
The Not People

This is the story of John Cooper and his path through a world that has been irrevocably scarred by both forces beyond anyone's control and humanities response to them.

John_Doe_2280 · 都市
8 Chs

Chapter 2

As John steps onto the bus his nose is instantly inundated with the pungent smell of fake leather. His feet are too cold and his body too warm as the heater of the bus continued it's endless struggle against the cold. With bastions of heat and invading forces of cold seemingly at war with each other with the battle grounds being the poorly insulated sides of the bus.

The passengers of the bus were greeted with their own vision of John, a 5"5 tall 14 year old boy with an average build in a large stained hoodie, tan cargo pants, aged tennis shoes, and a head of messy dark brown hair with a slight curl which was inherited from his mothers. The only somewhat attractive feature John had being his sharp deep green eyes inherited from his father.

The bus driver urges him to sit down so they can start moving and get out of this part of town as fast as possible.

John, takes his cue and starts walking down the isle lost in thought and unable to perceive the negative judgments people are making about him.

All but two of the seats were taken, the first one guarded by a bag as if being held for someone, anyone but him.

The only seat left was next to a slim, almost gaunt, goth looking girl, which made John's pants stir. Puberty once again playing the same practical joke it had for millions of years. John shifted his bag in front of his crotch and awkwardly made his way to sit next to her.

Nina, sat in her seat trying to isolate herself, resting her head against the ice cold pane of glass with a set of headphones in listening to music that reflected her prickly mood. She didn't want to be here, she didn't want to go to school, she wanted to crawl into bed and just be far away from other people. Half paying attention to the world, she saw someone trying to sit next to her out of the corner of her eye and said. "Sit here and I'll punch you in the dick." 

The others around her gave a knowing smirk, before someone gave a flabbergasted John an explanation.

"Don't worry she has said that to everyone who has tried to sit next to her. Sucks you are the one that has to actually sit next to her." adding with a smirk in his voice "Best bet is to keep that bag where it is though."

John, nods in thanks at the other student with an unearned wisdom and solemnity. Trying to convey he will deal with it and look cool while doing so.

Seemingly impervious to the daggers she is shooting out of her eyes, John, with the social grace of a drunk bear and the fearlessness only naive youth can offer, sits down and asks "Do you want to talk about how angry you are? I am a pretty good listener."

Before Nina could even secure her headphones back in place so she didn't have to talk to this idiot, loud muffled shouts came from the top of the bus. The only words that were able to be heard were "OH SHIT A TYPE 3." Then the bus jolted and the sound of scraping metal could be heard.