
The Multiverse Traveller

*WARNING* *WARNING* Firstly let me get this out of the way. I've already dropped 2 other fanfictions so please don't expect much. If people who have read my other works read this as well, I am deeply sorry if I drop this cause it shows I haven't learned my lesson. Apart from that, there will be no/NADA/ZERO R-18 nor Harem content in this novel there is already enough of that on this site so I don't think you need it again. Apart from that for now I am stockpiling chapters so release rate won't be regular. BE WARNED. Every 5 billion years a tournament was held, a tournament to bring rise to a Great God. The existence of such a being could bring a race to prosperity while the loss of one could bring it to its knees. Humanity had been losing for many many many years. This was already their 629th loss when they picked Jin, the man who would be their champion who they put all their hopes on. "I may die at the Grand Races Tournament but before that, I'll try my hardest, not just for myself but for all of humanity." That was his resolution that led him to the top.

Dragonic_Dao · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Chapter 19 The Anticlimactic Finisher



The 2 High-ends said as they landed within the building. They had no time to rest though as Jin appeared and began to beat them up.

He immediately kicked one of them in the abdomen sending it flying into the ceiling, after that he kicked it into the wall as it fell. The other High-end, which had recovered by now, immediately lit on fire before lunging at Jin.

Seeing this Jin immediately punched at full force putting out the flames and sending it flying out of the building. "Now, while that other one is out there why don't we play a bit?" Jin said as he smiled and walked towards the other High-end.

"S-Sta a-awae!" It said in fear as it began to move it's deformed body backward, seemingly trying to escape. "Don't worry, I won't kill you I'll need you later." Jin said as he smiled before flashing forward and punching the High-end with so much force it was knocked out.

"Too, bad you're all too weak to even fight me now. I better go for that other High-end while I am at it too." Jin said as he disappeared. A moment later that floor crumbled as fierce winds kicked up from the force of Jin's jump.

'Where ar- found you.' Jin thought as he found the other High-end which had landed on the ground. Immediately when it saw Jin in the air it got aggressive as it spat corrosive fluids towards Jin. "Die!" It said as a ball of corrosive fluids shot towards Jin.

Seeing this Jin elbowed the air to his left sending him flying to the right, dodging the fluids. 'Disgusting! You think I am going to touch that?' Jin thought as he accelerated forward at an even higher speed.

In less than a second, he appeared in front of the High-end and gave it one fierce punch to its head, before it too was knocked out. "Oopsie daisy!" Jin said as he carried the High-end. Just before he had restrained it with some capturing gear he had bought. 'I hope this holds.' Jin thought as he went back to the location of the previous High-end.

Once there he found the other High-end and carried that one too. 'I wonder how the other battles are going.' Jin thought as he hopped onto another roof.

Currently, Shie Hassaikai was battling with Gigantomachia, on semi equal footing. Kai was altering the terrain to make it favorable for his subordinates, while the eight bullets continually attacked him. Due to this though Gigantomachia kept growing and growing, getting stronger and stronger.

Kai would have already finished off Gigantomachia but the problem was he couldn't get close enough.

While this was happening Endeavor was having a fierce fight with a High-end but soon hero reinforcements arrived to support him.

The fiercest battle of all though was definitely All Might vs All For One. It had gotten to a stage where they were destroying multiple buildings and, it was so fierce, they were putting out the fires around them due to the wind.

"You've really started a lot of trouble, kid." Aizawa said as he appeared next to Jin. Hearing this Jin shook his head. "With or without me, Hosu city would have been burning tomorrow, not only that but I pushed All For One's fight with All Might forward giving him a bigger advantage." Jin answered as he looked at the chaos.

"Maybe, but either way how do you know this?" Aizawa asked as he looked curiously at Jin. At this point, Jin had come up with a reasonable excuse. "Have you heard of Nighteye's quirk?" Jin asked.

"Yes, it allows him to see the actions of a person for an hour after he touches them, so what?" Aizawa said. "My quirk has a similar function, in fact, shouldn't there be news of a Hero Killer going around lately?" Jin asked as the battles raged on.

"...Yes actually." Aizawa muttered as he looked at the sky. "Ya, Hero Killer Stain, he creates a lot of problems. He believes that most heroes aren't true heroes and only a select few like All Might are truly heroes. Because of this various people rise up and turn to villainy thinking that they're carrying out his righteous ideal." Jin said as he turned around and looked Aizawa in the eye.

"Now, the true question is, why are you telling me all of this?" Aizawa said as he matched Jin's gaze.

"Although we never really got along, I know you're a good man, and I trust you'll do what's right. If this goes well I would have cleared up most of the immediate and latent problems for most of the up and coming heroes, but because of this, I have also weakened them. So I hope you'll train them, with 100%, no 200% of your capability to make sure they can beat the foes ahead." Jin said as he handed Aizawa a letter.

"What's this?" Aizawa asked. "Its everything you need to know." Jin said as he looked at Aizawa. "Won't you be here though, or are you leaving?" Aizawa asked. "Indeed, I'll be gone in a week. Aizawa I place my trust in you, and I'll be clear every student in Class 1-A is important and I believe they can all do great things, but some will do better than others." Jin said as he turned around and looked towards the battle of All Might and All For One.

"And it seems we've reached the climax." Jin said as he watched All Might charge at All For One with the United States of Smash while All For One used his Ultimate Combination as they punched each other.


All Might created a huge tornado as multiple buildings around the 2 fighters were swept up. Needless to say but the fires around them had long been put out. "That is a true 100% smash!" Jin muttered as he watched this scene.

"I've won, All For One!" All Might said in his true form. "Puuu! Did you forget I have a hostage!" All For One said as he spat out some blood. Hearing this All Might immediately remembered what All For One had said.

Jin who had now arrived on the scene immediately laughed. "Hahahaha! But now you're the hostage!" Jin said as he chucked the 2 High-ends he had with him on the ground.

Currently, every hero was watching this scene, not only them but the whole world as the news continued to broadcast. "I think you should be happy to finish here, symbol of disaster." Jin said as he took out the quirk enhancing drug and injected it into himself.

"Young Jin what are you doing?!" All Might asked as Jin chucked the quirk enhancing drug on the ground. 'He's finally using it.' Kai who was a distance away thought as he got ready to leave. He had destroyed Gigantomachia when he was distracted by the final clash.

"I am doing what no one else can. You've lived long enough All For One its time to end this farce." Jin said as he walked towards All For One. "Hmph!? What you're going to kill me?" All For One asked as Jin reached him. "Aren't you a hero you have the balls to kill me?" All For One asked as Jin grabbed his throat.

"No, you're dying of natural causes today." Jin said as he looked at his status.


Guide to Victory System Loaded:

Participant: Jin

Title: Jahan ( Benefits: Holder is the recognized participant for humanity in the Grand Races Tournament, Holder is given slight powers to help achieve his/her goal, Holder has increased luck to a degree)


One For All:

Grade: 2nd Stage Peak (True Grade: 3rd Stage Peak)


Grade: 3rd Stage Middle (Due to Quirk Enhancing Drug) (1-time use, can steal another person's quirk permanently given the grade is equal or below that of Steal(3rd Stage Extra Effect: If the enemy is severely weakened user may steal at quirk up to 2 stages higher than steal )


"I wonder if you count as severely injured? Let's make sure of it!" Jin said as he beat All For One in the face. "Stop, Jin, we beat him!" All Might said as he tried to calm him down. "Really sensei? After what he did to your master? What he did to her grandson? What he did to you? I am sorry but I can't let this go." Jin said as he finished beating up All For One's already heavily scarred face.

"Any last words?" Jin asked as he got ready to finish up his time in this world. "I still, win!" All For One said as an old doctor appeared with Inko in his hands. "You let him go, or she dies!" The doctor said as he threatened to kill Inko with a gun. "Mum!" Izuku who just arrived on the scene said in fright. "Let her go!" Izuku said as he nearly rushed at him. "Tsk, you shouldn't come too close, lest I get scared." The doctor said as he emphasized the gun in his hand.

Suddenly a raggedly dressed man appeared behind the doctor though, he was armed with various weapons and snuck up behind the doctor. "Hmph! Die, villain!" A man who wore a cloth mask and red headband said. Immediately he stabbed the doctor and ingested his blood before stabbing him a few more times. "Oh my GOD!" Inko said as she fainted. "You dare threaten All Might!" Stain said as he spat on the doctor's fresh corpse.

"What in the, who the hell is that?!?" All Might said as he looked at the man. "That would be Hero Killer Stain. He's a big fan of yours." Jin said as he watched All For One's face visibly pale. Izuku though immediately rushed to his mother and picked her up. "T-Thank you sir." Izuku said.

"Hmph, get away from me, child." Stain said before running into the pathways between the broken buildings. "We're finished up here as well." Kai said as he walked over. "So am I." A worn-out Endeavor said as he dropped the severely injured hood.

"Then that leaves you, let's make a show out of it!" Jin said as he picked up All For One by the neck. "It's been a long time coming." Jin said as he looked at All For One where his eyes should be. "It seems, I have lost this time." All For One said as he realized all his plans had failed.

"Good, just so this is justified I'd like you to admit to some crimes to show what a scum bag you are." Jin said before taking a pause.

"Do you admit to killing Nana Shimura and countless civilians before All Might defeated you?" Jin asked, All For One hesitated to respond but Jin clenched his neck more. "Yes." He said.

"Do you admit to using her grandson as a weapon to attack All Might mentally?"


"Do you admit to artificially modifying humans and using them to kill others?"


"Lastly do you admit to using Eraser Head's and Present Mic's school friends corpse to create such a being?" Jin asked finally. Eraser Head who had arrived nearby immediately had a look of shock on his face as rage began to fill his face.

"Yes." All For One finally said before pointing his finger at Jin and attempting to attack him. "Arghh!" All For One screamed. Before he could even attack Jin crushed his finger.

"You bore me. STEAL!" Jin said as a list of options immediately appeared before he said "All For One." Immediately a mass amount of energy entered Jin's body before going into his dantian. (xianxia thing look it up, and yes I'll be using this for various purposes)

"Hehehe!" Jin said as countless more amounts of energies entered his body. "All, all my quirks!" All For One said before Jin took his last quirk, his longevity quirk. "No!!" All For One said as he grew older at an alarming rate, eventually, he wrinkled so much that he looked like a corpse before he died of a heart attack.