
THE GHOST I LOVE and other short stories

The ghost I loved and other short stories

Hiddle · Realistic
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13 Chs

Chapter 5

The Ghost I Love

Jessica left the house out of frustration and anger after she watched Patricia smile mysteriously. Jessica cried and ran across the street like someone who's being chased.

She sat down under a tree and cried her eyes out, hoping to figure out a way in order to make them pay for betraying the love she showered on them.


Christian couldn't believe he had to wash those dishes all through the night, he was so exhausted.

"it's late already and I really need to get some rest," Christian muttered to himself the moment he stepped out of the eatery.

" I'll definitely beat the hell out of that fool, If I bump into him again, I really don't care if he is a ghost or not.

I will make sure he dies for the second time. How could that fool vanished after luring me into the restaurant to eat, all because he is a ghost who can disappear at any given time," Christian kept on murmuring to himself.

"For now, I won't bother myself thinking about him, all I need right now is to get home and have a good sleep," he added and walked down the path leading to his house.

Christian was walking along the path that leads to his house when he saw a lady crying by the road side, her face was covered with her hands which prevented him from seeing her face.

He looked around the road and noticed there wasn't any other person around the premises.

He turned back and faced the lady thinking if he should assist her or not.

Christian was confused, he kept wondering and hoping the young lady won't bring another problem to his life.

The young lady felt his presence and immediately raised her head and stared at him mysteriously.

"Wow, she's such a beauty, I wouldn't mind staring at for a whole day. She looked so emotionless and her eyes were very red," Christian thought.

It looks like this beautiful lady had been crying nonstop for hours. Her brown eyes and the dress she wore shows how stunning she looked.

But what will a beauty like her be doing out here in a lonely road like this crying," he added.

Christian went more closer to her and she stared at him like he was some kind of an object that wasn't going to touch her.

She didn't even react after seeing Christian trying to get closer to her.

"Hello miss, are you alright? Did you miss your way?" Christian asked after some minutes of wondering if to approach her or not.

She turned and looked back before looking at Christian again, pointing a finger to herself.

"Yes you, Are you alright, I saw you crying over here and I thought I could be of help to you," Christian said and the lady wiped her tears and got up.

She kept staring at him as if she was seeing at a ghost or something.

"Miss, it's actually dangerous staying out here at night, it's risky sitting at a place like this, and you are even crying," Christian said and she walked closer to him which got him scared.

"Can you really see me?" Jessica finally said and Christian breathe out relief.

"Ofcourse I can see you. I was actually thinking you can't speak," he said and she turned her head in such a way Christian couldn't describe.

"Can you also hear me?" she asked and Christian nodded.

"Yes, I can hear you. Miss, are you joking around with me?" He asked and she smiled at him which got him surprised and also worried.

"If you can actually hear and see me then it means you can also touch me," she said and jumped on Christian immediately, and he caught her so she wouldn't fall on the ground.

Their faces went so close to each other, as if we were about kissing and Christian just stared into her eyes holding her tightly.

Their faces went so close to each other, as if we were about kissing and Christian just stared into her eyes holding her tightly.


"Wow, so that's your story" Christian asked as they headed down the street to his house.

"Yes, that's my story. My boyfriend whom I love so much and my best friend betrayed me," she said with teary eyes.

Miss, that's quite a sad story you got there, Christian said and she nodded.

I really want to get my revenge on them, she said and Christian nodded smiling.

"Miss, if you are a ghost, why don't you just use your spiritual on them," Christian asked and she nodded.

"Well, it isn't that simple, I can't touch anything, neither can anyone see me nor hear me apart from you," she said and he nodded.

"I'm still surprise on how I can see ghost. what really am I?" he asked no one in particular.

"Please, will you assist me in getting my revenge? "she asked and Christian hault for awhile.

"But how possibly can I do that?" he asked and she nodded.

"I just need you promise me that you will help me get my revenge," she said looking sad and her eyes drimpling.

"Alright, I promise I'll help you. Miss, only because I don't want to see you cry again," Christian said and she smiled wiping away her tears.

"Thank you so much and please stop addressing me as miss, my name is Jessica Benson but you call me "Jessy", she said and Christian nodded smiling.

"That's a nice name, you can call me Christian, Christian Joel", he said and she chuckled.

"You got a cool name, and it suits a cute man like you", Jessica said and he chuckled.

"Is someone trying to flatter me now", Christian asked and she smirked.

"Am I not allowed to flatter a guy like you?" Jessica asked and Christian nodded.

"Ofcoures not, but I've taken it down," he said and Jessica chuckled.

"That's so funny," she said smiling and Christian didn't say anything as they approach his door.