
The Multiverse Traveller

*WARNING* *WARNING* Firstly let me get this out of the way. I've already dropped 2 other fanfictions so please don't expect much. If people who have read my other works read this as well, I am deeply sorry if I drop this cause it shows I haven't learned my lesson. Apart from that, there will be no/NADA/ZERO R-18 nor Harem content in this novel there is already enough of that on this site so I don't think you need it again. Apart from that for now I am stockpiling chapters so release rate won't be regular. BE WARNED. Every 5 billion years a tournament was held, a tournament to bring rise to a Great God. The existence of such a being could bring a race to prosperity while the loss of one could bring it to its knees. Humanity had been losing for many many many years. This was already their 629th loss when they picked Jin, the man who would be their champion who they put all their hopes on. "I may die at the Grand Races Tournament but before that, I'll try my hardest, not just for myself but for all of humanity." That was his resolution that led him to the top.

Dragonic_Dao · 漫画同人
51 Chs

Chapter 31 Unexpected Disaster

"Oh my god, what the fuck is going on!" Disco said as he looked around. 'Everything is being destroyed! What am I going to tell Do Flamingo.' Disco thought as he was in a panic.

Soon though he had no time to think as the captives approached him. "Kill that bastard! He's the manager!" They said as they rushed towards him. "Fuck me." Disco muttered as he realised he was doomed. 'Screw this I am not going down without a fight!' Disco thought as he grabbed a remote next to him.

He immediately clicked the red button on it and a sizzling sound began to be heard around the Auctioning House. "What the hell did he do?" One of the captives said as she gazed at Disco wearily. "Hehe, I just signed your death warrant, see you in hell bitches!" Disco said as the sizzling suddenly stopped.


As if a volcano was about to erupt, a gigantic explosion resounded through out Grove 1, and the Human Auctioning House was up in flames.

'NO! Please, don't tell me.' Jin thought as he gazed at the collapsing building. "Damnit, I hope this works!" He said before letting himself glide through the air. Soon his body began to rush towards the ground at great speeds, and he soon reached terminal velocity.

'Fuck I am dead, or severly wounded if this doesn't work.' He thought as 2 gigantic orbs of compressed air in his hands began to form and tremble immensely. "Here goes nothing!" Jin said as his face neared the ground.


A gigantic crater lay were Jin was about to land, but he was no where in sight. Far, far away though one could see him blasting through the air. Jin's plan was very simple, by leveraging the force gravity would apply on him along with the rebounding force of 2 air blasts clashing against each other and the ground he would increase his speed, and it worked out almost perfectly.

'Fuck my shirt is destroyed, and not only that but I think I am bleeding internally.' Jin thought as blood leaked out of his mouth. "Whatever, rewind!" Jin said as his horn began to glow and his body began to revert to a previous state. 'Almost there.' He thought as he began to propel himself forward again.

"Damnit, it's gonna be at least 5 minutes till we arrive." A Yakuza said as they continued running. "Don't worry, with Boss here we can keep running forever as long as we have enough energy." Another Yakuza said.

"Quit yapping and run, if you have so much spare energy to speak then I am sure you can use more in your legs." Kai said, not even bothering to turn back. "Sorry Boss!" They both said before shutting up.

Seeing this Izuku was dumbfounded. 'This guy, did he actually form the Yakuza in another world?!' Izuku thought as he looked at this somwhat comical scene.

Simultaneously within the Human Auctioning House, among the rubble 2 people could be found. A man and a little girl. "Huh, it seems I've done something good with my life after all." Sam said as his bloodied back moved a somewhat heavy boulder to the side.

After that he fell to the side as his face gazed up at the sky. 'Where did it all go wrong? Was it becoming a pirate? Leaving home? Or was it not staying with her?' Sam thought as some blood leaked onto his eye.

'Haha, it seems even when I am trying to be self introspective it has to be ruined.' Sam thought as the blood blurred the vision of his right eye. "Was this life really worth it?" He asked himself but no one answered.

Then he turned his head to the side, and saw the unconcious girl to the side. "I guess it wa-" He attempted to say before his vision blurred and he gazed at the abyss known as death.

"Your time has come." A figure said to him as he merely nodded. "Then lets go." Sam said before looking back at the world. "Don't worry you'll see them again." The figure said before he and Sam disappeared.

"I've made it." Jin said as he landed a few 100 meters away from the Human Auctioning House. "I hope she's he-" Jin tried to say before being cut off. Suddenly the Human Auctioning House began to crumble, and the mangrove tree began to turn grey.

'Fuck what now?' Jin thought as he rushed forward. Soon though he stopped as the Human Auctioning House began to be destroyed further, some of it even turned to dust, almost as if it was, decaying.

"No, it can't be, no it must be, Eri." Jin said as he let out a tear and began to walk forward. 'Finally I found her.' Jin thought as he continually stepped forward till he began to speed up, suddenly though the decay increased further and it even creeped up on Jin as his shoes were destroyed and his feet began to decay.

"Shit, I have to fall back." Jin said. 'But I've come so far!' Jin thought as his thoughts and words conflicted. "Fuck it, she's not going anywhere. Rewind!" He said as he used rewind on himself to heal the wound and began to retreat.

'Hmm, Decay, all 5 fingers must be used to activate it. It can be used through the hands or feet of the user, but I am pretty sure Tomura only used it through his feet after the evolution of his quirk. After that it's power increased immensely and also allowed him to use it with lesser fingers. One key component though was once used on a living being it would continue to deca- SHIT!' Jin thought as he increased his retreating speed.

He then gazed at the decaying mangrove tree and realised a terrifying truth. 'Decay unlike Overhaul can be transferred through objects meaning if this infects every mangrove tree, Sabaody will be sunk!' Jin thought before bending down and putting both his hands on the tree.

"I don't know if this will work, but, REWIND!" Jin said as the decaying mangrove tree around him turned lush green once again, soon it spread further towards the mangrove tree as the tree began to heal.

'But how am I going to get to her?' Jin thought as his horn shined brightly. "What ever I'll get Kai to do it!" Jin said as he increased his energy output, causing the tree to rewind further, some of it even turning back to a much further point back in time.

Before he could worry over this though the decay increased even further as the Human Auctioning House began to turn to dust and the decay accelerated.

'Damnit even with Rewind although I have theoretically infinite stamina, I really don't.' Jin thought as the horn on his head continued to shine.

Rewind worked by utilising a certain energy, the quirk itself would gather this as the user breathed and then that energy entered his dantian where Rewind's core would then transmit said energy to the horn. The problem was that although Jin's energy gathering speed was high due to All For One, the usage required to continually Rewind a living being over and over again, especially one of such size was strenuous.

'I can maybe keep this up for about half an hour.' Jin thought as the decay and rewind fought over superiority.

"Finally it's in sight." Kai said as he gazed at the far off Human Auctioning House. Soon though his face turned pale as he witnessed the scene.

Half of it looked like a dead land, like that of an apocalyptic world, while the other half looked perfectly half. "Jin!" Izuku said as he saw Jin on the ground. "We've got to hurry up!" Izuku said before rushing ahead.

'So we found her.' Kai thought as he looked at Jin fighting with such tenacity. 'Unless it entertains him or he wants to do it he'd never do such strenuous task, deep down he's lazy so she must be there if he's using such effort.' Kai thought as he ran after Izuku.

"Come on, we have to follow them!" Hermes said before running after them along with the rest of the Yakuza.

"Eri, why did you let those people go. They were villains." A voice said to Eri who was in a dark void. "What, but they were captured." Eri said as she looked at the dark void. "Well that was only because they were villains." The voice continued.

"T-Then why was I there?" Eri asked afterr sometime. "Isn't that obvious? It's because you're evil too!" The voice said. "W-What? No, no I am not!" She said as she gazed wearily at the voice.

"You are, face it! You're a waste, you killed your father, you ruined your grandfather's gang, you made Jin take care of you and do evil deeds for money, you got captured and because of it Jin and your friends are doing evil things, and you led a riot which caused the death of many people, even this man." The voice said as Sam appeared within the void.

"You, evil girl, you killed me!" Sam said before disappearing. "W-What no I didn't! Stop!" Eri said as her eyes darkened a bit. "You did though, look how evil you are, how vile, you're, a waste!" The voice in the dark void said.

"B-B-B, but, but, but, just stop!" Eri said as she shut her eyes. "HMPH! You deserve this." The voice said before it disappeared, and Eri was left alone in the darkness. 'In the end, I am all alone.' She thought as tears began to well up in her eyes.

While this was going on in Eri's mind, the decay at grove 1, was increasing more and more. 'I can barely keep up.' Jin thought as he continued to rewind his surroundings.

Soon though 2 people appeared. "We finally made it." Izuku said as he stood behind Jin. "So who's making the mess?" Kai asked, immediately getting to the point. "Eri herself." Jin said while rewinding the area around them.

"What's your chances of winning?" Kai asked. "Not high at this rate, the rate of decay is continually increasing, it's crazy." Jin said as cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

'Shoot, what're we gonna do then?' Kai thought as he began to think. Soon the Yakuza caught up and also asked about what was going on. Hearing this one of them dumbfoundedly said "So this is the girl we've been worrying about? One who can do this much destruction?"

The other Yakuza members also though this and were very confused. "You don't under, she's only 5 and I told her not to use that power. The second she touches someone if they don't have the necessary abilities, they're doomed to die. How could a child that age kill someone?" Jin said as he tried to distract himself a bit.

"Then why don't we just wait till this stops?" Another Yakuza asked. "If the mangrove tree is alive then it is also doomed to die." Jin said as a a bit of blood began to leak out of his mouth. "So what you're saying i..."

"All of Sabaody will go down if we leave her alone." Jin said as the horn on his head stopped growing, and even began to shrink.


Jin spat out as blood littered the ground. "A-Are you okay?" Izuku asked with concern. "Enough of your bull shit, now's not the time. Do you have a plan or not?" Kai asked as he gazed at his surroundings.

"Well there are 3 options. Option 1 is you guys run, run far, far away. Option 2 is you attempt to help me, but I dont think your Overhaul can affect such a big area. Option 3 is a bit of a gamble, and we might all die." Jin said as his face began to pale.

"I-I won't leave you behind!" Izuku said with determination as he decided to stay. "No, I want Kai to decide, if he leaves you leave, if he stays though you can leave, either way if or when I die a gate will open to send you back there. Apart from that you Yakuza, I doubt you'll stay here for me, so just leave you've done enough, and I appreciate that." Jin said while never looking back.

"Bu...." Izuku tried to say, but he couldn't finish his sentence. "But nothing, I know you want to become a hero but a hero doesn't waste his life and the sacrifice of others, you can't do anything here, you're just being reckless if you stay without Kai." Jin said as he tried to mask the regret on his face.

'I was too reckless, I should have given her such a dangerous quirk in the first place.' Jin thought as he began to lose his strength.

While this fiasco was going on Kai was currently debating his options. 'I either take a gamble on Jin and potentially die, or I leave now and cut my losses. What to do, what do.... Fuck it.' Kai thought as his eyes sharpened.

"Stop this soap opera, I'll be staying. Why not gamble on you some more anyway, haven't I already done that quite a few times?" Kai said as he stretched his fingers. "Yosh!" Izuku said as he clenched his fists in excitement.

"Then I'll be staying." Hermes said as he gazed resolutely at the trio. "B-But why?" A Yakuza asked as he gazed at Hermes inquisitively.

Hearing this Hermes just shook his head. "Well you see unlike you lot you have to weigh the pros and cons. If this succeedes we win it big if it fails we die, but would that be so bad? We already threw our lot in with them so if they die, we won't be far off. I mean think about it this way, when the navy comes for an explanation who will be first on the chopping block?" Hermes said as he shook his head.

"Wow, you're much smarter than you seem." Jin joked as he smiled a bit. "No, I just have some common sense." Hermes said before turning around. "Either way, you guys in or not?" Hermes asked on behalf of Jin and the guys.

"Screw it lets do this."

"I already took my fucking bet so now lets go all the fucking way."

"Heheh, I wouldn't be a man if I backed out now."

They all said one after the other. "Hehe, good." Jin said when suddenly he spat out even more blood and slumped forward. 'Fuck.' He thought as he tried to push himself back up. Immediately though Izuku came and propped him up. "So what's the plan?" Kai asked.

"....It's very simple, I'll be giving out handouts." Jin said as everyone was immediately confused. Hearing this though, Kai's eyes sharpened. 'He couldn't mean, no.' Kai thought as his expression turned for the worse.

"Let me elaborate, I can only do certain actions under certain conditions, and me giving "handouts" allows me to perform certain actions. The only problem with this maneuver is I've never tried this before." Jin explained.

"But what do you want us to do?" Izuku asked. "You, you'll run for Eri, you'll know when. These guys will simply receive a gift and give me a bit of compensation." Jin said as he chuckled a bit.

"So what do we need to do?" Hermes asked. "Touch my neck." Jin said. Hearing this Hermes moved forward and went to touch his neck. "Don't try anything funny, kid." Kai said as he gazed at Hermes hands. "Don't worry." Hermes said as his finger touched Jin's neck.

Immediately a connection was formed between the 2 and Jin grabbed a quirk to transmit to him. 'Warp Gate will fit him nicely, but now comes the hard part.' Jin thought as Warp Gate went from his dantian to his neck all the way to the tip of Hermes' finger.

At that split second Hermes felt a pulling force as if his energy was sucked out of him, at the same time though he felt something different. 'Thank god.' Jin thought as his face regained a bit of colour.

"W-What was that?" Hermes asked in shock. "Ha, my power. As you can tell we're not from around here, where we come from people have powers everywhere, and my power is that of giving and taking." Jin said as he turned his head to the side.

"Next one please." Jin said as someone else came up and touched his neck. Immediately the same process repeated itself and the Yakuza member looked extremely tired.

"Basically at the point when I am giving you powers, I am also sucking away your energy since my power has partial energy control." Jin said as his face began to regain more colour.

Hearing this the Yakuza members got excited. 'Isn't he implying that he can give us devil fruit like abilities!?' They all thought in shock as they all wanted to be the next person up.

"Hm, don't worry I have enough for each of you." Jin said as he chuckled a bit. Hearing this the Yakuza lined up neatly and each of them got a power from Jin before going to the side dead tired.

"But wait, why can't I use any new power, *Yawn*?" Hermes asked as he yawned due to his tiredness. "Well that's because the powers aren't activated yet, after this I'll activate them all for you don't worry." Jin explained as the last few people, were given powers.

"So are you done?" Kai asked. "No not yet." Jin said as he smiled. 'Currently I have so much energy that I might overload, but this is just as planned.' Jin thought as he calmed himself.

"Izuku you can get ready now." Jin said as he motioned for Izuku to stop propping him up. "Got it." Izuku said as he got ready to run for Eri. "But wait, what am I meant to do?" Kai asked. "Hmm, you're damage control." Jin simply answered.

"The fu-.." Kai tried to ask. "Enough, we begin, on my mark rush." Jin said as he introspected into his body and gazed at the raging energy. 'Hehehe, this may only be temperory but it'll surely be spectacular.' Jin thought as he began to control the energy.

Suddenly as if the Rewind was a vortex all the energy began to concentrate into it, and it began to expand furiously, as it increased in size it simultaneously increased in power.

To the outside world, all one could see was Jin's ever expanding horn growing bigger and bigger till finally it was a whole 50cm in length, and glowing like a bright star.

Feeling that he had compressed all the energy needed Jin opened his eye's but unlike the scene he thought he'd see, he saw the previous area but littered with various particles that moved in a counter clockwise motion. 'What ar- I have no time for this.' Jin thought as he dismissed these particles. 'I have time for the later.' Jin thought as he began to clear his throat.

His hands began to radiate a strong golden energy and finally the decay began to receed at an alarming rate. "NOW!" Jin screamed and with that Izuku rushed out immediately as he rushed towards the now piles of ash.

'Where is she, where is she?' Izuku thought as he rushed through the mounds of ash. Soon though the decay began to spread out again, and Izuku began to have a feeling of immense dread till he realised something. 'The decay will spread out from her.' Izuku thought before running towards where the decay was.

Because of this his shoes began to decay and then his socks, but finally he reached a mound of ash. Izuku looked through it at an alarming speed, and finally he found Eri and he immediately grabbed her, making sure not to touch her hands.

He then rushed towards the others, who now had much calmer expressions, even Jin who now sighed with relief. 'I had to stop rewinding due to him going out. Good thing he was fast enough.' Jin thought as this ordeal was finally over. Due to this, Jin finally let the mental fatigue wash over him and he was knocked unconscious.

"Wait guys, look at his feet." A Yakuza pointed out, everyone was immediately shocked, Izuku's feet were decaying and at this point Jin was already out of commission. "Boss quick save him!" The Yakuza said but Kai was already on it.

'That lucky bastard's plan worked now for the finisher.' Kai thought as he ran towards Izuku at full speed.

"Wait why ar-."


Kai said hurriedly as Izuku immediately looked down and was shocked. Before he could get over his shock though he quickly used 100% and blasted towards Kai crashing into him.


Kai spat out as he was pained heavily, but he didn't forget to overhaul Izuku thus saving him. "F-Fuck you." Kai said as he overhauled himself to get rid of the injury. "S-Sorry I was a bit panicked." Izuku said as he rubbed his head.

"Just make sure she doesn't touch anything." Kai said as he pointed at Eri who was in Izuku's arms. "Got it." Izuku said. "Anyway, it's time to go home." Kai said as he got up and walked towards the Yakuza.

"Ya, I am dead tired." Hermes said as he also got up. "Wait but we're in Grove 1." They all said as they came to a sudden realization.

Well damn that was a ride I hope I did it well. This chapter itself was 3.6k words so over double a regular chapter of mine. You should be grateful you plebs! Just kidding.

I hope this makes up for some of the missed releases and you enjoyed the chapter.

I would appreciate it if you guys commented even with some criticism as that always helps. Apart from that I am gonna go to bed now because this took way too long to make.

Besides that I hope you enjoyed the chapter and till next time, bye. (please do comment, the comment sections are so lonely (;-;) (that's me crying by the way(I am clearly far too tired and shouldn't be writing a chapter but whatever if it came out like sh*t I'll redo it don't worry guys)))

Dragonic_Daocreators' thoughts