
The Type-Moon Irregularity

An avid fan of the Type-Moon franchise is reincarnated into the World of The Irregular of Magic High School. When he realizes that he does not have the ability to manipulate psions like normal Magicians he quickly finds out that he possesses a Type-Moon System his fate begins to change. BS Magician? Your Element and Origin align, your an incarnate! Elemental Sight? That's Structural Grasp, the most basic of magecraft don't you know this? CAD's? See how they compete with my Mystic Codes!

MrMoist · 其他
45 Chs

Chapter 26 CAD? Their names are....

"You what?".

Miyuki dropped her chopsticks and Tatsuya stopped eating his breakfast. It was around about 7:30 in the morning when Takemi paid the duo a visit and explained to them what had happened with the Second Lieutenant and Major General.

"Yeah, I'm joining the 101 Independent Magic Equipped Battalion. Apparently my stellar personality and charming good looks got me in", said Takemi with sarcastic tone.

"Takemi. You are aware of what will be required of you right? Not just cases of National Emergency, but you will be ordered to fight on the front lines. The 101 is an experimental Battalion, however that doesn't change the fact that you are a soldier". Said Tatsuya.

Takemi looked at the siblings in front of him, "I am well aware of the fact. I also know that I can acquire information on Military Grade Activation Sequences that normal people can't obtain. The benefits that a military grade information network as well as state-of-the-art CAD and training facilities is something that I can't pass up".

"But Takemi, you will have to kill-".

"I have been training with the sword for over four years Miyuki. I didn't practice it with the intention of it being purely for display. Musashi' Nito-Ichi-ryuu sword techniques, while difficult to practice, are ones that are meant to kill".

The silence in the lab was stronger than it had ever been. The Shiba siblings didn't know that Takemi knew of Tatsuya's other alias, Special Officer Ooguro Ryuuya. Strategic-class Magician of the 101.

While Tatsuya accepted that Takemi had not just entered the 101 to gain knowledge on Magic that he couldn't normally obtain, he also gave a slight nod when he said that he kept his and Miyuki's name out of the deal. He didn't want to draw attention from this and threaten the security of his sister.

Miyuki on the other hand was reminded of what her elder brother did for her safety all those years ago and thought that Takemi was doing the same thing.

Becoming a demon in order to protect her and her brother.

"I still don't like that you made this decision without us Takemi!". She pouted and greatly opposed his decision. Although they originally agreed to it, she didn't want her friend to sacrifice his freedom for her.

Takemi just waved her off and asked, "It'll be fine. Although I have to ask if my CAD is ready? I know I'm a couple days early but-".

"We have completed the main CAD and main Activation Sequence Storage, however it is a very rough model. The design is fine, however there are a lot of kinks and ways to improve. The User Interface, the speed of converting psions to electrical currents, the psion loss when converting, the actual accuracy of the CAD, and just the general performance when comparing to a generalized CAD.

Takemi wanted to laugh but knew that the majority of this was his fault. He had never had a his own CAD before. Although cost was a variable, he always focused on training his [Thought Acceleration] and [Memory Partition] to the same standard as a proper Magus. They were the only reason he could manipulate psions after all.

"There is also the lack of combat data that I could use to tune the CAD itself and adjust it to fit your style of combat. If possible I need you to film yourself during the combat test. It would help immensely with improving everything I just mentioned".

Takemi nodded. He did want to learn how to adjust his own CAD, however with his current skills, he couldn't even access its basic hardware, let alone its core software. For now at least, it was better to have Tatsuya do it. He was still under the affect of the geis contract after all.

"I understand. I'll try and make it work and I'll hopefully see you two tomorrow".

Takemi said his goodbyes to Miyuki and Tatsuya and went directly to the Third Division. He was greeted by a man by the name of Tetsu. He looked pretty young but he knew that Ushiyama valued his input on the design of CADs. He was very talented in that aspect.

"Here it is Mikazuchi-san! You're very own CAD!".

A long black case was on the table and facing Takemi. It was similar to the one that contained Ooguro Ryuuya's CAD Third Eye, however it wasn't nearly as long.

"It comes with a double layered pass code. Fingerprint and speech pattern. Just say the word User and input your name Mikazuchi-san".

Takemi placed his right hand on the fingerprint scanner and spoke, "User: Takemi Mikazuchi".

"Ding! ID confirmed. Access granted. Releasing Varuna Astra and Agni Astra.

Tetsu looked at Takemi strangely but the latter didn't care. Although it was normal for some Magicians to name their CADs they were usually a lot less.... obscure, for lack of a better word.

They were both weapons from Hindu mythology, being represented as a weapon of the God of the Ocean, Varuna and the God of Fire, Agni. Being a Type-Moon fan, he had to use an actual weapons name for his noble Phantasm, and these fit the job perfectly. It even coincided with the Magic that he liked using.

When the case clicked and unlocked Takemi lifted up the lid and found two indents in the top lid and two in the bottom. Only two of the indents had something inside it and it was the larger CAD of the two, Varuna Astra.

It was beautiful. It was a pitch black CAD with a single gold line running down the center of the blade. The handle was on a minute angle compared to the straight blade which made it easier for Takemi to grip the trigger. It weighed around about a kilogram and was heavier than the sheath. That was also completely black but possessed a golden dragon coiling around the sheath, starting at the top and finishing at the bottom.

There was several small black buttons at the mouth of the sheath which made Tetsu speak up.

"That is for the change in Activation Sequences Mikazuchi-san. The main CAD has a space of five spells that it can permanently store, and has a space of ten for the load out you wish for. When you sheath the blade, press the button for the respective load out".

Takemi nodded and picked up Varuna Astra. It was cold, and smooth beyond compare. It didn't have the words Taurus Silver on the side and instead had a single word on the gap between the handle and blade.


Tetsu noticed this and spoke up, "Oh! It's a new range of CAD that we are developing as a result of this! The main Division noticed it when we were developing yours and made copies of our research...".

His voice was a bit hateful when he mentioned the main Division but Tetsu shook his head and gave Takemi a smile.

"The Agni Astra will be ready in a few days Mikazuchi-san. It should be ready for your duel at First High".

"How did you find out about that?".

"Oh? Didn't you hear?", said Tetsu, "It's all over the internet".

The Magic Engineer pointed to a nearby computer and searched up the words "Duel" and "First High". The first thing that came up was a video of a beautiful white-haired girl standing on the main oval of First High.

"Hello, hello! My name is Charlotte Yuukihira and I'm the Student Council President at the First National Magic University Affiliated High School! I have an announcement to make to everybody watching! This week, we have a duel scheduled between two of our freshman!

The highest scorer on the entrance exams.... Takemi.... Mikazuchi!"

An image of Takemi in his First High uniform popped up on screen. It was the same one as his student ID and made him look colder and more aloof than he really was.

"And the second highest scorer on the entrance exams only losing to Takemi.... Gyoubu Hanzou!".

Hanzou's face came up directly after Charlotte mentioned him in the exact same fashion as Takemi's.

"I'm taking all bets on who will win! The tall, dark and mysterious Mikazuchi Takemi whose Magic, CAD and specialties all remain unknown! Or Gyoubu Hanzou! Whose prowess as a Magician is extremely noteworthy, even amongst his peers!".

Charlotte gave the camera a wink before saying, "I'll be live streaming the fight so you won't miss it! Bets can be placed in the description bellow and... I'll see you in seven days!".

The video finished and Tetsu was about to ask Takemi but refrained when he saw the look on the young man's face.

His left eyebrow was twitching violently and had a rather annoyed smile on his face while his hand was clenching his CAD.

"That damn President.... I can't believe....".

Takemi took a deep breath before placing Varuna Astra back in the case and and leaving.

"Tell Ushiyama and the entire Third Division that I thank them for creating my CADs. I'll be in your care for a little while longer". He gave a bow and Tetsu waved him off. He left the building and received a message from the Second Lieutenant asking him where his is.

"At FLT. Picking up my CAD. Waiting for you". He responded.

Takemi waited a few seconds before he got a message back.

"On my way. Be there in 10".

As promised, in exactly ten minutes a lady in a beautiful yellow car parked in front of Four Leaves, a smile was present on her face.

"Put that in the back. We've got quite a drive before we get to the base". She said.

Takemi did as she said and placed the container in the storage space of the car and got in, sitting in the seat beside her.

"I hope whatever you've got in the boot is good enough Takemi-kun. You're going to need it for the things the Major's got planned for you". Kyouko gave Takemi a disarming smile before starting the car and inputting the destination.

"It's fine Second Lieutenant. I don't believe that I'll disappoint".

Takemi gave on last look at the container in the boot and smiled.

'I don't think that the Activation Sequences that Ushiyama gave me will disappoint either....'.

Another chapter!

Thank you for the wait and I hope every had a lovely Christmas! I also hope anybody who rolled for Merlin in Fate/Grand Order got him, the slippery bastard.

Anyway, please comment and review!

Your Faithful Author, MrMoist.

P.S. For those you play FGO, what Servant do you want to get the most in 2019?

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