
Traversing World's with Jin Mori's Strength

( I don't own the other character's or the worlds that the MC travels to except himself, and other OC's ) Follow Jin Katsuo, a battle-obsessed boy, as he travels to many different places all for a good fight. Using his favourite Martial Art's he's seen through his favourite web-toon. ( I try to do 2 chapters a day, if I can't due to a reason I'll make one that is long

PoorKarma · 漫画同人
50 Chs

Chapter 24 : Victory!

After Jin's 100 vs 1, Fairy Tail was slowly climbing up the ladders of the competition. During the match between Rouge, Sting , Natsu and Gajeel on the fourth day...Natsu singlehandedly beat them both, by himself while Gajeel was down.

With that win Fairy Tail took first place, adding more surprise to the audience, as they then began cheering for them.


With Sting and Rouge's loss, their own master beat them for losing, "You call yourself true dragon slayers!", he shouted, annoyed at the two because they always used to state they were, and he then killed Sting's best friend....who in retaliation attacked him.


At the same time Natsu, Gajeel, Lucy, Grey, Happy, Wendy, Carla and Panther Lily, were led to a dragon graveyard by Gajeel! They looked shocked at the amount of dragons dead. And so Wendy decided to use one of her abilities, Milky Way, to talk to the dead souls and find out what happened.

They talked to a dragon named Zirconis, which told of a war between dragons, one side supported humans coexisting with dragons and the other side opposed it.

"Once humans were given Dragon Slayer magic, they turned on the dragons....one person in question named Acnologia was once human, but bathed in the blood of dragons turning him into one himself", said Zirconis.

They were all shocked when they heard about Acnologia, when they wanted to hear more....they couldn't because the dragon had no energy to speak anymore as he evaporated into the air...


At the same time, Jin was looking at the sky on-top of his inn, he imagined fighting the dragons with a smile on his face..."So it's almost time huh~".

<A couple of days later>

Much to the surprise of the others, Jin vanished and so they had to replace him and Lucy who was arrested like normal.

After rescuing her and meeting her future self, they were shocked after seeing future Rogue, who had ulterior motives.


All the guilds rallied around the gate, after realising it was a gate opened 400 years in the past, they try to close it, but 7 dragons come through before they could anything. All of which are controlled by Rogue.

The Dragons sheer power dominated their surroundings, sending shockwave after shockwave.

Future Rogue came and was annoyed at Lucy for closing the gate, before all 7 dragons came down next to him, " I HEREBY PROCLAIM THIS THE END OF THE ERA OF HUMAN REIGN!! I WILL USHURE A NEW AGE OF DRAGONS!!", he shouted.

The dragons looked at the mages and roared, "ROARRR!!", but before Rogue commanded them to separate and kill all the mages in the city...


Everyone looked back and saw a man with white hair and red eyes, looking at the dragons with a large smile...

Lucy :"JIN!!".

Happy: "JINN!!", they both shouted at the same time, happy but worried about Jin.

"Yo guys~, can I call dibs on all of them~, hehehe", he stated with a chuckled and a smile.

Lucy: "Jin there too dangerous!", she shouted.

Happy : "Yeah, we should wait for the others to come".

"You guys can call them if you want....but I want them, sorry~", with the same smile.

Future Rogue: "And who's this~, I don't sense any magic from you...hahaahha", he laughed at loud mocking Jin..

Jin looked at the Future Rogue followed with a sigh, before his red eyes turned black...


Everyone looked at where Jin was before, and couldn't see him any longer, Jin had vanished at a super-natural speed..

He emerged right in-front of Rogue, shocking him, but he didn't give him any time to react as he jumped, spinning his waist mid-air striking his left-leg on his left propelling him to the right.

<Renewal : Front Hwechook + Haki>

Rogue was catapulted into a building before he could think, "Keep controlling others to do your bidding and shut up~", Jin said smiling menacingly, before turning to the dragons.

Future Rogue: "Y- YOU, KILL HIM", he commanded the dragons, with pure rage evident on his face.

"Finally~", Jin said before he wiped his smile and got into his stance, he looked seriously at the dragons.


Happy and Lucy ran because they thought Jin needed help fighting the dragons.

Once they found Natsu...

Lucy : "NATSU! Jin needs help, he's fighting 7 dragons by himself!".

Natsu : "HUH!", he proclaimed before he began to run with her, to where Jin was.


Jin watched as all the dragons flew up in the air, 2 of them charged towards the ground where Jin was staying while the other 5 drew the elements in their mouths preparing a <Roar>.

Jin looked at one above him, and one on the ground, both approaching quickly...the one on the ground drew his <Fire Breath>, at Jin before releasing it. Looking at the closing beam, Jin rotated his body and dodged to his left, he didn't waste any time and came on the Dragon's side.... he grabbed it's wing before springing of it, attacking the dragon at the back of it's head with a kick while he was in the air,<Ssam-Su Taekkyeon : Rear-Horse Kick>.

"ROAAR!", it shouted, before it sunk into the ground... the one by air increased it's speed by a large margin and bashed it's body into Jin when it saw this happen.

Jin looked at the Dragon closing in and got back into his stance...he lowered his knees and put all his weight into his legs... he coated his arms and legs in Haki...


The Dragon pushed it's weight into Jin, but....Jin grabbed it's head and deflected the strike, before mounting it's back, before shifting all his weight through the dragon, as he smashed his knee-coated in Haki into it's face... the dragon smashed into the ground, <Ssam-Su Taekkyeon : Block and Deflect + Ssam-Su Taekkyeon : Nirvana>.

The Dragon he put in the ground earlier, slowly rose from the ground, it extended it's wing and flapped them continuously, creating a-lot of air pressure to get sent towards Jin..


Jin darted his eyes, and saw the approaching attack, having trained in areas of high air pressure, Jin sunk his feet deep into the ground, putting all his weight there as he tried to withstand the pressure..


The ground under Jin was slowly cracking, as he still had his guard up fending off the attack.... from behind the other dragon he bashed his knee in , was also getting up, but extremely slowly, due to extensive damage from Jin's attack.

Jin was slowly moving back because of the air pressure and finally had enough.... he put his right leg on main land, before he grinded his foot on the ground... he combusted the air pressure and raised his leg to reveal a kick of fire,<Ssam-Su Taekkyeon : Fifth Degree Flame Murder>, because of the air pressure being hurled at him, the fire grew bigger and bigger , as he directed right towards the Dragon...


The dragons right wing was burned off as he luckily made it out of the way, "ROOOARRRR!!!!", it screamed from the pain, before he charged at Jin...before he could do so, however, The 5 dragons in the air, all finished gathering magic in their mouths....BOOOOOOOOOMMMM!!!!

Jin looked up and saw the beam of fire, lightning, air and other elements approaching rapidly..... his left leg was deeply sunk in the ground, so all he could do was use his right leg...

He wasn't even balance, as he shifted all his weight, strength, and Haki straight to his right leg, before releasing a powerful shockwave filled with enough power to cut the sky.....


A huge explosion occurred, that even caused distant volcanoes to rumble...Jin wiped the dust off of his T-Shirt, as he stared at all 7 Dragons in the sky looking at him in anger, 2 of which were bleeding profusely, one of which could hardly fly anymore with his right wing severely damaged.

Jin spat out blood and wiped his mouth.


Jin looked at them all in the eye, as he spread his legs and put his hands by his side, "Come~", he said as he motioned his hand.

"ROAARRR!!", all of the beasts exclaimed at the same time, before they all jetted towards Jin....VOOSH!! They all looked menacingly, but in contrast to Jin's smiling face.... it was different league.

They all appeared at the same time, spread out in front, behind, or on the sides of him...they all raised their wings and were about to propel air pressure at him..."Not this again~", he stated before vanishing. He emerged before one of them covered completely in flames....he looked at it's blazing eyes before smirking.

Jin raised his leg and put his power on his foot, and as a striking force, he forced the Dragon up-wards by kicking it in the jaw,<Renewal Baek Rok + Haki>, the dragon stumbled in the air and tried to get away by flapping it's wings but...

Jin emerged and jumped at the dragons torso, before grabbing it's left wing, before bashing his knee in it's face,<Ssam-Su Taekkyeon : Knee Kick + Haki>, that wasn't it as Jin spun his body in mid- air moving more to his right, before flinging his left leg at the Dragon's head in a wide arc,<Renewal Taekwondo : Reverse Sweeping Kick>.

The Dragon crashed into the ground before Jin sent a barrage of punches at it's torso,<Ssam-Su Taekkyeon : Torrential Strike>, striking all it's veins and joints before it slowly, slowly died.....

The other dragons saw this and weren't going to let Jin get away with it, and all bashed their weight towards Jin in a circle, before they got to close however, Jin grinded his foot on the floor, this time creating a circle twice in motion, he looked at the approaching dragons and sent two kicks of fire in a wide arc at each of them,<Ssam-Su Taekkyeon : Inferno Kick Stage Two: Twin Oblate Spheroid X 12>, they all struck the dragons...but most of them turned out fine except the two he injured before.

Seeing that they were getting worse, Jin charged at them creating a blur, avoiding the other dragons, he materialised from his initial blur and sent 4 horizontal kicks, 2 on each of them, attacking their neck and head with a powerful force....subsequently killing them...<Renewal Taekwondo : Gor Yo X 2>.

"hehehe~", he chuckled looking at the other 4 dragons, practically heating their surroundings from their very anger.

He cracked his neck and disappeared..... BOOOM!! CRACK!! CRACKK!! BOOOM!!

Dozens of punch marks appeared on each dragons stomachs,<Renewal Taekwondo : Mach Punch X 100>, they all coughed blood and got up slowly, lucky for them Jin didn't use Haki, as they tried to send ,<Dragon's Roar>, at Jin but stopped as they looked at Jin's baleful face... thinking the same, they all tried to run but couldn't as Jin released his threatening aura, "Your not running are you~, aren't dragons prideful~, I miss Acnologia", he said, first mockingly, but then looked at the sky wondering where Acnologia was.

The dragons looked in disbelief at Jin, even if they were controlled, they could understand him, and from what they just heard they didn't want to fight Jin any longer.

"Human...please spare us, and break us from this spell", they requested.

"Hmm~, you mean Rogue....why not~ you guys were fun and got rid of my boredom..", he said before he vanished...

Leaving the dragons glad, uncaring of the disrespect.


Rogue was far-away watching the dragons fight Jin, he was angry that Jin could combat 7 dragons, with no magic.... it was simply unbelievable, he wanted to kill Jin , "I'LL KILL THAT-", before he could finish....Jin stood right in his face, "Kill who~, me, hehehe", he stated amused.

Before Rogue could react , Jin fired punches at his joints and veins, with Haki,<Ssam-Su Taekkyeon : Torrential Strike + Haki>, he then followed up by jumping in the air, rotating his waist, before smashing his leg on his face with full force....leaving a mangled Rogue dead on the floor when the dust settled,< Renewal : Front Hwechook + Haki>.


The dragons felt the controlling magic disappear and thanked Jin continuously:

Dragons: "Thank you so much Human", they repeated.

Jin : "It's alright~".


All the mages came to help Jin, but when they saw 3 dead Dragon bodies and 4 Dragons thanking Jin....they all almost fainted from shock.


After the incident, Fairy Tail was hailed the winners of the Grand Magic Games, the dragons were sent back through the portal and were grateful to Jin and Fairy Tail.

Jin was looking at the sky, "Demons huh~ I wonder what that Octopus is doing?", he questioned, after remembering that Tartaros was gonna make a move, and that Octopus demon he fought before...(Chapter 19).


The person in question, was in-front of the Demon King before he sneezed, "Sorry My Lord~", before walking away...."Someone's talking about me~", he chuckled..