POV Vega
As we exited the jump point, in the distance I could see Xandar. The capital of the Nova Corp was a shining beacon to my wonder filled eyes. Cutting into my thoughts and right on time we were haled by the nova Corp.
"Unidentified Kree vessel, our navigational log shows you are not expected. Halt your vessel and prepare to be boarded." Before the officer can continue I cut him off.
"Negative this is Vega special envoy of Asgard. I have seized this ship for almost violating Asgard controlled space.The Kree personnel on board are only transporting my ship, and I to your local shipyard to be retrofitted to suit Asgards needs."
Their was a short pause and then, "proceed to the dock and welcome to Xander envoy Vega. A meeting with Nova Prime has been arranged. When your ship is docked we will escort you to your meeting. Nova Prime will negotiate with you to help us maintain friendly relations with Asgard."
I smile in triumph and look around at the crew and say. "After we dock and in my meeting with Nova Prime, I will arrange for you to be transported to the nearest Kree station." The look of relief that washes over their faces is almost comical.
Turning back to the view port, I watch as a squadron of Nova fighter ships. Escort us to the massive shipyard that is in orbit of Xandar. Once we are docked I get up from my chair and walk to the ship's exit, but before I exit the command module I say one last thing. "Ladies and gentlemen it has been an honor and a privilege. Thank you for flying air Vega, I hope I never see any of you near earth again."
They all give an audible gulp and a nervous smile. Nodding I make my way to the exit and head down the ramp onto the space station. At the end of the ramp soldiers are lined up on both sides, as I walk past they each and every one gives they give me a salute.
I nod my head in acknowledgement of them and they escort me to my meeting. I am lead to a hover craft that takes me and my escort to the capital building on Xandar. As I am sitting in Nova Primed office with a relaxed demeanor smiling at her. Her eyebrows raise judgment while she is trying to figure me out.
"Why have you come to Xandar, Envoy Vega?" Nova Prime finally inquired, her voice resonating with a mix of curiosity and caution.
Vega took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully. He knew he needed to strike a balance between conveying his intentions and safeguarding the secrecy of his mission.
"I have come to Xandar seeking to transfer the ownership of the Kree warship. To my own name and for the Nova Corp to recognize my new ship and it's purpose to serve Asgard in the wider reaches of the universe."
I pause letting my words sink into her head and continue. "My new ship also need to be upgraded to better suit my purpose. My mission giving to me by King Odin himself, can not be delayed or compromised. I have negotiated with the Kree for that ship and they will also cover the costs of upgrading my ship."
She is quite for a moment going over everything in her head before speaking. "The Nova Corp will formally recognize that this vessel is under your command, and we will also give it diplomatic status. Recognize your responsibility as an envoy of Asgard."
She pauses to catch her breath, "the Nova Corp will allow your ship. To be personal upgraded by our best mechanics and ship builders. To help you in your quest, and sense the Kree empire is paying for it we will go all out."
Giving her the biggest smile ever I shake her hand in agreement. She then asked, "what will be the name of your vessel. So that we can change it in our navigational logs, and flag it for special privileges."
I think for a moment before answering, "there is only one ship name that will suit my purpose. One of the greatest in human history, The SSV Normandy SR-1."
As my words left my mouth I knew it was the right choice. The Normandy saved mankind time and time again. She will do so in the marvel universe as well. With a legendary ship under my command I will hunt down the legions of Thanos across the cosmos.