
The Not People

This is the story of John Cooper and his path through a world that has been irrevocably scarred by both forces beyond anyone's control and humanities response to them.

John_Doe_2280 · Urban
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Chapter 1

(4 Years Later)

John! *pound, pound, pound* WAKE UP!

John: "Ughh mom do I REALLY have to go! You know my legs hurt from my growth spurt, I couldn't get to sleep and I'm tired!"

Cynthia (Mom): "You're dad is already at work, your younger sister is already awake and dressed, I don't have time for your shit. I know you were up late playing X-boxes, don't treat me like I'm stupid. You absolutely can not stay home, you know we can't afford the security fee."

She busts into his room with a frantic haste that allows no objection from her son. John, barely awake, sees his mom, a 5"7 woman with an average figure and fraying brown hair with a slight curl tied up into a pony tail with her favorite worn flowery work blouse staring down at him with a stern gaze before she throws his clothes at him.


Mom: Just get ready and meet me down stairs I can't drive you to school. You need to get on the bus.


At the bus stop Cynthia does one last frantic check to make sure her son is ready, already having sent his sister, Katy, off to elementary school. 

Mom: Ok honey do you have your phone? Do you have your pain meds and bananas for your leg cramps? Honey why did you not tell me your sweater had a stain in it before we left the house!

John: Mom stop treating me like a baby, I don't know why you are so worried! Yes I have my phone, yes i have my.... ok I don't have the aspirin or the bananas, but i can get those at school. And I just didn't see it, but i don't think anyone else will. Why don't you treat Katy like this!?

Cynthia, fights to hold back tears, and bends down to meet John in the eyes forcing him to make eye contact so her gaze can impart the seriousness of her next words.

Mom: Honey, you cannot keep acting this way. I am so worried for you because I love you and I don't want to see you fail. If you turn into.....

Cynthia can't help but let a tear fall from her eye as she can't complete her sentence.

John hugs his mom to stop her from crying.

John: Mom that won't happen, I ...

As the heavily armored bus arrives, and a guard with a yellow high visibility vest with the words "Jamestown High-school" written on it armed with a Machine Gun of some type Interrupts John.

Guard: Miss, I am going to have to advise you to clear the area we have heard some reports of some homeless around here get back somewhere safe we will take care of your son.

'God, why does the city even allow people from this part of town to attend high school? Oh well it keeps me working.' He thinks to himself.

Cynthia: Honey stay safe and stay in the school if anything happens. I get off at work at 5 and i'll pick you up if you call me. Also if I get home and you are lighting something on fire or playing video games I am going to make sure your dad knows about it. Remember honey I love you and I always will.

John boards the bus being the second to last stop before the bus completes its loop and heads back to the school.