
The Type-Moon Irregularity

An avid fan of the Type-Moon franchise is reincarnated into the World of The Irregular of Magic High School. When he realizes that he does not have the ability to manipulate psions like normal Magicians he quickly finds out that he possesses a Type-Moon System his fate begins to change. BS Magician? Your Element and Origin align, your an incarnate! Elemental Sight? That's Structural Grasp, the most basic of magecraft don't you know this? CAD's? See how they compete with my Mystic Codes!

MrMoist · Others
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45 Chs

Chapter 25 Drafted

The next few days rolled by very quickly to Takemi, as most of his time was spent either at First High, touring workshops and signing up for classes or evading people waiting at the near the entrance of the Magic High school.

Several people had also made their way to the Mikazuchi household in order to get a personal meeting with Takemi or Musashi, but were turned away by the military. Since Magicians were a country's equivalent of nuclear or ballistic missiles, they were very valued by society, however all had to fall in line when the government, or the military got involved.

Takemi didn't meet anyone from the Numbered Clans and instead was visited by a duo that he recognized very much.

"I'm glad that you could meet us today Mikazuchi-kun. We've had a rather tough time trying to find you these last couple days...".

A beautiful woman in her mid twenties with green eyes and black hair tied up into a high ponytail sat in front of him. He had an attire that someone would normally wear to a business meeting and had a light make up on with a smile set on her face.

"Yes. Although I would like to exchange pleasantries and the like, I would like it if we got down to the matter at hand Mikazuchi-kun".

Beside her was middle-aged man with a stern expression on his face and sat down with his fingers entwined. He possessed an aura about him that made him appear somewhat like Musashi, but without the same piercing gaze or sharp glares.

"That's fine. But I would like to know your names. I don't doubt who you represent, however you can't blame me for being too careful".

The both nodded and the woman spoke up, "I'm Second Lieutenant Fujibayashi Kyouko of the 101 Independent Magic-Equipped Battalion".

"And I'm Major General Kazama Harunobu. Commander-in-Chief of the 101 Independent Magic-Equipped Battalion. Let's get right into it. I'd like for you to join the Battalion Mikazuchi-kun". The man gave a disarming smile at Takemi, who frowned and replied,

"That's rather sudden Major. I don't believe that my skills are that high that I could be recruited into the military, especially since-".

"Yes, I'm well aware of your situation Mikazuchi-kun. It is only you and your Aunt, and the latter only possesses physical enhancements so that she can perform, physically, to the same standards as Magicians. You on the other hand, possess a remarkable control over your psion emission and an extremely developed Magic Calculation Area. I have no doubt that your Zone Interference is way above the norm".

Takemi once again frowned but smirked inwardly when they mentioned Musashi. While it wasn't spoken about publicly, many Magicians, or even normal people, had enhancements done to their physical bodies to increase strength, endurance and agility. Even Takemi knew that some of the members of the 101 had them done as well.

Musashi had never displayed any Magical prowess, and on her job application to First High, didn't mention any ability to use Magic. While she was just a P.E teacher, her real job was to protect the students, if the situation ever arises.

"I appreciate the thought Lieutenant, but what do I get out of it. From my point of view, it seems very much like I'm selling soul, not the crystallized mana. And I still don't believe, that even with my current prowess, that I am strong enough to enter the military. What about the Juumonji Katsuto or Saegusa-! Ah I see...".

Fujibayashi Kyouko gave the young man a smile before saying, "I see you are aware of the reason the 101 was created Mikazuchi-kun. Yes, the 101 was created to be independent of the Ten Master Clans, and besides we aren't to here to buy your soul, at the crux of the issue we are here for three things. To protect you, a potential asset to our country. Lock up all information leaks regarding the crystallized mana. And offer you chance that most Magicians never get in their lifetime.

"Regarding skill however, as the Major General said before, we have already concluded that psion count and control exceed everybody else at your school and that the speed and accuracy of your Magic Calculation Area is amazing, even within the 101. Your Zone Interference was proven to be remarkably strong in the First High entrance exam, however the main reason is because of your Eyes. It is a unique Magic, makes you a Born-Specialized Magician, however you possess a very all rounded skill set. We do not know the exact contents of your Magic, however if you decide to accept our offer, will have to tell us in detail what it does. This is why we have chosen you Mikazuchi Takemi. This is why you are eligible to become a Special Officer, at least until you turn eighteen, that is".

Takemi paused and thought to himself, 'They've certainly done their research haven't they. It's pretty much everything I expected them to know. They don't know my true strength, both Magical and Physical and I'd like to keep the latter hidden for as long as possible...'.

Eyeing the two older soldiers he asked, "I'd like to know something. Firstly, what my duties would be as a member of the 101 Battalion and second, what I would have to gain from accepting your offer".

She was about to respond before the Major General raised his hand and gestured for her to stop. The man eyed Takemi before saying, "I, as the Commander-in-Chief of the 101, would offer you every Magic, except Strategic Class Activation and Magic Sequences our Battalion has on hand, along with a personalized CAD that will be tailored to suit your specifications.

"In return, I want the process on how to make crystallized mana and all research regarding it. Of course, regarding your first question, you would be asked to mobilize if the situation ever arises. Front line combat is no exception.

"I'm not hiding anything Takemi-san. I don't intend on deceiving a young man half my age. That goes against my beliefs as a soldier and I won't cross them".

Takemi rested his head on his hand and tapped the floor every few seconds thinking.

'I didn't expect the military would offer me a position in the 101 Independent Magic Equipped Battalion. I was just going to let them pay me for the crystallized mana... those Activation Sequences are Military Grade ones as well. One's that are stronger than the one's from FLT... but-'.

He stopped tapping and asked, "What if I gave you all the crystallized mana you needed and didn't give you the method of creation? What would you do then?".

"I don't understand why you would do such a thing however, for the sake of it of your curiosity; I would restrict your level of access on Activation Sequences and choice on CAD. You would also have to assist with any development regarding new and untested Magic. However, are you sure that you will not tell me the method of creation? It doesn't like something that you would to Takemi-san".

He noted that the Major General had stopped using his last name and replied, "I cannot give you the method, because I do not possess it Major General. This "Project" was something that my.... accomplices and I came up with. I agreed to became the scapegoat so that their identities remained unknown. However I can assure you that they were born and raised in Japan, so you should have no worries about information leaking out. I can say with 100% certainty that they will not betray Japan".

Takemi used the excuse he prepared over the past couple days to hide Tatsuya and Miyuki's identity. They didn't want to be thrust into the spotlight again, whether it be as Shiba Tatsuya, Ooguro Ryuuya or Taurus Silver. Although they wouldn't gain any recognition, Takemi knew that Tatsuya wasn't the type to get angry or jealous over it.

He was physically incapable of it after all.

"And you're sure that you can trust your, accomplices? And that they can create a metric tonne of crystallized mana a month?". Harunobu raised an eyebrow and gave Takemi the amount of mana crystal's they needed. Although it was fine to go over or even a little under, he wasn't sure if it was one of the Ten Master Clans, the young man had aligned himself with.

"Although it may be a little constrained, I can guarantee the shipment. The only problem is the actual movement of the mana crystals".

Takemi and the Major General locked gazes with each other, neither one letting up. It made the pressure in the room heavier and Kyouko clapped her hands together and smiled, "Now, now Takemi-kun, Major General. We're here to be friends, right?".

Harunobu sighed and leaned back into his chair before giving Takemi one last look. His gaze softened a little before saying,

"I'll send the Second Lieutenant to pick you up tomorrow at 0900 hours. We can discuss the shipment of crystallized mana then, and your induction into the 101. Until then... welcome aboard Mikazuchi Takemi".

He extended his hand, to which Takemi met and shook with a firm grasp.

"You'll have to work on your salutes. Kyouko will teach you... until tomorrow Takemi-kun. You should probably bring your A-Game tomorrow... you'll need it...".

Takemi escorted the two soldiers to the front door and sent them off before looking around for any potential spies. As he walked back into the house, he locked the door and placed a hand over his ear.

'Did you get them Musashi?'

'Yes. There was a total of 8 Magicians watching the house. I've eliminated them all so there is no worry for the conversation getting leaked'.

'Good. Return for now. I don't believe that word of this conversation won't reach the ears of the Numbered Clans. For a short time at least, I believe that we're in the clear'.

He felt Musashi agree with him before a figure appeared behind several motes of light. Saber appeared wearing the clothes assigned to her Saint Graph and hugged Takemi tightly.

"I need to recharge my Take-energy! I've been working non-stop these last few days. With my job as the P.E teacher and guarding the house the past three days, I've barely had a chance to relax!".

The Servant's master patted her on the head, causing the samurai to smile.

"Don't worry Musashi. I don't believe that we will be here forever. I will find a way to get back to the original world, even if I have to spend centuries to do so".

He was reminded of his ascension to a pseudo Divine Spirit and the power and longevity that came with it. Although he probably wouldn't live to see a thousand, six, maybe seven hundred years was his limit? He couldn't be sure.

"Anyway, you heard our conversation Musashi. I'll be going off tomorrow to join the military. I didn't expect this and won't turn down Magic that can't be accessed by normal people. It may seem a little strange but-".

"I'm not worried Takemi. I just don't want you getting hurt.... it's a Servant's duty to protect her Master right?".

Takemi smirked and leaned his head towards Musashi's ear, "But it's a husbands job to look after his wife, is it not?".

The Saber Servant went red before pointing to the kitchen and saying, "Food! And then we can talk about dessert....".

He watched as she ran towards the bathroom, probably to have a bath or shower and smiled as he entered the kitchen.

'This is good. Stage 2 is proceeding according to plan and Tatsuya should receive the payments soon. Enlisting wasn't supposed to be a part of it, however Tatsuya didn't complain in the future when interacting with them.... and I suppose I should start trying to earn TMP as well... front line combat is a great way to earn if after all'.