
The Vision

If beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, what then does the vision see? Man reincarnates as Vision in the MCU. ............................ Want to write a Fanfic but can't write a synopsis for the life of me A/N: Will be posted on Scribblehub, FF, RoyalRoad and AO3

QuackVader · 电影同人
140 Chs


[Vision POV]

Seeing Laura dealing with the guy that looked like a high school student's chemistry experiment, I turned my attention to one of the main menaces of mine and Laura's location.

It was over ten feet tall and the empathic signals I was getting from him, it, were all sorts of wrong. The jaws of this thing was as wide as fuck and the visible teeth peeking out from its receding lips was more than enough to give anyone who came face to face with it nightmares.

It had four small eyes that could move in any direction independently. Not only that, from the wrist down was some sort of carapace that just went from the wrist to form five glowing fingers that was brimming with energy on both hands.

It had a spiked tail that periodically let out bursts of dark purple, almost violet, electricity that fried any metal or technology in a few meter radius of it.

Honestly it looked like a mad scientist's attempt at cloning godzilla and the only thing they got right, although wrong, was the scary appearance.

Looking at the pattern with which they moved and attacked while spreading out, I couldn't find any rhythm to it. It was as if they were sent just to cause havoc and public unrest.

It is really unnerving how they were just moving about and attacking anything they saw.

"I guess I'll be dealing with you first."

I don't know if it heard me or understood what I was trying to say and imply but it let out what I would interpret as a roar of defiance, causing a massive burst of electricity that probably blacked out a few blocks while it's hands and feet thrummed with whatever energy were contained in those digits.

[The Mind Stone has detected multiple shattered sentience in the subject in front of you]

'So someone sent it? Well that much is obvious seeing as how they are not using the chaos they created to further any sort of plan.'

I managed to stifle the sigh that hung around my throat and worked with the information I was currently privy to. 'Can you find out if there is any receptive signal they might emit?'

[Negative. The consciousness of the subject before you has already likely been programmed and closed off after it was given an order]

'I hate Marvel.'

For some reason, I have been feeling like that lately and I don't know why. But intellectually speaking, just why? Why the fixation on clones and mutant experiments in Marvel?

Still keeping the sigh within, I shook my head and muttered to no one in particular. "Let's just get this over with and find out which among these attackers know anything about whoever is behind this."

Finally turning my full attention to the thing in front of me, I watched with an analytical gaze how it was gathering the energy and smoothly distributing the energy from its hands and feet to any part of its body it wanted to attack with.

From afar we looked like a hero facing off against some mighty monster with me floating around in the sky with my dark cape billowing behind me. As much as I don't appreciate superhero costumes, I don't exactly have an alternative to it so I went with my former suit after making a small color scheme change.

Unlike Godzilla, the thing in front of me looked human despite its monstrous stature and appendages.

If finished charging whatever attack he had been cooking in and in one swift burst let it all out at me.

In the face of its attack, I raised my hand and the space in front of me contorted as I formed an electromagnetic field that stopped the blast.

[Incoming energy can be absorbed in moderation to prevent any instances of black out due to its nature]

'Don't bother.' As soon as it stopped its energy blast, the electromagnetic field in front of me broke apart like glass as I closed the distance and punched him into the ground.

"Shit! Probably should keep the damage to a minimum."

It grunted and tried to stand up but I brought my leg down on its face and caved the ground a few meters deeper.

Its fingers once again thrummed with energy as it tried to slash it at me only for an energy blast of mine to be fired from my legs to impact his head.

Despite the pointblank hit to its face, it still tried to struggle but I wasn't having it as electricity cackled around my finger and dove towards its head and engulfing it in blanket of blue light as the electricity fried everything in its head despite the fact that he could absorb electrical energies.

"Your area has been cleared, Cap." I informed Steve as I looked at the burnt face of whatever this was. Unfortunately for it, I had the edge over it in energy absorption and manipulation.

Since there was nothing I could salvage from this thing, I left its body there and moved towards where Laura was dicing up her opponent.

The man couldn't even make a straight motion before Laura diced up a part of his body and kicked it far away.

"There's one down the street so finish that one up quickly." I said before going in another direction where a mutant was currently thinning a herd of humans.

Without stopping for a moment, I grabbed him and took him away with me. With a command from me, my mental power poured out and flowed into his mind and brutally broke through any flimsy mental barrier he might or might not have had.

"Tch." I snorted and threw his vegetable body away as I found out nothing of importance.

'Run a scan. Register all the brain wavelengths that are similar to the other two I killed.'

"Fuck. Guys, none of these are people. They are all programmed puppets." I informed the rest of the team which was giving them free rein to do whatever they want.

An enraged shout took my attention for a couple of seconds as I turned to look at where Sam's group was fighting.


I turned to Laura who was already done with the two opponents she fought and smiled at her. "Finally content?" She nodded and came to stand beside me as I landed.

[Most likely this attack was carried out to worsen and force the parliament into signing and passing the Mutant Registration Act]

'The problem here is that the number of people who would want to do something like this are many.'

"Come with me, Laura. Let's go do some rescue while the others round up their fights."

Laura and I went about helping people we could and retrieving the bodies of the dead ones and doing what we could to identify their families.

It was safe to say that whoever did this knew what exactly they were doing and making it look like it was a bunch of rampaging mutants. Depending on how we handle this, whoever did this could spin the narrative and get the public on their side.

After they were done, Pietro and Wanda helped out with the rescue while I attended to those I could by either applying first aid or mending broken bones before the paramedics came.

Though it ended as a small attack, if they had been given enough time they could have caused some substantial damage that would have been had to deal with.

"Do you have any idea who might be behind this, Vision?" Steve asked me as I finished helping out those I could.

"You guess is the same as mine. Whatever Ross and the Facility where I found Laura was working on are connected. We know what they were trying to do but we don't know who they are." I said.

"But give me a little time and I'll find out who they are." I added.

[Message received from Raven Darkholme: >We need to talk]

I let out a small smile as I saw that message, knowing fully well what sort of answer she would give me after seeing what happened today.

"You think they'll push the Accords on us more after this happens?"

I nodded.

In the movie, they pushed forward the Accords after Wanda mistakenly killed innocent civilians, which also included foreign dignitaries, while trying to deflect a bomb.

"While it is indeed a worrying subject, I advise not to put too much thought into it." I advised.

Steve looked surprised at my advice and asked me why I said that and my answer was simple.

"Everyone has already made their choice in the event that the Accords are passed. The reason I'm strongly against the regulations listed on the Accords is because of how it will affect humans and mutants both. I don't want to see what an Omega level mutant who is pushed to his final limits will do in retaliation."

"I see."

I really need to start putting people in places of power. I hate the fact that the only way I can go against them is brute forcing my way through any law they make. This is one of those instances of the pen being mightier than the sword.





You can find +10 chapters ahead in my patreøn
