
The Promise of Forever

Olivia came to the city to forget about her disgraceful past, but one think she doesn't know is that the past will always find its way back to the present. Indira is an 18 year old budding designer who dreams of becoming like the successful Olivia battles with her own identity after finding out that everything she knew about herself was a lie.

Maricruz_Rosales · 现代言情
21 Chs

Chapter 19

It's nice being out here, Indira thought. It was like a different world on its own it was breathtaking. The black water looked like it wasn't moving at all, only the ripples formed by the paddles disturbed the surface. The air is fragrant with honeysuckles, pines and grass;lush vegetation lined the bank with fruit producing vines in astonishing numbers.

Birds are flying making their presence known in a melody of beautiful songs, humming birds hover consistently over the honeysuckle bushes.

Indira could hear the calls of the wild from animals she couldn't quite make out. On the bank to her left frogs were croaking in a loud resonating tone. The sky was only visible through the gap between the pine leaves hovering above them. It was kind of chilli out here but she liked it.

They sat facing each other while avoiding each other's gaze.

"Do you come here often?" She asked breaking the awkward silence while looking straight at him, too bad she couldn't see past his shirt at the work of muscles while he continues to paddle but through his unbuttoned shirt she could see his bare chest covered by a mass of dark hair.

"Sometimes, when I needed to clear my head." He said. "it's peaceful out here isn't it?" He smiled. Indira loved his smile.

"It's like there are no problems at all in the world. Do you always come alone?"

Antonio nodded. "You're my first companion."

That made her feel special.

For some time they didn't say a word to each other. Indira had no idea where the vast lake lead to as she couldn't the end. She marvelled at the sight of the beautiful swans floating above the water.

"It's amazing how the years go by huh?" Antonio turned to looked at her.

"I can't believe you're the same little rebel who put my hair hair on fire back then."

They both laughed.

"And I remember that we never got along with each other." She laughed again but his expression became serious. " I am not that little boy any more Indira." He wanted to tell his mom these words but sadly she wasn't there to hear it.

"I know. Look at us now, we're getting along just fine."

"Yes we are." He couldn't agree with her more.

"But how come the only memories I have of you was you taunting me?"

"What can I say I was a rebel through and through but now we can make new memories to replace the old."

They spent almost and hour out on the river before Antonio brought them back to shore.

Antonio helped Indira get off the boat, their gazes locked and he knew instantly that it was a bad idea bringing her along from the start but he couldn't think of any excuse or it might've ended up being a lame approach on his part.

"Thanks for the ride Antonio. You really made my day." He realised that this was the first time she said his name and he found himself loving the sound of it.

"Any time."

Any time? What was he thinking?

It was bad enough that he brought her along today and his heart didn't stop racing across his chest the whole time, next time it might explode.

"I should go." She prompted.

He nodded. "Sure." And he watched her walk away wondering how long he will be able to keep his attraction a secret.