
The Multiverse Traveller

*WARNING* *WARNING* Firstly let me get this out of the way. I've already dropped 2 other fanfictions so please don't expect much. If people who have read my other works read this as well, I am deeply sorry if I drop this cause it shows I haven't learned my lesson. Apart from that, there will be no/NADA/ZERO R-18 nor Harem content in this novel there is already enough of that on this site so I don't think you need it again. Apart from that for now I am stockpiling chapters so release rate won't be regular. BE WARNED. Every 5 billion years a tournament was held, a tournament to bring rise to a Great God. The existence of such a being could bring a race to prosperity while the loss of one could bring it to its knees. Humanity had been losing for many many many years. This was already their 629th loss when they picked Jin, the man who would be their champion who they put all their hopes on. "I may die at the Grand Races Tournament but before that, I'll try my hardest, not just for myself but for all of humanity." That was his resolution that led him to the top.

Dragonic_Dao · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Chapter 32 Intermission

Well, hello there, this is the author. So I don't have much time today and all so I thought I'd do a bit of an intermission so as to not leave you guys with nothing.

Now one may call me lazy for doing this or unimaginative or stupid but here I'll be explaining how Stages work so as to finally define them. Naturally at some point (probably next chapter) I'll have Jin learn about them, but I thought it'd be easier to do it in this format so as to no disrupt the flow of the story that much. (then again what is this doing?)

Ya I guess I am a bit illogical but anyway. If you've got any questions thought feel free to ask me.

So let's start with the basics. Stages are how the Guide to Victory System grades abilities, and such, this can be from defensive abilities, to attack potency, to speed.

For now we'll be focusing on attack potency, and therefore defensive abilities. To be clear if you hit someone with Stage 1 Low defences with a Stage 1 Low attack it will do damage, but not that high. Think about it like 2 same level people fighting, then again that's not to say that having Stage 1 Low defence or Stage 1 Low attack equates to having equal strength/defence this is just an example.

Now, let's get into the meat and potatoes.

Stage 1 would be categorized as above human capabilities, meaning a professional athlete for example could be considered Half-Step Stage 1. In what category such as strength or speed depends on the athlete but that's unimportant.

Stage 1 Low would be like being able to punch through a concrete wall and destroying it, not much needs to be said about these lower level Stages anyway, since Jin already jumped over them.

Stage 1 Mid would be if the person punched the ground they'd create a decently sized crater. This is obviously stronger than Stage 1 Low that's just an example before someone infers something different.

Stage 1 High, I don't really have something that could describe this attack potency, but defensive wise you'd be immune to bullets unless you were hit in weak spots. Oh and casually destroying concrete walls.

Stage 1 Peak, also a bit difficult to describe all the many times above that of High there's not really something I could equate it to, although defensive wise you'd now be completely immune to guns. And you can punch through a steel wall.

(kind of did some editting so if stuff feels a bit off like how I did defensive but then had an offensive capability it's because I found how to describe it and didn't want to delete what I previously wrote.)

Half-Step Stage 2 is really anything that is definitely above Stage 1 but below that of Stage 2.

Now Stage 2, you can consider this Stage as Monstrous or inhuman in it's strength. It represents something akin to transcending humans. (at least how we know them.)

Stage 2 Low, would be able to destroy a house by going all out, this Stage generally would either have massive strength or be able to do some kind of energy projection or something of the like.

Stage 2 Mid, we're talking about multiple houses, being one punched, this would be a maximum effort punch though to be clear.

Stage 2 High, now this would be destroying multiple buildings, much bigger than a house, so about 2 to 3 times bigger.

Stage 2 Peak, practically speaking, this is like United States of Smash level, yes United States of Smash, at max strength all energy though.

Now before I explain Half-Step and above I better make things clear. Jin has NOT mastered One For All and it's highly obvious that All Might's and All For One's fight was no where near their peak. It's frankly highly likely that back in his hay day All Might was spamming, or could spam, United States of Smash level of attacks.

I won't go into all the details but this can be infered when he said he took over 300 punches to finish Nomu but in his hayday 5 would only be needed. This practically means, that in his hayday All Might was about 60 times stronger, you also have to understand that Jin's variant is stronger, and some other factors but I'll get into those later.

Now anyway, Half-Step Stage 3 is anything between Stage 2 Peak and Stage 3 Low.

On that note, Stage 3. This Stage is practically speaking a human annihilator, if anyone of this Stage (and to be fair even Stage 2 to a certain point) appeared in the real world, we'd all be dead. This is not to say that their attack potency or even defense is up to that of a nuke, but that a nuke would be the only option honestly. (unless the government is hiding sci-fi shit and stuff, which if so, would be not epic)

Now Stage 3 Low, this is where I'd place Jin it's not city level but more like district level, you get what I mean? As in like casual United States of Smash level attacks, although somewhat weaker.

(Also to be clear the lower the Stage the lower the discrepancy what I mean by this is the higher the Stage the higher the difference between those in the same Stage if I made a sub class for every inbetween bit we'd have like 30 Stages, and that's just an estimate, so yes just because someone has Stage 3 Low Laser Nails, and someone else has Stage 3 Low Magu Magu no Mi they are not equal, Stages are at the end of the day an estimate and a way for me to help myself and you readers equate the power of characters)

Stage 3 Mid, this is basically multi-district level all out almost city level but not quite there yet.

Stage 3 High, yes it has arrived, the beloved city level, this is not casual city level though but more like full out attack city level.

Stage 3 Peak, this would be multi-city level, not in the sense where one could casually destroy a city, but more in the sense of if 3 or 4 cities were right next to each other the attack would destroy all of em.

Now the highest Stage to appear thus far, Half-Step Stage 4 this Stage is basically anything above Stage 3 Peak but below Stage 4 Low, to be clear Stage 4 is like massive damage to the planet it's self, Stage 4 Low would not be considered continental level but mid sized country level.

Now speed time, I really haven't worked this out to be honest but Jin is definitely speed of sound. So Stage 3 is Supersonic all the way to above Re-entry so about 410 meters a second to about 10,000 meters plus, I think this really does show the difference in power between Stage 3 Low and Stage 3 Peak. This is obviously not exact though as Stage 3 Low could go up to about 1000 meters a second, for example. (I am saying this off hand but that range is about Stage 3's speed range.)

So for now anyway I am not too decided on what Stage 4 speed will be and as you can see I don't plan ahead much, then again I am a fan fic writer on web novel so that's to be expected. I've been deciding the attack potency though of the Stages for a while, more the higher tiered one's which I'll explain in a later intermission, if you want another one obviously, because if you prefer me to put it into actual chapter context it's fine, but I feel like this requires a lot of my actual in put and I can't really explain through a system guide, that might just be due to my poor skills though.

Okay now for the final explanations. Yes I know some people who could have this, or should have these Stages of power do not have such high attack area of effect, and to that I say, ya I agree. For example the chidori it's attack power is high very high but it's area of effect ain't city level, to that I say if it beats Stage Insert here of defense then it is either that Stage or above.

Now onto Rewind, I am sure people are gonna be furious about me, saying shit like "But Author, Jin could barely Rewind the mangrove tree and that wasn't city level, and Rewind is Half-Step 4th Stage."

To that the chidori example can be used, and apart from that Rewind is more of a single target use at least in my opinion. In fact it's Stage is only that high because of certain factors, one of those being that I don't want to break, yet I don't want to nerf Rewind.

What I mean by this is that for abilities such as Decay and Rewind if a person's defensive levels or utility ability level (this could be anything from healing to mystic debuff removing eyes, I don't know) then Rewind and Decay will have a reduced effect or be completely nullified.

I did this because or else theoretically speaking if the opponent doesn't have any control over time or resistance to time manipulation, then Jin wins instantly, and that, would be boring.

Safe to say though that healing using Rewind wouldn't work as well if they have said defensive ability or utility ability activated. Classification of abilities to be clear for the most part doesn't matter and won't be a thing in the system it's just my way of describing certain abilities.

Anyway I think that covers everything apart from skill ranks but I will basically write the Stage equivalency so no need to explain, all you need to know for now is they go Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. I think you can make a guess which Stages they are.

Either way I think that covers it and I hope this cleared up some confusion.

Oh and before I forget as stated before although Jin has a Stage 3 Peak ability he can't use the full capabilities, this is obviously untrue for most if not all other characters since either they would have worked for their abilities, or would be able to naturally use them. This isn't the case though when someone A) Copies or Steals an ability, or B) Inherits an ability. This can be seen in Jin who inherited One For All and who stole All For One, although his grasp on All For One is quite good I would say that it's not on the level of All For One yet, his ability to use it is quite good though and he will obviously be able to match All For One eventually.

Anyway I better end this now before I confuse you guys, I hope you enjoyed the intermission and it was informative.

(Oh ya and yes there are Stages 5 and above but I'll explain them at a later date.)

Shit and I almost forgot too just because someone is Golden Core let's say in a cultivation novel doesn't make them a stage 3 equivalent nor does it mean that someone who is Qi Gathering is weaker than Stage 2, it frankly depends on the verse and their abilities. Now for sure though this is the end, bye.