
The Great Escape (Part 2)

Alan would not be able to stay on the run for long. He had not slept at all, and he was extremely exhausted. On top of this, he was extremely hungry.

He decided to go on the road to find some sort of civilization. There was no way that everybody would be after him. People would feel pity for a teenage girl and would hopefully provide him with some food and water.

This would be risky, but Alan did not have much to lose. Alan started trailing the road to try and find a residential district. There did not seem to be any cars on the road. This made sense, as it was a very rural road.

Alan was getting very tired. His whole body was about to give out. He was on the verge of fainting. There was no sign of civilization other than the road that he was tracing.

Alan's pace slowed down majorly. His body was starting to get sore from walking. This was unusual. He was pretty athletic before the change. After an hour of walking, eventually, Alan fainted from exhaustion.

Alan woke up in a cold sweat. Quite interesting considering his situation. Looking around, Alan found himself in a bedroom. He was lying in what seemed like a twin sized bed. For some reason, this time his aura was not released. He still had no idea about the details of his power.

The person that had brought him here obviously had no idea about what he really was, or did not care.

Alan got up from the bed and walked to a window. He opened the curtains. It was bright outside. He had clearly been asleep for a while. Alan was still extremely hungry, as he had not eaten in many hours.

Alan's legs were still sore from walking the day before. Alan limped his way to the door. Exiting the room, he saw a flight of stairs. This was a two story house. It was not something like a hospital. It was just a normal house.

Why had these people not called the authorities? Maybe they were the authorities and they just didn't want to reveal it. He didn't know.

"I'm heading out, mom!" a female voice shouted from the floor below.

Ok honey. Be careful," A voice replied.

Alan heard a door open and close. This practically confirmed that Alan was in a residential house, and there would unlikely be any government intervention.

Alan sneaked down the flight of stairs to investigate a little more.

"I can hear you, little girl," The mother said. "Don't worry, I wont hurt you. Come out,"

The tone that she said it made it sound very ominous. But, Alan decided to show himself. Alan peeked from the edge of the staircase into whatever room the voice came from. He saw a woman standing in the living room of the house. This woman looked like she was in her late 20s or early 30s. He had pointy ears, red eyes, and very pale skin.

"Who are you? Why am I here?" Alan asked in a demanding tone.

"Now now, little girl. Calm down and join me. Let's talk over a cup of tea," The lady said.

The lady sat down on a couch and gestured to alan to do the same. Alan obliged and sat down. The lady handed Alan a cup of tea, and proceeded to take a sip of her own. She immediately spit out the tea though.

"Ugh, this too? I can't even enjoy some good caffeine now?" The lady said.

"Um, did something happen?" Alan asked. puzzled by her comment.

Maybe she was like Alan, and went through a similar experience as him. This would also explain why she didnt call the authorities.

"Were you changed?"

"Ah, so you know of these changes. Last night, I turned into this. Since then, my tastebuds have been off. My daughter thinks I became a vampire. Hopefully this is not the case though, because that would be a problem," she replied. 

"I see. I'm guessing this is why you didn't report me to the authorities," Alan said.

The lady nodded.

"So, what's your name young lady? I am Rebecca why the way. Just call me Becca," The lady said.

Well, this was a problem. Alan did not want to reveal his identity as a demi to this lady. He had to find a girl's name that would match his appearance's heritage.

"I'm Yuki. Nice to meet you."

Sorry for the wait!

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