
The nuclear test (Rough draft)

After the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the world was afraid of the might of nuclear threat. Due to this scientist tried to find a way to create a more controlled way to create a weapon. After a breakthrough, some scientists found a way to use nuclear waste and alter it in order to give people special powers. Numerous human experiments were made until finally there was a breakthrough. A little after this many advanced countries became able to succeed, however even if there was a breakthrough, the rate of people who were able to acquire powers after being exposed to the waste was still low. After numerous experiments in 1990, all the countries of the world decided to gather and sign a treaty to stop human experimentation. However, when the first generation of children was being born the radioactive molecules in the air gathered in different spots and created gates to different realms. These gates contained massive resources and along with it come monsters and new civilizations. These gates were successfully hidden from the public by governments around the world. It's now the year 2014, Luis is living a regular life in New York. Not liked by anyone, he was adopted his aunt's family due to his parents' death. His only moments of peace were when he trained his body and when he watched and read anime and manga, and hangs out with his cousin. One day during one of his runs a strange bag fell on him, which will lead to a change in his life.

Grasshopper_sensei · 都市
94 Chs


For this particular chapter, we return to the time before Tara was killed. About two weeks before the event. Two men are having conversations over something very dire that happened a few months back. One of them is standing up with a folder on his hand while the other is seating down next to him.

"Hendrick, I found them." (Argus)

Hendrick is the boss of New York City's Lotus Flower.

"You found the it? How?" (Hendrick)

"Well...I didn't exactly find the 'it' per se, but rather a person who 'has' the neo waste."

"...So you are saying that..."

"Yes, he most likely absorbed them."

"What kind of joke is this! How are we getting it back to...actually, this is probably a better situation if we think about it"

"Yes, even more so since I think he consumed all 10 lost flasks."


"Exactly, can you imagine what type of monster he will become if we somehow get him on our side?"

"Then let's just kidnap him and bring him over so we can have him brainwashed by Veronica."

"...Actually, I have a different proposition. Instead of kidnaping him, how about we somehow convince him?"

"How's that better?"

"From what I could gather, he's a very cunning person. If we were to brainwash him he'd just become a mindless soldier. But if we somehow got him on our side with his mind still intact, what do you think could happen?"

"I see, how do you propose we go about it then?"

"I did a little researching. Apparently, he's not liked at school, barely has any friends and the only friend I've seen him with is his cousin." Argus throws a small folder containing information regarding both Luis and Tara as well as Tara's family. Hendrick takes a look over the information presented to him.

"...You were very extensive with this."

"Yes, now let's think about this for a while. The kid is still a middle schooler, so it will be easy to sway his feelings. With that said let me ask you a simple question. When do you think it's easiest to persuade a person?"

Hendricks takes time to think about the question that was asked to him.

"...When they are at their lowest and you either make them believe they have some sort of enemy they have to go against, or you offer them a simple vague solution to a problem they have."

"Correct, we can see a prime example of that by looking at Germany in the 1930s. The Great depression was sweeping all over the world and this was especially hard for Germany since they had restrictions placed upon them.

The situation was extremely dire and everyone within the country was filled with complete despair. Amongst that despair, a man with simple solutions and vague promises came into power. Since the situation was dire the people just accepted him and for the time being he became those people's-"

"Cut to the chase."

"What if we make this Luis guy also feel complete despair?"

"I see."

"From what I can gather he has already suffered plenty, yet even then he still keeps on coming back from breaking point. He always ends up finding someone or something to cling to in order to come back. That may be a good characteristic, but it's also something that can be used to our advantage. If we create a situation where he's filled with despair and we become that someone or something in which he relies on then we have him set.

Of course, we'll have to slowly drag him to this side of the world with us. I'm sure that he'll overlook things as things go by. People tend to overlook things that they may not consider unacceptable as long as their own safety and satisfaction are assured."

"That sounds plausible. Then based on the fact that you brought this you suggesting we kill the whole family?"

"No, if we do that he'll have to leave NY to some orphanage or another relative. His relationship with his aunt and uncle is horrible so we just need to take care of the girl."

Hendrick looks over the documents once again.

"...Are you sure?"

"Yes, in all due likelihood. This girl is what he's been relying on to maintain his happiness. Once the girl is gone there's a good chance that he'll fall into despair, all we have to do is to somehow create a situation where we are his rescuers."

"That sounds plausible."

"It might make it easier if we have him witness her murder. If he starts blaming himself it ill definitely be easier to keep control of him as well."

"Only if you have the luxury to do so. I'll give you a three-week window, see if you find a chance to somehow kill her in front of him without him realizing that it's you...Actually, after you approach don't forget to use your armament's advanced skill."

"Shouldn't I use another presence to kill her and then go to my original?"

"No, you will be assigned a mission near 'that' place towards the end of the summer. If you in with the same presence as last time they are bound to find you, you'll just have to deal with the discomfort yourself and get used to it for the end of the summer."


"For now, let's inform the other 4 that we found someone with who absorbed the 10 flasks. Let's not inform them of anything more just in case they try to curry favor and ruin our plan."

"Alright then, I'll take my leave. Those preparations won't get themselves ready by themselves."

With those words, they each went their own way planning things out. How to have contact with him after killing off the girl? Many different things piled one after another until. Many different things came about as they created a plan that they tried making as flawless as possible.

The days went by, they were slowly able to set up what they wanted. They worked behind the scenes as they slowly upset the aunt and uncle. Lowered a certain apartment place's rent in order to make it extremely affordable and making sure that the certain uncle and aunt were aware of the apartment.

Many things were planned one after another. Finally, a chance to kill Tara in front of Luis presented itself and it was taken. Both of them slowly watched on the sideline as they saw as things went according to their plans.

However, even within every possible scenario they could think of. They were not able to fully grasp what Luis' decision after Tara's death. That was to become a vigilante and fight off crime at night. This itself made it harder to be "Lotus Flower" and to get exact information on where he would be at what specific time.

Thus, we arrive at the time after the second meeting over how to bring over "Dark Menace," previously named ten since they had all been informed of the flasks he had absorbed. A woman by the name of Mia has left along with Argus to meet the rumored informant M. Argus has a huge briefcase on him.

"He's should be arriving soon." (Mia)

"Well, I sure hope so, or else someone else might get assigned to this task." (Argus)

"You'll see that I'm not to be underestimated."

"We'll see if that holds-. Looks like our guest has arrived." Argus says as he sees a man with a mask approach them.

"It's been so long since Lotus Flower came to see me. To what do I owe the pleasure?" (M.)

"A certain target of our recently came into contact with you, he's known as Dark Menace" (Mia)

"Oh, someone you guys wish to eliminate, is he that much of a hindrance?"(M.)

"You're welcome to draw your own conclusions." (Mia)

"As I will, so, what is it that you guys seek." (M.)

"For now, we'd like to know what information you gave Dark Menace and if possible his location." (Mia)

"I see... You guys should know that my information is not cheap. And this piece of information is particularly important. I don't know what you may have against Dark Menace but the information I gave him is extremely valuable. So, what's your budget look like?" (M.)

"One million, no more." (Argus)

"... Just what did this guy do to you guys?" (M.)

"Is that enough for you?"

"...Well, who am I decline."

M. proceeded to tell Lotus flower about the information that Luis gave him and the exchange he gave him in return.

"That may be difficult to work with but I have an idea.." (Mia)

"Good for you. So now M., also, there's an extra 500,000 in there if you know what I mean." (Argus)

"..." M. gives a nod

<What the heck did that guy do to them? I can't do much about this other than keeping my mouth shut. If I mess their plan up I might be next.> (M.)


The next day all 7 of them are gathered around the same room to discuss a plan of action.

"What do we have here then." (Hendrick)

Mia gives an explanation about what they found out from M.

"That is problematic." (Hendrick)

"Yes, but I have a proposition."(Mia)

"Speak, then." (Hendrick)

"I say we create a separate small time organization in order to persuade 'Dark Menace'" (Mia)

"What do you mean by that?" (Hendrick)

"Instead of trying to make him rely on 'Lotus Flower' why don't we first make him rely on us as a separate organization and then slowly bring him in."

"So then, what type of organization are you proposing?" (Hendrick)

"A Vigilante one. Seeing as he's trying to fight the New York underground in general I say, why not help him. We haven't been able to move too freely since both Bloody Crips and Crimson Night keep watch on us and M. doesn't give us their bases' locations.

We can destroy both Crimson Night and Bloody Crips. Now, and if he sees us helping him destroy the other too while persuading him we will be able to gain his trust and defeat the competition at the same time."

"That sounds well and all, but how do we find the other two organizations bases in order to do that?" (Argus)

"We leave that to Dark Menace. If you think about it the kid has got some serious tracking skills if he figured out what will happen at the bay only two weeks after he got here. So it will just be a matter of time before he helps us out." (Mia)

The room was silent as Hendricks was taking his time deciding.

"Very well then, you will be leading this operation."

"Thank you, also. As of now, my name will be Sara."

"Trying to change your name already?" (Argus)

"Of course, how else am I suppose to get close to him if he's wary of my name. Also, I have a request." (Mia/Sara)

"What is it?"(Hendricks)

"I'd like Argus to help with this plan."

"If you are taking my personal guard for a long period of time you better have a good reason."

"People are more likely to sympathize with people who are similar to themselves. If Argus were to come off as a friendly person to him while showing that he can use magic just like him then it will be easier to persuade him."

"...I understand, Argus. You are to go with her, and you better put on your best acting hat."


With that brief exchange and recruitment of 3 people within the lower parts of the organizations, the NYC Vigilantes was formed and the mission to recruit a single young man started.

That's all for the background of how it all came to be. Hopefully, I filled any questions people may have had however when you get an amateur writer and a complex story, or complex for me at least, there's bound to be plot holes. I could probably write another chapter on the exchanges between Argus and Luis from Argus' POV but why bother doing so? So tomorrow's chapter will be the climax!!

Grasshopper_senseicreators' thoughts