
Player Death... A Hacker?

Three Hours later, Neerak Axutar and the three village soldiers had fallen into deep sleep—behind Pedro. Neerak Axutar was even drooling like a child, probably due to extreme exhaustion earlier. On the other hand, Pedro sat casually with his legs crossed while his pen-knife roamed around the cave, killing every Baby Ira Spider that had newly hatched. 

His Faithpursuer Katana laid on top of his legs, while his hands continued to navigate through his player interface. Of course, he would often glance to the cave in order to ensure that no spider would be able to sneak away from his sight and attack them by surprise. 

"My Kill Count is already around Two Hundred Sixty-Four Thousand…" He chuckled to himself. "And so does my Base Attack Damage! If this continued for several hours, I wonder if my damage would become as strong as Senior Alivia's bare handed punch?"