over-thinking sessions where she second guesses literally everything.

Sighing, I leaned over to Bella just enough to be close enough to smell her but still far enough away to make it as less weird as possible before I took a few sniffs. She did indeed smell fruity and she smelled like a teenage girl, so I told her that, "You smell fruity and like a girl. You don't smell weird or anything. Maybe the guy you sat down next to is weird and at fault, not you. Maybe he's allergic to the shampoo you use--I don't really know, Bells," I shrugged, "I just know you don't need to worry or care too much about some random guy's reaction to you."

Finishing up, I picked up my bag of chips again before munching on them again. Perks of an incredible efficient and fast metabolism? I can eat just about whatever I want and it'll never make me fat and it'll all get used to power the machine that is my body. The cons? This is my 4th packet of chips and I don't think I'll be stopping anytime soon. Probably have to take a trip down to the store later - we're nearly out of chips.

Anyway, after hearing what I said, Bella seemed to calm down a little and actually didn't look like she was internally second guessing everything she'd done today. Good. I hate it when she does that - worries the crap out of me.

Reaching across the sofa, Bella took a chip from the bag and I benevolently allowed it, and she crunched down on it and smiled across the sofa at me, "Thanks, Jace," she said.

I just replied with a roll of my eyes, "Yeah, yeah. No problem, sis," I huffed before eating the chips quicker so she couldn't steal anymore from me.

Just as this happened, Bella's phone started ringing and she finished chewing the chip inside her mouth before swallowing it, taking out her phone and looking at the name of the contact calling her. Her eyes widened a little before she murmured toward me, "It's mom," as she answered the call, "Hey mom," she gave a somewhat lethargic greeting but it was clear she was excited to hear from mom.

After that, she began talking to mom about how she was settling in and whatnot before she handed the phone toward me, "Mom wants to speak to you," she said and I took the phone before bringing it to my ear.

"Heya mom," I greeted, "How you and Phil doing?" I asked, genuinely curious. I mean, Phil and I weren't exactly best buddies but he made my mom happy, so what else could I really ask for?

"Hey sweetie!" mom's overly excited voice came through the speaker and I had to wince when the volume she was speaking at hurt my eardrums - she also seemed to be missing me despite the fact that we'd only been apart from her for a few days. She sounded like she hadn't seen or heard from me in months or something. "We're doing just fine--but that's not why I'm calling. How're you settling in, baby?" she asked, sounding somewhat worried instead of her earlier tone of excitement.

I mean, I get it - parents worry. But this type of worry...shouldn't it be reserved only for Bella? I'm the child who has social skills, mom! I took after you! Why're you treating me like a social idiot like Bella or dad? Woe is me, I guess.

Smiling, I gave a cheerful reply, "I've settled in just fine at school, mom," I must've spoken with a bit too much of a chipper tone because one honed in on that like a bloodhound.

"Ohhh?" she playfully said and I could practically hear her mom senses tingling, "Someone sounds very happy - so, did you get talking to a cute girl or something?"

...Gotta give it to her, she knows me well.

"Isn't this, uh, the type of conversation reserved for the parent the same sex as you? Like, you should be having this conversation with Bella, no?" I chuckled, dancing around the subject just to annoy mom instead of doing it because I was embarrassed or something like that. I got a curious glance from Bella who's name I mentioned but she quickly got passed that and leaned over me and took my bag of chips.

...I don't care if you were the original female lead, I will beat your ass, Bella.

I conveyed this with eyes, glaring at my sibling who just silently chuckled before throwing me a mocking gaze and slowly taking a chip from the bag and crunching down on it slowly so I heard it clearly.

So...you've chosen death?

Bringing me out of my plans for premeditated sororicide*, mom spoke up with a pout I could here through the phone, "Hey, you know how she is, Jace - she never speaks to me about that sort of stuff. You're my only source of teenage gossip, you know? So don't hold out on me and spill the beans!" she said, a little too excited about this whole topic, but I rolled my eyes and humored her.

(*A/N - Pretty much a fancy word for killing your sister. The opposite, as in killing your brother, would be fratricide.)

"Yes, a girl caught my eye and I'm interested in her. You happy now, you gossip-deprived middle-aged woman?" I joked to her, receiving a joking gasp in return.

"Middle-aged? Mister, you may be in a different state but I'll still come and hit you silly if you say something so wrong and slanderous again!" she laughed as she made her mock threat before she stopped her laughing and went back to curious mom mode, "So, what's the lucky lady's name?"

"Rosalie," I answered, getting Bella's attention who looked over at me with a chip half hanging out of her mouth, but I ignored her and carried on, "We have a few classes together and got talking. Nothing too serious as of yet, obviously, but I definitely have a crush on her," I shamelessly admitted, not the least bit flustered over admitting this to my mom and my sister who was right next to me. Bow down to my level of emotional maturity~

Uh, that was sarcasm, obviously. Anyone past the age of 20 shouldn't be bothered by that sort of stuff.

Bella looked over at me with wide eyes and I just looked back at her with a confused face before smirking and mouthing 'What?' to her. Though before she could answer that, mom spoke up after a small squeal.

"My baby boy has a crush~! How is she? Cute? Beautiful? Hot?" she asked in a rapid fire way, really making me worried for her - was travelling with Phil really hurting her social activities or something? She's like a thirsty person in the desert. She's just lapping up whatever I give to her and not really even batting an eyelid. Oh well.

Humming, I scratched my chin before smirking, "Uh, I'd say all three, honestly," I said before looking over at Bella who was now seemingly trying to bore holes in my head with her eyesight. Well, time to get her off my back for a short while, "In other news, Bella's scared she smells weird because a dude acted weird around her while she was in class."

I threw the phone over to Bella but I could still here mom's curious questioning as Bella clumsily caught the phone and brought it to her ear, quickly, and with an embarrassed expression, explaining what I meant. All while staring daggers at me.

Reaching over, I snatched my bag of chips back before tipping the bag into my mouth. There weren't many left but I didn't want to take the chance with a thief like Bella here.

Bella's conversation with mom carried on for about five more minutes, with mom explaining the details of hygiene to Bella who was just incredibly embarrassed. I stopped listening when mom began speaking about how to clean down 'there' properly. What? That's a conversation a brother doesn't need or want to hear.

Anyway, after those five minutes were up, Bella held the phone toward me and I leaned toward the microphone, "Speak to you soon, mom, love ya~!" I said goodbye, kissing toward the microphone as mom returned the same gesture. Completely different between her goodbye and Bella's - guess that's what happens when one of your kids is a bit awkward while the other is a social butterfly like yourself? Oh well.

With that done, Bella hung up the phone before placing it down and turning to face me on the sofa. Then she just stared.

...Bloody hell she needs to work on her social skills.

"...Yes, Bella?" I gave her a slightly tired expression as she awkwardly got to talking about what she wanted to talk about. No doubt about my interest in Rosalie.

Proving me right, the first thing out of her mouth was, "Soooo...you like Rosalie? One of the Cullens foster kids?" she asked and I nodded before going back to looking at the TV as she continued, "Don't you think she's a bit...uh," she trailed off, obviously feeling too awkward to say what she wanted to say.

"I'm sure you can say it, Bells. Come on. I'm not gonna snap at you over something like this and you know I'm not," I spoke up when she trailed off because I knew if I didn't, Bella would just devolve into a bundle of messy words, 'um's and 'uh's.

"...Don't you think she's a bit bitchy or pompous or anything?" she questioned me and I restrained the urge to roll my eyes.

Shaking my head, "No, she's not like that. Sure she might look like that but she's sincere and funny when you get passed her little defenses. Did you know she likes messing with care engines and cars in general?" I asked, sending a glance Bella's way as she gave a surprised look before shaking her head, "I know, right? Surprising when you look at how fashion obsessed she seems to be. You'd expect her to be a girly-girl. The type who thinks she's queen bee and rules the school or whatever. But she's not that shallow, surprisingly," I chuckled before shrugging, "Guess it's a lesson in not judging a book by it's cover, huh?" I turned to her before slapping my knees and standing up, "Anyway, I'm off to the store to get some more chips. Want anything?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah...some ice cream, I guess," she answered with a somewhat distracted expression, probably thinking about what I said about Rosalie.

Nodding, I walked passed her and ruffled up her hair, earning a groan from her and a half-hearted slap I easily dodged, "See you in a bit then, Bells~" I gave a wave before slipping on my running shoes and picking up my wallet that I usually left near the door. It only contained my license, my money and a debit card that I rarely used.

Opening the door, I picked up into a jog as soon as I left. It was only a short run, my stamina was nigh-unending when it came to running and other mundane physical actions and I wanted to save money on gas, so I didn't take my bike.

Haah~ Life's really picking up, huh?

. . .

And so a week and a half passed. Bella's mood fluctuated all over this period of time as well. Probably because Edward was off in Alaska trying to fight off his instinct to kill my sister and drink her blood - putting it like that, I'm glad he's making the effort. Otherwise I'd be making an effort to rip his spine out of his throat.

Smirking to myself, I leaned against Bella's truck as she looked through her book, trying to fill in some homework. Today was the day - the day Bella nearly gets crushed by a van.

Edward's back - I can see him looking gloomy from all the way over here. When he looks over, I give him a short wave. One which Alice returns and then Rosalie gives a rather embarrassed wave herself. I mean, I wasn't waving at them but who's ever gonna be upset two beautiful Vampires are waving at them? Especially one they have romantic feelings for!

Speaking of Rosalie and I...well, it's been going fantastic. We speak more and more, and I'd even gotten her number. She's not much of a texter, so we usually speak over call.

It's interesting, honestly. For such a mechanically gifted and focused girl, she's quite bad with modern technology. But I guess my mind's infected with whatever feelings I have for her, because I can only find that cute and endearing, so, you know, whatever.

Today, in fact, I was actually invited by Alice to come over for something to eat and so we can compare our pages and help each other expand on it. If it was all in order, we'd put the pieces of paper into order and then staple them together and our project would be done~

Though I know that that's not gonna happen.


Because today, I'm gonna stop a van from squashing Bella, I'm gonna get her to the hospital and ignore all her questions and then I'm going to have to endure the interrogation of Rosalie or Alice or both. Then I'm gonna go to their house where I'm gonna out myself as a superhuman. I mean, I'm gonna play it dumb for the most part. ''I don't know why I'm like this'' or ''It's just the way I was born'' will probably be the extent to which I answer them. But I'm still gonna tell 'em what I am. Again, why? Because it'd gonna come out sooner or later. Plus, I've hit a plateau with Rosalie - she's trying to pull away for fear of hurting me, I guess.

I hugged her once and she squeezed back with a little too much strength in her excitement or joy at getting hugged and I had to act it up, saying 'ow' like an idiot, and she got a bit scared and...uh, fled. Yeah, yeah, idiot move but at the time I was still a bit on the fence on whether I should out myself or whatever. But seeing her try and pull away for safety I don't need...well, being a secret superhuman has kinda lost it's luster.

...Goddamn, I must really like Rosalie, huh? This mate connection I have with her is really speeding things along, ain't it?

Shrugging to myself, I saw the black van speed onto the parking lot and the car in front of it backing up, making the van swerve out of control on the ice on the ground. Swerving toward us, specifically.

I could easily take Bella and get out of the way...but if you're gonna reveal yourself as a superhuman, why not do it obviously? I'm fed up with hiding anyway.

Though I'm really not looking forward to Bella's questions. Man, they're gonna be annoying.

Another late chapter. Sorry guys. Still ill and all that but I'm definitely getting better, so thanks for the good wishes and whatnot.

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