
The Unconventional Love

This novel is named 'the unconventional love' for the reason because everything in this novel goes contrary to what happens in a normal love story. Through twist and turns, ups and downs the bad boy of the school makes an adventurous journey towards the love of his life. Adrian Rains, son of the muti-millionaire Mr. Rains is a cold and hostile person with no friends. Though multiple girls drool over him, he has never shown interest in any girl.... until the right one comes by. The girl, unlike every other feels nothing for him more than a friend. She already has a boyfriend, Winston and a best friend Abby. Jennifer also belongs to a very rich family and she is kind hearted, soft and polite to everyone. Through their high school years, they both go through a lot making their bond stronger every second and finally let's see what they achieve on this love road.

Aayushi_Sharma_2878 · Teen
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113 Chs

Chapter 83 - Universal truth

When Adrian noticed that Jennifer didn't reply to him. He said, "My place." And walked away without another word. Jennifer decided to meet with James. This wasn't going to happen! She wasn't going to allow him to act like nothing happened between them. This isn't true. She will not allow him to pretend like their love didn't exist. She will not allow him to act like he didn't feel the energy that passed between them because he did. The goosebumps he had when Jennifer smiled were the proof that he could still feel the love.

Moreover, he was the one who broke her heart. If anybody has the right to be angry, it's her. Why is he acting like they both are strangers? "James, where are you? I want to meet you right now!" Jennifer said as her feet hurried towards the direction of the school gate. "I'm just outside the school gate. Why? What happened?" James said. "Wait for me." Jennifer hung up the phone and stepped outside the school gate to see Adrian and James standing together, near their car.

A few girls were crowding them, as usual. Debbie was acting more courageously and tried holding hands with Adrian. Jennifer's blood boiled as she saw Debbie's desperate attempts to tangle their fingers. She stomped near them, purposely making loud voices that defined her entrance giving Debbie a chance to steer clear but when Debbie refused to budge, she went near to the place where they were standing and yanked her fingers away from Adrian's.

Debbie made a disgusted face. "Look whose here!" she said giving a nasty smirk only to earn an eye roll from Adrian and snickers from her minions. "What were you trying to do? Huh!" Jennifer made a really mean face as she spit out those words like real poison. "Holding hands with my boyfriend. Do you have a problem?" Debbie shrugged off her shoulders, looking extremely mean.

"How available are you? Huh! Did you even ask him if he was ready to be your boyfriend?" Jennifer looked at Debbie like she was some rodent from a nasty drain. Debbie made a 'I can't believe you.' face and then turned to Adrian. "Baby, tell her who your girlfriend is?" she traced his jawline down to his neck and collar of his shirt as Adrian tilted his head on Debbie's direction. "See! Anything else? Ms. Looser!" Jennifer couldn't believe her eyes.

Yesterday, Adriane as crying his eyes out because Jennifer was leaving and today he has a new girlfriend. It didn't fit but Jennifer's anger replaced her capacity to reason. She was so angry and so disturbed that she didn't care much to argue, she just grabbed James' hand and dragged him behind her to someplace away from their earshot. "When did he start dating Debbie?" Question number one was pretty expected. "I also don't know." James replied.

"You wanted to meet me. For what?" James stared at a fuming Jennifer. In her anger she had forgotten the principal reason why she came there. To meet James. For what? Yes! To ask about his changes behavior. "Umm.. He's been acting weird since the morning. By any chance, do you know the reason?" Jennifer asked looking everywhere except his face.

"No. He's hurt and depressed but he's putting up a good show. He went to class. For the first time, he talked to anyone else other than me. I guess, he's doing pretty well. Why did you ask?" James said in a casual tone. "He's acting okay with you?" Jennifer was now more shocked. She went into a detailed explanation of what conversation took place between Adrian and her. How her was so cold to her and hurt her.

"That is probably because he is trying to act strong in front of you. Don't think too much. He'll come around. Now if you will excuse me. He will be waiting for me. We go home together." James excused himself to join Adrian who was waiting for him, sitting on the bonnet of his car. "You guessed it right. I just saved you but you can't hide it for too long." James said as he patted Adrian's shoulder and sat inside the car.

"I know. I just wish to sort everything out before letting her into this mess." Adrian said in a sad tone. "If you ask for my honest opinion, Jennifer is a smart girl. I just wish you solve it with her and not for her. You know what I mean." James shrugged. Of course, at the end it was Adrian who called the shots. It was his problem. He needed to find the solution. But Jennifer would make a nice partner. She was understanding and cooperative. Somewhere deep down, James and Adrian both were haunted by the same fear. Will this push Jennifer away from Adrian?

What was coming up? Was Adrian enough to handle it alone? He needed someone to rely on and Jennifer was the best candidate in this situation. It was more like a universal truth. Then why wasn't Adrian asking Jennifer for help? I mean, it's okay to ask your girlfriend or half girlfriend for help. Isn't it? Adrian and James kept on discussing the same matter for the rest of the ride in a very deep and serious voice. At last, they came to a conclusion. Adrian wasn't too happy about what the consensus had been. Honestly, neither was James. But the situation was so peculiar that the perfect solution was very far from sight.

Moreover, Adrian wasn't ready to compromise with Jennifer or her emotions, even for a second. They could have had an answer. Only if Adrian didn't let his overprotective side take charge but Jennifer messes with his head. She turns his emotions upside down. She twists even the most twisted form of Adrian into something beautiful and unique. How could someone let a girl like this go? Human nature, bro! But what about his emotions? His family? His life was at stake and all he cared was Jennifer?

When the deliberations ended, James turned and looked outside the window. He pulled down the window to let the wind kiss his face, ruffle his hair, pacify his soul. He always felt a little empty when Adrian protected Jennifer. Only if…. He could have been there for Abby. But what was done was done! No one could change it. Why think about it now?

Jennifer reached home and took a shower. She was so tired. There was still an hour to go so she decided to kill her time on her phone. On the other hand, Adrian was pacing nervously in his room. He looked at himself in the mirror and started setting his hair. He smelled the armpit of his hoddie to check if it stinks, no it doesn't. I am a clean person. But won't it look better if I wore white. I mean, girls like boys in white. Do they? No. Black, she would like me in black. No. No. No. White. Shut up Adrian! Black it is.

He changed into a black t-shirt and sweatpants. Will she be hungry? Should I make something for her? Wait, why am I thinking so much? Oh god! You're such a fool! Adrian get a hold of yourself. She is annoying. She is annoying. Oh my god! How can an angelic person like her be annoying? Why are you doing this to me god? What have I ever done? It's for her! Do it and shut up now!