
THE GHOST I LOVE and other short stories

The ghost I loved and other short stories

Hiddle · Realistic
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13 Chs

Chapter 3

That's not possible, if I was truly imagining things then where is my bread?" he asked himself.

He sat down and stare around still trying to figure out what just happened. His boss walked in giving him an angry look.

"Christian, what did you just do? Haven't I warned you severally to stop creating problems for me here," his boss shouted at him before pouching his head.

" I'm sorry Sir, but I really saw him wake up" Christian said but his boss snuffed.

"Shut up, I think you need a break so I'm sending you on a break, you can only come back after you've learnt how to stop creating troubles for me here," his boss said and Christian looked at him shocked.

"Please boss, I'm sorry. I'll never say such things again, don't suspend me please" Christian pleaded bowing his head towards his boss.

"It isn't the first time this is happening here Christian, I believe this suspension will make you realize your mistakes," his boss said and went away.

"Christian, this your big mouth will put you into bigger trouble. why do I keep thinking that I see dead people, now my boss has suspended me.

Now, I'll have to go and lie down at that my one room apartment again" Christian murmured to himself and walked away.

Christian was walking on the road paths that leads to his house with his head facing the ground when a strange man suddenly stopped him.

"Hey dude, I'm really hungry. Please can you help me one more time? " the strange guy asked and Christian without raising his face smirked.

"I'm sorry but I can't help you, please just let me be" Christian replied and continued walking when something struck his mind and he Immediately raised his head up.

"You…..." he yelled in the middle of the road, attracting people's attention who turned around and looked at him like a fool, then turned back.

"I left curiously wandering why only you could see me?" the man said and touched Christian's shoulder.

"What are you trying to say? Are you trying to say all these people walking on the road can't see you?" Christian asked and the man smirked.

"Non of them could see me but you," the man said and Christian smirked.

"Why am I the only one who can see you?" Christian asked looking around and observing people staring at him thinking he has gone nuts.

"That is because I'm a ghost and it still surprises me how on earth you were able see me," the said and Christian chuckled.

"You must be joking, and I'm not in for such an experience jokes at a time like this, I'm really hungry," Christian told him and the man nodded.

"I'm hungry too, but first I need to prove to you that I'm not lying, now watch this.." the man said and stepped a bit far from him.

He began jumping up and down and screaming at the top of his voice but nobody turned around or payed attention to him.

Christian turn around trying to know if anyone could hear him but nobody did.

The man went back to him and observed how Christian was holding his stomach.

"Are you hungry?" the man asked and Christian nodded swallowing his saliva.

"Well, there's a good restaurant around this area, we can actually go there and eat," the man said and Christian nodded.

"Well, there's a good restaurant around this area, we can actually go there and eat," the man said and Christian nodded.

"Okay, but I don't have any money with me" Christian told him and he smirked.

"Money isn't a problem, I've got a lot of money" the man said and he smiled.

Christian followed him down the road when he saw "Nora" walking towards their direction, he quickly hide himself.

"Who is that lady? Why are you hiding from her?" the man asked after he had walked to where Christian was hiding himself.

"Her name is Nora, she's my crush," Christian said and the man chuckled.

"If you really do like her, then I'll suggest you let her know the way you feel, rather than hiding here " the man asked and Christian nodded.

"It's not as easy as you think, I lack the courage to face her and I'm always scared of what may happen if I tell her about the way I feel towards her" Christian said but the man chuckled.

"Listen to me, when I was alive, there wasn't any girl who I couldn't talk to. I was actually the king of girls. If you really like her as you claimed, I'll advice you go tell her and stop hiding whenever you bumped into her," he said and Christian nodded like someone who understood him.

"Anyways, she's is gone so lets keep walking," Christian said and they both continued their walk to the eatery.

The moment they entered the eatery, Christian was offered the menu, while the man just sat down without touching anything.

Christian bowed his head to the table in order to communicate with the man. He doesn't want people around to start seeing him as a lunatic who speaks to himself.

"All food in the menu are very expensive, do you really think you can afford the bill?" Christian asked him and he nodded.

"I've told you not to bother yourself about the money, we've no problem when it comes to that," the man said and Christian nodded.

Christian raised his head up and selected three different food.

The food were served to him and he wandered how the man was going to eat with him.

Christian bowed his head again to the table and he smirked him.

"How do you plan on eating? " Christian asked and the man smiled.

"Relax dude, that won't be a problem, just take this candle wax and light it, then drop it below the table," the man told him and Christian did as he instructed.

The man was able to differentiate his own food from Christian's own, his own food was invisible for others to see.