An event called the "Changing" changes humanity forever. This novel follows one young man-turned-woman who was granted special powers.
Many years ago, a world event changed the course of humanity. Later, experts referred to this event as the "Changing". Many people's lives were flipped upside down that day. It is not known what caused this event.
This story follows a young man that went by the name Alan. Alan was a high schooler who was content with his life. This all changed when the Changing took place.
The Beginning
Alan had just gotten home from a horrible day at school. His girlfriend had just broken up with him and he was feeling lost. On top of this, he had most likely flunked his Calculus finals that had taken place that day.
To say he was feeling down would be an understatement. Pacing back and forth in his room, he was contemplating his life decisions. It was like a midlife crisis for a 16 year old. She was the world to him.
His exhaustion eventually caught up to him, as he crashed into his bed behind him. He was fiddling with his phone, not turning it on. His screensaver was them together at a theme park, and he could not be bothered with dealing with the emotions that would be brought to the surface when looking at the photo.
Eventually, he succumbed to his tiredness and fell asleep.
He was jarred awake by a siren going off in his neighborhood. Alan reluctantly turned on his phone to see what the commotion was about. But, his phone wouldn't turn on. He couldn't find the power button that was supposed to be on the side of his phone.
Alan was still extremely drowsy, as he had been forcefully woken up by the siren that had gone off, so he thought he had just missed the power button. But, after a few dozen seconds had passed, he realized that this was not the situation.
His phone was covered in a thin layer of ice. Looking around him, his room was filled with frost and icicles were hanging off the cieling of his room. This was barely visible to Alan, as the lights were not on.
"Dont panic, Alan. Stay calm and get your barings" Alan said to himself. He was always taught that when faced with adversity, a calm mind is a person's greatest asset.
He looked outside of his window, where he had a clear view of his neighbor's television. All he saw was a bright red screen that was showing what appeared to be a warning.
What had happened to the world?
Despite being in a box of ice, Alan noticed that he was not feeling any coldness. Rather, he felt quite pleasent. It felt like he was outside on a nice spring morning.
After thinking about his options, Alan decided that it would be the best for him to leave his house to see what was going on in detail. But first, he needed to check his own body.
He had been feeling quite strange for a while. It was as if his body had morphed after he had woken up, or during his slumber. He crept his way to the bathroom that was down the hall.
The doors were covered in ice, and it was quite a pain for Alan to open them, but after a bit of effort he managed to leave his room and get to the bathroom. What he saw in the mirror shocked him.
He saw a young woman of Asian descent. She had long black hair, extremely pale skin, and eyes that looked like ice. She seemed to be about 5 '6, and was the most beautiful woman that Alan had ever laid his eyes on.
Normally in this situation, people would be freaking out. But, Alan was not like the others. He was a calm and rational man. He understood that the best course of action would be to act rationally and not to freak out over his current predicament.
Alan was a quite smart person for his age. Despite his shortcomings in school, he was quick to think on his heels and was quite good at ascessing a situation for what it was. He quickly realized that he was the one who was causing his surroundings to freeze. He assumed that this had something to do with his transformation.
But, now that he had viewed his change, he was hesitant to go outside. He was scared that he would be siezed by the government. That being said, he could not stay cooped up in his house forever.
After thinking some more, Alan decided that it would be the best for him to go outside. This was because of the warning and siren that he had heard. These made it clear that the changes were not specific to Alan. Because of this, the chances that the government would target him specifically dropped significantly.
Creeping his way to his front door, Alan tried his best not to freeze his entire house. This was in vein. That being said, he eventually did make is way to the front of his house and hesitantly opened his froot door.