
The Type-Moon Irregularity

An avid fan of the Type-Moon franchise is reincarnated into the World of The Irregular of Magic High School. When he realizes that he does not have the ability to manipulate psions like normal Magicians he quickly finds out that he possesses a Type-Moon System his fate begins to change. BS Magician? Your Element and Origin align, your an incarnate! Elemental Sight? That's Structural Grasp, the most basic of magecraft don't you know this? CAD's? See how they compete with my Mystic Codes!

MrMoist · Others
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45 Chs

Chapter 27 101 Independent Magic-Equipped Battalion

The entire trip to Takemi was just listening to Kyouko talk about her experience in the 101 Battalion. How that since the Battalion being an experimental to mix Magicians into the military, it was hard for someone to be promoted, something that didn't particularly interest Takemi.

"I have a question Second Lieutenant, although I'm not sure if it is classified".

"Just ask. I'll tell you if it's not".

Takemi cleared his throat and said, "How many missions have you been on, and how many do you think I will be ordered to go on?".

Kyouko put a finger to her chin and said, "I've been on quite a few.... nothing that I can tell you though... and for you... I wouldn't think that the Major General would send you out specifically unless we started a war or were invaded.... You specialize in what? Ancient Magic?".

"I do have some, but I prefer Modern Magic. The speed at which I can activate a Magic Sequence is, and I don't want to sound arrogant, almost instantaneous".

She nodded understandingly before she pointed her hand outside and at an extremely large building on the waterfront of Tsuchiura. It had taken a little over an hour to get to the base from FLT in Tokyo and the two had finally arrived.

"We're here! Welcome Takemi! To the home of the 101 Independent Magic-Equipped Battalion!".

Kyouko drove the car towards a guarded gate and saluted the officer on duty.

"Good morning Second Lieutenant. What is you business here today?".

"I'm just here to meet the Major General... he's got company today....".

The soldier turned to face Takemi and looked at him for several seconds before nodding.

"That's fine Second Lieutenant. Have a nice day...".

The soldier sent a burst of psions at the gate and opened it letting Takemi and Kyouko inside. She leaned towards Takemi and said,

"That's Yuga-san. He specializes in Ancient Magic useful in Detection. He's usually always posted at the gate to make sure that nobody gets in".

Takemi couldn't help but ask, "But why only that gate? Isn't there another one?".

Kyouko shook her head, "No, there isn't. His Detection Magic is so strong that he can feel every spell cast on base. There are a little less than two hundred people in the 101, and he knows the feeling of every members psion emission".

"That's.... amazing". Said Takemi. He was thoroughly impressed by Yuga-san's Ancient Magic, Detection. Something like that wouldn't just be useful in guarding the base, but in infiltration and even assassination.

The Second Lieutenant continued, "Most of the members of the 101 use Ancient Magic and use Modern Magic to supplement where there Ancient Magic falls a little. I don't believe you won't fit in here Takemi. Age doesn't matter on the battlefield".

Takemi exited the car and followed Kyouko through several hallways, carrying the case for Varunastra, while getting several looks and raised eyebrows from the occasional soldier passing by.

He passed several workshops with engineers and more soldiers working on weapons and CADs and tried not getting distracted by the state-of-the-art tech.

"Here it is. The combat simulation room. The Major General is waiting for you in here".

A passcode was needed to enter the room and Takemi didn't see it as Kyouko blocked him with her body.

The doors opened with a flush of cold air leaking out and she led Takemi into the control room, where several people were waiting.

"Ah, Second Lieutenant, Mikazuchi-kun. You got here earlier than expected. Although the timing couldn't be more perfect".

Kazama Harunobu stepped forward and placed a hand on Takemi's shoulder.

"This is, hopefully, the newest member of the 101. Introduce yourself".

Takemi saluted the other people in the room, the way that Kyouko taught him and said, "Mikazuchi Takemi, reporting".

The other five people gave each other a look before on of them, a strong looking middle aged man asked, "Major General Kazama, is this why you didn't tell us his rank?".

"Yes, Yamanaka. Mikazuchi-kun has enlisted voluntarily and currently his Rank and Title as not yet been decided".

Another man spoke up, he looked like he was in his late-thirties and above average in looks.

"Can you tell us the reason for it? I can gather why you asked him based on his name alone, but that doesn't tell me "why" you recruited him".

The Major General nodded and looked at Kyouko to respond. She stepped forward and said,

"Mikazuchi Takemi has shown that his magical prowess is remarkable, despite even his age. He possesses an outstanding skill for close-range combat, preferably hand-to-hand. His long range capabilities however have no prior data. His Magic Calculation Area allows him to cast Magic Sequences just as fast as anyone in the room, for any Magic not just limited to his specialty. His Zone Interference is also the strongest in the room".

Everybody, including the Major General raised an eyebrow and Kyouko continued.

"In addition, he also possesses a Magic relating to his Eyes. I have no knowledge on it and Mikazuchi-kun will have to elaborate".

Takemi stepped forward and explained, "My Eyes allow me to manipulate pushions to correct the faults in a Magic Sequence. Even up to the point that the Magic Sequence has already been executed, I can alter the Sequence and change the variables again".

The first man couldn't contain himself and shouted, "Please Major General you have to let me-".

"Denied Yamanaka. He is a member of the 101, not a foreign Magician. I've already told you this, even regarding the Special Officer. You may not dissect him".

Major Yamanaka Kousuke sighed before stepping back and watching Takemi. He had a curiosity in his eyes that looked a little something like infatuation or obsession.

"Moving on, are there limits to the amount of changes you can make to a Magic Sequence?".

"Yes. I can only change the direction and output of a Magic Sequence. Even I can't change the spell fully while it has already been activated".

Takemi lied to them and hoped they bought it. Everything he said was true except for the fact that he downplayed the Mystic Eyes of Empyrean by a lot. Like a lot! Changing and infinite number of outcomes for a single one was a little bit more than making a spell stronger after all.

"And the box? What's inside?".

"My CAD. I picked it up today".

Kyouko included, "He got it from Four Leaves. It's a specialized CAD, although I haven't seen it yet".

"Open it", ordered Kazama.

Takemi nodded and placed the case down and his hand on the scanner.

"User: Takemi Mikazuchi".

"Ding! ID confirmed. Access granted. Releasing Varuna Astra and Agni Astra".

This also drew some more raised eyebrows although most of them looked rather amused than confused.

Takemi lifted the lid up and swung the case around to face Kazama and the rest. The above average man stepped forward and his eye lit up.

"Where did you get one of these! These were just released a few days ago!".

He looked to Takemi for permission, who in turn nodded and the name picked it up, rather surprised by the weight and design.

"I was the one who asked for it to be designed this way. FLT created their "Midnight" series after this model".

The man nodded and then frowned and looked at Takemi.

"Does this CAD have generalized settings?".

"Yes, I was also asked by the designer to deliver some combat data so that he could use it to fine-tune the CAD so that it fit my preferences more. He told me that for now, I would have to use a rather basic software, built for all round usage", explained Takemi. He refrained from using Tatsuya's name and was prepared to Ushiyama's before the Major General spoke up.


Takemi straightened his back and faced him with his hands behind his back.

Kazama sat down and gestured to the name standing beside him and said, "I don't want to be here all day Captain Sanada... Here is Captain Yanagi Muraji. He will be assessing you in today's assessment. If you are injured, Major Yamanaka will heal you, although loss of limb or attacks that inflict more damage than the human body can handle are prohibited. Am I understood!".

Takemi and Yanagi saluted before the two of them made their way to the side door in the control center and down a flight of stairs to a change room.

"Don't hold back Takemi-san. Major General Kazama and the others will be watching, and will determine many things by this fight".

Takemi turned and saw that Yanagi had changed from his white uniform to a casual one before leading Takemi to a massive arena. It was around 200 meters by 200 meters and was probably a a little less than a hundred meters tall. It was completely surrounded by concrete walls, save the single glass panel, from which he could see the Major General and the rest standing by.

The P.A. System rang out, "Mikazuchi. You have to survive Yanagi's onslaught for as long as you can. Begin in exactly sixty seconds".

The was a crack on the P.A. before it cut out and Takemi instantly took out Varunastra and lodged the sheath in his belt earning a raised eyebrow from Yanagi.

"Sanada. What is that? Is it a CAD?".

The man, who looked above average responded, "Yes. Although it is a CAD and contains Magic Sequences, it's main purpose is for storage. The "Midnight" Series, developed by FLT, makes use of two CADs being used individually. The main one, the one in Mikazuchi-sans hand is most likely the one he uses to cast Magic".

Kazama didn't say anything but just nodded his head slightly.

"What do you expect from him? I want your honest opinions".

"I don't think he's on the same level as our "other" Special Officer, however in direct combat without the Third Eye I think they might be equal", Said Kyouko.

"Maybe, Fujibayashi-san. But if his Eyes do work the same way as he said, he wouldn't miss most long-range Magic. He might just retreat and attack Yanagi from a distance", said Yamanaka while resting his head on his hand.

"I don't think he'll last very long, especially with a CAD like that".

The Major General looked at Sanada and waited for him to continue,

"His CAD is designed not just for Magic, but also close range combat. If he's up against Yanagi-san, then I don't believe that he will last long even with the assortment of Magic available to him".

Everybody in the room frowned but nodded at Engineers words.

"If his CAD was a little more tuned to his combat style, and had a lot more specialized Magic I believe Mikazuchi-might win. But if he gets to close...".

"He'll lose, I know.... it's why I chose Yanagi to test him".

Kazama said, directed at no-one in particular, he looked down at his watch and said over the P.A.

"Time's up.... Begin!".