
The Multiverse Traveller

*WARNING* *WARNING* Firstly let me get this out of the way. I've already dropped 2 other fanfictions so please don't expect much. If people who have read my other works read this as well, I am deeply sorry if I drop this cause it shows I haven't learned my lesson. Apart from that, there will be no/NADA/ZERO R-18 nor Harem content in this novel there is already enough of that on this site so I don't think you need it again. Apart from that for now I am stockpiling chapters so release rate won't be regular. BE WARNED. Every 5 billion years a tournament was held, a tournament to bring rise to a Great God. The existence of such a being could bring a race to prosperity while the loss of one could bring it to its knees. Humanity had been losing for many many many years. This was already their 629th loss when they picked Jin, the man who would be their champion who they put all their hopes on. "I may die at the Grand Races Tournament but before that, I'll try my hardest, not just for myself but for all of humanity." That was his resolution that led him to the top.

Dragonic_Dao · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Chapter 30 Escape

'There's only one place left.' Jin thought as he finished up the current gang he was beating up. "I hope I am not too late." Jin mumbled before blasting into the sky.

The gang members who were bloodied and bruised looked up to Jin as he seemingly flew away. "T-That guy, is a demon!" A gang member said what they were all thinking. "Well, at least we're not dead. Gah!" Another member joked before clutching his chest. 'I just feel sorry for whoever provoked that demon.' The gang members thought simultaneously.

"Whew, finally I caught up." Izuku said as he bent over and clutched his knees. 'I've been running for the past half an hour.' He thought as the now Yakuza members looked at him. "Who's this punk?!" A member asked.

"Ya who the fuck are you?"

"You're facing the Yakuza what do you want punk?"

"You wanna fight?"

They all asked simultaneously. Hearing this Izuku knew he came to the right place. 'Who else would use such a name for a gang?' He thought but simultaneously he started to get a bit nervous. "Ehhh I am with him!" He quickly said as he pointed at Kai.

'Tch, the runt caught up.' Kai thought as he looked at Izuku. "He's with me." Kai simply said. Hearing this the outlaws calmed down. "Sorry about before." They said as they looked at Izuku with some reverence and fear.

'He might be as powerful as the bosses, it's best not to provoke him.' They all thought as they wiped off the cold sweat from their forehead. "Oh, don't worry! No need to apologize." Izuku said as he shook his hands as if he was making a cross.

"Tch, stop with these antics, we don't have time to waste! Might I remind you what we're here to do?!" Kai said as he gazed fiercely at the Yakuza. "Yes, BOSS!" They all responded before following Kai's commands.

Meanwhile in the slave holding area, Eri finished talking to the man when another slave sneered. "Hmph, if you could do that would you be in this situation? It sounds to me like you think you have a devil fruit." The other slave said as he shook his head. 'Stupid child.' He thought as Eri's face looked at him confusedly.

'Jin did say that quirks weren't a thing here, but still why doesn't he believe me?' She thought as she looked at the other slave. "Then let me prove it right!" She said as the man next to her patted her shoulder. "Calm down little girl, don't bother with him." The man said.

"Ya you're a liar anyway." The other slave said before chuckling a bit. "Fine, don't tell me I didn't warn you." Eri said as she moved her hands towards the metal bars before grabbing them.

"What are you bozos doing?!" The guard asked furiously as he saw what was occurring. "Wait let them continue, this is hilarious." Another guard said as he calmed down his companion. "Fine, I have nothing better to do anyways, and it's not like they can break out even with a devil fruit because those bars are made of sea stone." The guard said as he watched Eri.

"See, I was ri- EHHH!" The slave said as his eyes popped out of his sockets and his tongue went out of his mouth in typical One Piece fashion. Along with him every other person in the holding area was shocked, apart from Eri of course.



The bars collapsed and the slaves and guards were stunned. 'WE CAN ESCAPE!' They all thought in unison, while the guards had a dreadful feeling. 'We're fucked.' They thought before rushing towards the exit.

"NOT TODAY MOTHERFUCKER!" A slave said before tackling both of them. "See I am not a liar." Eri said as she looked at the other slave. "Okay, okay, I believe you." He said as he didn't want to provoke this small but mighty girl.

A few minutes later, they had tied up the guards and the captives realised they had run into a problem. "How are we going to get these chains off?" One of them asked but no one could respond till the a man had a bright idea.

"Kid can you touch these chains?" He asked as he went towards Eri. After thinking for a bit Eri nodded. "But be careful cause if I touch you by mistake I can't stop it." She said as he hands went towards the restraints.

The man shivered when hearing this but he hardened his heart. 'I either die here, or die later if I don't take these restraints off.' He thought as Eri touched the chains. Immediately they began to decay and after a few seconds fell off.


The remenants of the chains and collar fell onto the ground as the man looked exstatic. "I AM FREE!" He said as everyone looked on in shock. "Me next!" "Me too!" "Dont forget about me!" They said one after the other as if they had become 5 years old again.

"Okay but line up first." She said as she gazed at them weirdly. 'They're like a bunch of little kids.' She thought as they lined up in front of her, forgetting the fact that she was such a being.

Finally after a few minutes all the slaves were free but one. "Kid you're gonna take the chains off?" Another captive asked. "Oh, I almost forgot." She said touching the collar and the other chains. The decay spread through them and eventually reached the cuffs which were also destroyed.

After this finally everyone was free and they were all relaxing, till a man walked through the door. "What the fuck!?" He said as he stood there astounded. This didn't last for long though as the captives rushed at him.

"GAAHH! INTRUDERS!" He screamed as he ran away at full speed. "Catch his ass!" Someone said as they chased after him. "Wait it's useless! It's better to stay as a group!" The man who originally spoke with Eri said, but his words fell on deaf ears.

As if the captives lost all reason they began to run out of the door and throughout the Human Auctioning House. "What a bunch of bozos." The man said as he watched this. At first they were calm but the second it looked like something was going to go wrong they fled.

"So what's your name." The man asked as he looked at Eri. "My name, is Eri." She said as she looked at the man. "So, what's yours?" She asked with curiousity. "My name, is Sam." He said as he smiled.

"Well nice to meet you!" Eri said as she smiled a bit. "So where's the fire exit?" She asked as she looked at him with inquiring eyes. "F-Fire exit?" He asked dumbfoundedly. "What's that?" He continued.

"There's no fire exit? Well that's a safety hazard." She said as she shook her head. Sam was about to respond when he realised the situation they were in. "It's no time for jokes anyway, lets get a move on." He said as he moved to grab her hand. "WAIT!" She said as she moved her hand back.

"Shi-oot I almost forgot." He said as he moved his hand back. "Just follow along." Sam said before running towards the exit. "Mhm." She responded before running after him. 'He's so fast.' She thought as she tried to keep up.

As they rushed out of the exit and through the hallways suddenly explosions could be heard as the other slaves caused a ruckus. Explosion after explosion resounded as walls collapsed and the building itself looked like it was shaking.

"Wait for me!" Jin said as he gazed at the Human Auctioning House which was barely within his sights.

"So where to now?" Izuku asked as he looked at the decemitated gang. "Hmm, well seeing this and the other 2 gangs, we can assume that Jin already cleared up all the gangs past here, or is doing so. In which case he still hasn't found the girl." Kai said as he analysed the surroundings.

Hearing this the group of Yakuza had a bad permonition. "S-So where are we going boss?" A Yakuza asked. "Tch, is that even a question you dullard? Of course we're going to the Human Auctioning House." Kai said as he began to walk forward.

"No more wasting time from now on." Kai said as he sped up into a sprint. The Yakuza gulped down hard as they thought 'We've got no chance.'

"Come on guys, the bosses are waiting!" Hermes who rushed ahead said. 'But we've got to do it anyway.' They thought before also following along.

At this point they had all left apart from one boy with shaggy green hair. "T-They sell slaves here? And they're all so used to it?" Izuku said as his eyes glazed over. Soon though they wandered back to reality.

'Now's no time to waste, I should have realised this earlier when they kidnapped Eri, but I didn't want to come to terms with it. Either way, I have to save her!' He thought before activating One For All and racing towards the others

Well sorry for the late upload, and I hope you enjoyed the chapter. As you can see I have obviously decided to spend more time in One Piece then I originally intended, but I hope this makes it more interesting for you guys. Apart from that I named the volume correctly so before we go to a Mid Tier world (which at this rate will be at least 10 to 20 chapters later) I will probably "send" them to another world to get some items.

Anyway I know currently and you're probably aware too that there is the 10,000 dollar event. Don't worry though as I won't be participating so my upload speed won't be impacted in anyway, I also know that due to this most of you will want to support your favourite novels which are participating so don't worry about giving me power stones, I rather you guys stay for the ride and comment every now and again.

Anyways, sorry for boring you guys. Till next time, bye.

Dragonic_Daocreators' thoughts