
THE GHOST I LOVE and other short stories

The ghost I loved and other short stories

Hiddle · 现实
13 Chs

Chapter 4

Stories And Novels To Read

The Ghost I Love

What will be your reaction when I tell you there isn't any money in my pocket and all my money was taken when I died. Hope you will not be mad at me?" the man asked and Christian stare at him with his mouth opened.

"Then I will beat the hell out of you if it happens to be true," Christian said and the man smirked.

"It actually the truth, I really can't find any money in my pocket, I'm so sorry about that," the man said and Christian instantly turned nervous.

"What?" he yelled, attracting the attention of everyone at the eatery and they all turned and stared at me.

Christian took a the glass of water and pretended to be drinking.

"I'm so sorry dude, but it's time for me to go," the man said and disappeared instantly.

Christian placed his hands on his head in disbelieved and began calculating how he's going to pay for the food he ate.


"Where am I? where is this place?" Jessica asked herself while staring around.

"Is this not Jeffrey's house. What am I doing here and how did I get here?" She asked herself again, then she walked towards the door.

Jessica knocked at Jeff's door and hold on for a while but Jeff didn't come to open it.

So she tried opening it herself but her whole body instantly pass through the door without it opening.

"What's wrong with me?" Jessica asked herself as she turned back to look at the door and also at her hand.

Jessica heard voices coming out from Jeff's room and headed slowly to his room. She heard a lady's voice which sounded familiar to her.

She tried opening the door the moment she got in front of his room but all her body went through the door again.

"Oh no, this can't be true, Jeffrey can't possibly be cheating on me with her," Jessica said to herself as she watches how Patricia led closer to her boyfriend naked.

Oh no, this can't be true, Jeffrey can't possibly be cheating on me with her," Jessica said to herself as she watches how Patricia led closer to her boyfriend naked.

"Jeffrey why, Jeffrey how could you?" Jessica shouted but Jeff didn't move at all.

She tried touching him but wasn't able to, Jessica couldn't understand what was going on with her. Everything she tried touching seems to be untouchable.

"Why Jeffrey? Do you have a cheat on me with my best friend?, you should have chosen anyone else but not Patricia," Jessica shouted as tears flow down her eyes.

"She kept on wondering why Jeff couldn't hear her. Maybe they're fast asleep, she thought to herself. Well, I'll stay here and patiently wait for them to wake up and explain things to me," Jessica said and screamed but they still didn't move.

Jeffrey's phone rang and he woke up tiredly and pick up his phone. After some minutes, he was through talking on phone while Jessica kept screaming loudly at him but he never noticed her presence.

Jeffrey got off bed and hurriedly took his trousers which was laying on the floor and began putting it on, waking up Patricia on the process.

"Where are you going out? So quick?" Patricia asked and Jeff smiled at her.

"Yes darling, something came up.

"Is it about Jessica"? Patricia asked.

"Yes it's about her", Jeff replied in a sad tune.

"What's up with her that made you look so worried? " Patricia asked smiling while Jessica stare at her angrily.

"Jessica got into an accident few minutes after we left her by the road side drunk," Jeff said.

It immediately struck Jessica and she recalled what had happened to her.

''Hold on a minute, if I was really involved in an accident, that means I'm actually dead," she muttered to herself and got scared of what will happen to her next.

"If non of them could see or hear me, then how am I going to get my revenge on both of them," the thought ran through her mind as she kept on listening to their conversation.

"That's a great news, is that why you look worried?" Patricia asked Jeff and Jessica looked at her angrily.

"How could she asked such a question, I never knew she hated me that much, but it's good Jeffrey still got some soft part left in him," Jessica muttered.

"My darling, I'm not worried about Jessica's accident, I'm only bothered about the money I always get from her", Jeff said and Jessica stared at him in shocked.

Jessica felts so bad the moment she realized non of them really considered her as someone important in their lives. Including Patricia whom she considered as her best friend for two years now.

"Alright dear, I'm leaving," Jeff said and gave Patricia a kiss on her lips before stepping out of the house.

Jessica left the house out of frustration and anger after she watched Patricia smile mysteriously. Jessica cried and ran across the street like someone who's being chased.

She sat down under a tree and cried her eyes out, hoping to figure out a way in order to make them pay for betraying the love she showered on them.

They both ate to their satisfaction and the moment Christian was done with his food, he drank water and fell back to his seat making him to relax properly.

"Can I get the money now, so I can clear the bills," he said in a very low tune and the man nodded putting his hand into his pocket.

"What will be your reaction when I tell you there isn't any money in my pocket and all my money was taken when I died. Hope you will not be mad at me?" the man asked and Christian stare at him with his mouth opened.

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