
The Unconventional Love

This novel is named 'the unconventional love' for the reason because everything in this novel goes contrary to what happens in a normal love story. Through twist and turns, ups and downs the bad boy of the school makes an adventurous journey towards the love of his life. Adrian Rains, son of the muti-millionaire Mr. Rains is a cold and hostile person with no friends. Though multiple girls drool over him, he has never shown interest in any girl.... until the right one comes by. The girl, unlike every other feels nothing for him more than a friend. She already has a boyfriend, Winston and a best friend Abby. Jennifer also belongs to a very rich family and she is kind hearted, soft and polite to everyone. Through their high school years, they both go through a lot making their bond stronger every second and finally let's see what they achieve on this love road.

Aayushi_Sharma_2878 · 青春言情
113 Chs

Chapter 84 - Snacks

Adrian was still in his thoughts when the bell rang, he checked himself in the mirror for the last time and went to open the door. He saw Jennifer standing in front of him with a bright smile on her face. He let her in. "Oh my god! Why is it so difficult to ignore her?" he thought to himself as he turned around. "So heyy…" she said and kept two paper bags on the table.

"Hi." He replied shortly. "Well, I got some donuts and hot dogs for snacks to have after practice." She said while removing the box of hot dogs and donuts and placing them on the table. "Yeah." He replied even though he was happy that she brought snacks. Snacks were just a way if conversation. The irony. The audacity of this universe! Two people made for each other, love each other and still need snacks to talk!!!

"So let's do the song selection today and start with some basic steps." She said. Adrian's eyes were stuck on her. Her voice, so calm. So soothing. Can I just kiss her already? No. Adrian. Wake up! It's her! "Umm, so tell me. What kind of song do you think is nice? A romantic one? I mean, it's a couple dance. Isn't it?" she asked. Jennifer was ready to do everything. Can we go back to normal Adrian? Her eyes begged. What happened? You can always tell me? Her soul screamed these words as she acted like nothing was worrying her. Everything was okay.

"How about un-break my heart?" Adrian said and looked into Jennifer's eyes for the first time ever since she came home. "So it is then, un-break my heart…" Jennifer replied. Her eyes still locked with Adrian's, wishing to communicate her message, with more than just desperation. "So, let's get started then." Jennifer said excitedly and took Adrian's hands in her to lead him into the living room.

Jennifer started with the choreography. It was a mixture of easy and difficult steps at different times. Each step was unique and graceful and both of them could do it without any difficulty. This reminded Adrian of the first evening where they danced together. It was as if nothing had changed. Their bodies still moving in the same rhythm, same ease. Nothing changed. Really?

Adrian felt his eyes grow moist with that thought. He stopped abruptly. Jennifer looked at him awkwardly. "What happened?" she asked. Adrian didn't reply. He untangled their fingers and walked away, straight into the washroom. How could he tell her that he loved her, he wanted to shower her with care and warmth but couldn't. What could he possibly speak to sooth the wounds he will cause her? Hmm. Nothing. Nothing will ever replace the cost of what Adrian will do to his most prized possession. Nothing will ever wipe the scars of damage he will cause her because he can and he will.

A few minutes later, Jennifer saw Adrian emerge out of the washroom. "Start." The second word for the day. Really? She had been here for an hour and all he said were two words. "So now listen, this is the important part, I will hug your neck like this and then you have to grab me by my waist like this and then wave… oh no! Look me in the eyes. Exchange of energy. That's what is really important." Jennifer said while showing him the moves.

Then, they waved. Why was Adrian feeling nervous? "Why did my heart skip a beat when she came close? Isn't this supposed to happen when I fall in love? Am not already in love? Isn't it guilt? Maybe I just feel wrong for what I'm about to do. Orrr…. It's actually…" They both were starting with the next steps when the doorbell rang. It was Crystal.

"Oh, did I disturb you both?" she said sarcastically. There was no love at all in her voice. How do god create creatures like these? While Adrian turned away Jennifer replied, "No, we were just practicing." "C'mon, show me some of the steps you have practiced." She said while tilting her hard in a really mean way and the moved to take her seat on the couch, one leg over another. Miss highness! My foot.

Adrian moved in front of Jennifer. He wasn't going to let her dance for a girl of this character. She was no slut! She was Jennifer. The love of his life. Crystal would probably embarrass her for the dance and then finish her miserable task by throwing money at her. Adrian wouldn't let that happen. Guessing from Jennifer's nature, she would probably be ready to dance in front of her. As expected, Jennifer stepped in front of Adrian. "Our dance starts with me on the front and you on the back. We switch later. Did you forget it already?" she said as she played the music.

The first note was probably unfinished when Adrian's phone rang. He read some text and then walked out of the door. "Adrian… Adrian?" Jennifer called out from behind but Adrian didn't listen and stomped out of the house. He wanted to turn back but he didn't even take a glance. On the way out he told a guard, "Don't let that girl out of this house. It's my order."

Adrian knew Jennifer so well. Jennifer ran behind her but was stopped by the guard. "He has ordered you to stay in the house. I can't let you pass." The guard said. "But you have to let me go. I need to see where Adrian is going? He seems angry. Please let me go." Jennifer tried reasoning with a guard who was scared for his job like hell. "Tonight's going to be fun." Crystal smirked as she picked a glass of white wine from the counter and laughed looking at the poor Jennifer. "If it's fun for her, then it means… Adrian? Oh god!" Jennifer connected the dots instantly.

"You have to let me go! You don't understand! Let me go!" she began struggling with the guard with even more strength. "Let. Me. Go." She gritted between the teeth. The guard asked for extra help and finally three guard were able to hold her back from tearing the first one apart. Where did Adrian go? What is going on? The questions kept spinning in her mind as Jennifer lost her strength while struggling with four professionally built bouncers.

It was 8 pm. Adrian was still not home. Jennifer refused to talk to anyone. All the maids who tried offering her something to eat got rejected. For all those hours, even one guard couldn't loose up. They were afraid and Jennifer would run away from their grip. She was panting, dripping with sweat. She even had a few marks of struggle on her arms but she wasn't giving up. How could she? Adrian was out there and something told her that he was in trouble.