
Chapter 20 Aftermath

After All For One died, Jin immediately disappeared and All Might and Izuku looked on in shock. "What happened to him?" They both said simultaneously. After that, the heroes began to discuss what had just occurred and Aizawa walked to All For One's corpse and spat on it. "You despicable piece of trash." He said before turning around as his eyes teared up a bit.

All Might didn't know what to do but he too was greatly enraged at All For One's actions. "You finally got what you deserved." All Might said before sitting down, tired out after the previous battle.

So many things had happened in a few minutes that everyone was still processing it. "Wait how is All Might so sickly?!" Some people said as they looked at the now sitting down All Might.

Even the News Broadcasters in the sky looked at him in shock as they found a place to land. Seeing the disturbance created, Kai immediately had Shie Hassaikai retreat and they went back into their vehicles getting ready to turn around when Jin reappeared.

While this had occurred Jin had been sent into the white plane and he had arrived in front of the Lesser God. "I must say, you've done well child, better than we expected." The Lesser God said as he clapped.

"So what now?" Jin asked as he looked at the Lesser God. "Well now, you can do whatever you want we don't really care." The Lesser God said as a screen appeared in front of Jin.

On it, there were various worlds under a category called Lower Worlds. In it were various worlds of fiction which he had seen before, much of which he didn't actually want to visit but found interesting to see on the screen.

Underneath each world was also an image of "1:365" along with arrows on either side. Before Jin could ask anything the Lesser God opened his mouth.

"I know what you're gonna ask. Let's start with the ratio underneath each world. This states that 1 day in that world is 365 in the world which you are currently in. Basically meaning if you were to go to the Naruto world 1 year there would be 1 day in the My Hero Academia world and vice versa. If you want to reduce this you may do so with the left arrow, you can increase it with the right, but the max difference is 1:365." The Lesser God as he began to touch his long white beard.

He stayed like this for a minute as he allowed Jin to digest the information. "Got it that's useful, now the other thing?" Jin asked before the Lesser God smiled and explained. "Now the Low Worlds, Medium and so on so forth mean the power within the world. Low Worlds such as the My Hero Academia world is a world with powers up to the 3rd Stage Peak. There are no 4th Stage powers or higher within it. That child with rewind though is an exception as he power is a Half-Step power." The Lesser God explained.

"So I assume the Medium Worlds have powers from the up to the 6th Stage?" Jin asked. "Indeed." The Lesser God nodded as Jin began to smile evilly. "So doesn't that mean, I am akin to a supreme being within the Lower Worlds?" Jin said as he put his hand on his chin. "...Yes." The Lesser God said as he wiped off some cold sweat.

"Now, apart from that, I want to ask something else." Jin said before taking a pause and continuing "Is it possible for me to take people with me between worlds?" Jin asked. Hearing this the Lesser God immediately had a foul look on his face.

"Yes, it is possible, and actually there's some bad news. The Grand Races Tournament is a bit different this time, normally we just have 1 participant per Race but the upper Races have decided to change it. From now on there will be 1 main participant and multiple secondary participants. This means that you're going to have to earn a lot of comrades to help you fight in the tournmanet." The Lesser God said before thinking 'And not lovers!'

Hearing this Jin immediately smiled before pondering why the Lesser God was so unhappy. "Why are you annoyed by this?" Jin asked confusedly.

The Lesser God shook his head upon hearing Jin's question. "You don't understand. Every race is given a limited amount of resources which they can provide their participant, this is, in fact, one of the many reasons that humanity loses often. As you've seen all we could provide you was a basic system and a steal quirk, one of not very high grade. Most of our allocated resources are in fact spent on this world-traveling system." The Lesser God said.

"Then why is this bad? Doesn't that mean I can exploit this more?" Jin asked as he was now very confused. "You don't get it, some of the other Races have 10 or even 100 times more resources allocatable resources than us, meaning they can make their participant "hax" as you'd say immediately. It's like if I gave you a rinnegan or Saiyan bloodline in the beginning or a cheat system." The Lesser God said.

Hearing this Jin's face immediately paled. "And what's worse is that normally they don't even use all their resources, so now the Upper Races are making a fool of those below and adding more participants, meaning more people to spend resources on!" The Lesser God said as he scowled and clenched his fists tightly.

Even Jin was enraged hearing this until he remembered what he had accomplished so far. "Hmph! Don't worry I've got us covered, think about it, look what I've done." Jin said as he grinned.

"Yes, we're actually very impressed by your growth and that is in fact why we are so annoyed. If you kept on this track then there might have been a chance of winning." The Lesser God said as he had a look of despair on his face.

"...I see. Moping about won't do anything about it though. I have to think about my next course of action so for now, could you send me back?" Jin asked.

Seeing that Jin didn't lose hope the Lesser God had a glimmer of hope in his eyes before it vanished. 'Which tournament are we on now? About the 629th now and we still haven't won, I doubt this child can change our fate.' The Lesser God thought as he handed Jin a bell.

"I'll send you back now just ring this when you want to come back, along with any friends you'll be bringing along." The Lesser God said before Jin vanished and reappeared within Hosu City.

"He's back." Some people said as they saw Jin. "Where did you disappear to?" Izuku who had now moved towards the Heroes asked. "Nothing." Jin said as he shook his head. "I am just glad you're safe and mum's fine." Izuku said as he nearly began to cry.

After this Jin was immediately questioned by the police and All Might was swarmed with interviewers. After all of this, the Nomu's were detained along with the High-ends. A search for the Hero Killer also began and Tenya was distraught after hearing the news of his brother who had been injured by him.

Inko was resting in hospital and she soon recovered after what happened, and Jin, Izuku and her celebrated before Jin went to Shie Hassaikai the next day. He had been let go after he explained what happened and the police let him off with a warning, although he killed All For One but due to his high criminal status and the fact that Jin technically didn't kill him, they let him go.

Once Jin arrived at Shie Hassaikai Eri immediately lunged at him with tears in her eyes. "You left me behind." She said as she sniffled a bit before Jin held her up. Hearing this Jin frowned a bit before saying "Don't worry I am here now." After this Jin took Eri back to their flat and they spent the rest of the day playing and having fun.

The next day Jin went back to Shie Hassaikai and he immediately went to a private room to chat with Kai. "So are we going soon?" Kai asked as he looked at Jin inquisitively.

"Indeed we leave in 4 days." Jin said as he drank some water which was on the table. "What do we do about the prisoners?" Kai asked as Jin simply smiled. "I'll handle them then we'll let them go." Jin said before checking his status.


Guide to Victory System Loaded:

Participant: Jin

Title: Jahan ( Benefits: Holder is the recognized participant for humanity in the Grand Races Tournament, Holder is given slight powers to help achieve his/her goal, Holder has increased luck to a degree)


One For All:

Grade: Half-Step 4th Stage

All For One:

Grade: 3rd Stage Peak

Air Canon:

Grade: 3rd Stage Low

(and many many more which I will not name or else this will be 10,000 words long)


Enhanced Acting: Gives user enhanced acting performance

Enhanced Fictional Memory: Everything fictional the user has read/watched is more vivid and easier to remember
