
Arrival of Advance Force in Baliu Village!

Inside a room in the Karakoa Ship, a circular runic formation was carved into the flooring of the sleeping area. At the same time, Magic Crystals were embedded at the walls—making the circular runic formation glow, bright blue.

Mathew, Lony, Roval, Aldo, Loren, and Yuson stood at its center, while Paul stood by the door—waiting for them to depart. On the other hand, Beatrice stood outside the room—emanating a heat that was strong enough to keep the other NPCs away from that hallway.

"I really can't believe it!" Paul gasped in awe, "Captain had set up a teleportation platform on his own… No wonder he told me to assign Beatrice to guard this room, temporarily…"

"Won't it be dangerous to put the teleportation platform at the center of the ship?" Lony asked, out of curiosity. "I-I mean… Won't adventurers like us, randomly spawn here?"