
The Multiverse Traveller

*WARNING* *WARNING* Firstly let me get this out of the way. I've already dropped 2 other fanfictions so please don't expect much. If people who have read my other works read this as well, I am deeply sorry if I drop this cause it shows I haven't learned my lesson. Apart from that, there will be no/NADA/ZERO R-18 nor Harem content in this novel there is already enough of that on this site so I don't think you need it again. Apart from that for now I am stockpiling chapters so release rate won't be regular. BE WARNED. Every 5 billion years a tournament was held, a tournament to bring rise to a Great God. The existence of such a being could bring a race to prosperity while the loss of one could bring it to its knees. Humanity had been losing for many many many years. This was already their 629th loss when they picked Jin, the man who would be their champion who they put all their hopes on. "I may die at the Grand Races Tournament but before that, I'll try my hardest, not just for myself but for all of humanity." That was his resolution that led him to the top.

Dragonic_Dao · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Chapter 21 Gathering Quirks

"Here he is." Kai said as he led him into a room with Tomura in it. "What do you want?" Tomura asked without trying to hide the anger on his face. "Nothing really, in fact, this might be even better for you." Jin said as he walked towards Tomura and touched his face.

"What are you doing to me!?" Tomura said in annoyance as Jin concentrated on stealing his quirk. Tomura's energy felt like that of desolation and loneliness. It began in his dantian and spread towards his hands and ended at his stubs which he had for arms, seemingly stagnated.

A few seconds later the energy converged from his stubs into his dantian before it rose to his forehead and into Jin's hand, before going into Jin's dantian.

"Fix him up and let him go." Jin said as he walked away. "Tch! Fine." Kai said as he brought out some wipes, wiped Tomura's stub and used Overhaul on him.

Immediately Tomura's hands were remade. Seeing this he smiled evilly before lunging at Kai and trying to use Decay on him. "You shouldn't have let me go, now DIE!!" Tomura said as his five fingers touched Kai's jacket.

"Idiot, you no longer have a quirk." Kai said as he continued walking. "Oh, and touch me again, and you'll die!" Kai said as he left the cell. Jin who waited at the doorway turned around and looked at Tomura.

"I genuinely pity you, you lost a lot at a young age, and your family didn't make it easy for you. In honor of your grandmother, I've decided to let you go, to live your life properly this time. I hope you can learn from your mistakes. You're free to go, so you can just leave." Jin said before leaving the now distraught and confused Tomura alone.

'So that's it, I've lost.' Tomura thought as he looked at his hands before clenching his fists. After that, he got up and left never to be seen again. (or was he?)

After that Kai showed Jin where Kurogiri was being held and Jin went and looked at him. "Don't worry, I'll fix you." Jin mumbled as he placed his hand on what was seemingly, Kurogiri's face.

After that, as Tomura's quirk did, Kurogiri's quirk converged in his dantian before moving towards Jin's hand and entering his body.

Because of this Kurogiri's warping mist began to disappear and underneath a dark-skinned human body appeared. It had a visible brain with 2 yellow eyes on it as it gazed at Jin coldly. "What did you do to me!?" Kurogiri asked.

Jin didn't answer though as he left the cell before muttering "I'll be back." After this Jin shut the door. "I thought we were letting them go?" Kai asked as he looked at Jin inquisitively. "We'll let him go after I fix him." Jin said before walking past Kai. "Now where's the exit? This maze always confuses me." Jin asked as he looked around.

"Just follow me." Kai said before taking him out. Once they arrived at the door Kai gazed at him weirdly as he asked: "Why haven't you taken my quirk yet? You could have easily done so by now and gained the ability to defeat anyone."

Hearing this Jin pondered a bit before answering. "Well, that's simply because you've grown on me. You may be a weirdo, a murderer, a drug dealer, and even a crazy bastard, but I think you can change." Jin said as he walked off. Hearing this Kai had no words as he thought about what Jin said.

'Maybe I have been living wrongly and he's right.' Kai thought as he watched Jin leave. A second later as Jin walked past the door he opened his mouth again. "Besides, too many powers will clutter my mind too much." He said before leaping into the skies.

'And he ruined it.' Kai thought before turning around. "You shut the gate." Kai said as he headed inside.

A few seconds later Jin arrived back at his apartment where he found Eri watching tv. "Eri can you come here for a second?" Jin asked while putting on some gloves. 'It's best that I am careful, lest I am too careless and end up activating Decay.' Jin thought as Eri got up.

"What is it?" She asked. Seeing her face Jin felt a bit bad. 'What should I do, what should I do.' He thought as his face scrunched up a bit. "Are you okay Jin?" She asked with concern as she looked at his face.

"Yes, I just need to borrow something from you." Jin said with some difficulty. "And what could that be?" She asked with curiosity. "....I-I need your quirk." Jin said as he had a face of guilt.

Hearing this Eri's face immediately paled. "So you wanted to use me, like bird face." Eri said as she stumbled away. Jin's face darkened upon hearing this. "I-It's not like that, can you trust me just this once? I'll definitely pay you back later." Jin said as he had an expression of "I have to do what I must" on his face.

Eri calmed down a bit upon hearing Jin. "F-Fine, I trust you Jin." She said as she closed her eyes. "So where do I sit down?" She asked as her legs began to tremble. Seeing this Jin was startled. "No I don't mean like that, I meant I literally need your quirk." Jin said.

She was puzzled upon hearing this. "But no one can take quirks?" She said with confusion. Jin began to explain what he wanted to do. "Oh, so you're just gonna take my quirk and then give it back to me later? You should have just said so I don't mind! I've had so much trouble because of it." She said as she stretched out her hand.

'Well, I am glad it went so well.' Jin thought while a bit flustered. "Okay then." Jin said as he put his finger on her hand. After that, he felt a ridiculous amount of energy from her horn going to her dantian before going into Jin's finger and into his dantian.

Simultaneously a horn began to form on the right side of his forehead. Then it began to grow as energy began to gather there.

"Woah!" Eri said as she felt for her horn but couldn't find it. "You grew a horn." Eri said as she looked at Jin's face. "Indeed, what a cool characteristic." Jin said as he felt his horn. After that, he went to a mirror and looked at it.

'Not half bad.' Jin thought as he looked at himself in the mirror. Once he was done looking at his new appearance Jin played with Eri a bit to make up for it, and he told her again that she'd get her quirk back. 'While I am at it I should give her another quirk to protect herself.' Jin thought as they played with Eri's dolls.

The next day Jin called up the police force and asked them if he could see the Nomu. They confirmed with him and after that, he went with Eri to the prison where they were kept. 'There are over a hundred Nomu here.' Jin thought with a bit of a fright.

Once he entered he met up with All Might. "Yo, Jin you called me down here no? What are you going to bed doing?" Toshinori asked (I think it's about time I refer to him with his actual name). "I am going to be trying out my new power." Jin said as he pointed to the horn.

Seeing it Toshinori was startled before he thought 'Probably got it from some villain, oh and who's that girl with him?' Toshinori had noticed Eri and was about to ask when Jin cut him off. "This is my, sister Eri, say hello to the man Eri, he's All Might!" Jin said while introducing his teacher.

"Wow, hello All Might I am Eri." She said in amazement as she looked at Toshinori. "Oh hello Eri." Toshinori said while flashing a smile. "But wait, isn't All Might all muscly?" She asked as she looked at Toshinori curiously.

"Ya but he suffered in a battle a few days back, why don't you tell her about it All Might." Jin said as he hinted for him to take care of her. Seeing his expression All Might nodded and said "Ya I'll tell you all about it, come with me Eri."

After that, All Might and Eri sat down and started chatting while Jin was called by a guard "They're all ready for you sir." The guard said as he guided Jin to a room.

Inside there were people from the police force including Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi(All Might's close friend), Kenji Tsuragamae (dog guy), and the Commissioner-General along with other various important people of the police force.

"Kid we brought here to ask you why you want to see those things." The Commissioner-General said as he looked at Jin sternly. "So why do you want to see them?" He asked as he looked Jin in the eye.

"Well it's very simple actually, you should know that these were once people right? Well, I have a method to turn them back although it may not have 100% accuracy." Jin said.

"What do you mean by that?" Naomasa asked as he looked at Jin seriously. "I have this quirk, it can rewind time but it goes out of control easily, so I may rewind them out of existence." Jin said as he pointed to the horn.

Hearing this the officers were frightened and looked at Jin with some trepidation. "So what you might kill them?" Naomasa continued inquiring. "Yes, but it's better to have some die and some live then for all of them to be brain dead, potentially dangerous, zombies." Jin said as he looked at them seriously.

"Okay, please exit this room we need to discuss this." They said as Jin headed out. While he was there he called Kai. "Yo can you come by XX prison?" Jin asked. "Why?" Kai asked back. Jin then proceeded to explain what he was going to do. ".....Fine I just need to grab my stuff." Kai said before he made his way towards the prison.

A few minutes later the door opened and the Commissioner-General came out. "We accept, we'll lead you to the room now." The Commissioner-General said. "Wait just a moment I have a friend who's making his way here. He can help with the process a bit." Jin said as he gazed at them.

"Okay, this officer will show you the way, while you wait we'll be making our way to the spectating area." The Commissioner-General said. "Mhm, while you're at it sort them out from the worst criminal to the "okay" criminal or to the innocents if there are. The later I do them the higher chance of success." Jin said while the Commissioner-General nodded.