
The Celestial Sovereign

June was just playing the game Rise of Kings, the most popular VRMMORPG that came out in recent years and was relishing in his conquest. He was the top player in the world, and there was no one who could threaten him in the game, but at the moment seven of the top ten players decided to unite against him in order to try and take him down. "Hahaha! It will all be over soon! They have no idea they are walking into a trap!" June giggled in glee. On a monitor in front of June, he was watching a battle play out against the two forces. He was currently luring in the enemy forces in order to do a Hammer and Anvil tactic destroying them in between two parts of his armies. "Lord June, make sure to prepare the backup plan just in case" a deep and mature voice reminded him. "It is already ready! You fuss too much Atlas" June said as he waved his hand in the air. He watched as the enemy walked right into his trap blinded by their own bloodlust unaware that an army was behind them cloaked with an invisibility spell. In a few moments, the army was surrounded caught unprepared for the sudden ambush. June smiled and switched off the monitor as he stood up from his throne and stretched. He had no need to continue watching because he knew his subordinates could finish the rest. He began walking outside of his throne room because he wanted to go collect the loot from the battle, which was one of his favorite parts. Being able to watch as his enemy could do nothing but glare with hate as he took their items was one of the biggest joys you could get from defeating an enemy. He reached the throne room door as maids bowed to him and opened it as he walked passed. June smiled at them and nodded because even though he treated his enemies like shit he was extremely protective of his own people. He never understood why some people like to abuse their subordinates. Did they get some sort of sick pleasure from it? He sort of understood because he got pleasure from taking loot from his enemies, but that was different! He stole from bad people June comforted himself in his mind distancing himself from those sickos. Violently wrenched from his thoughts June felt a head-splitting pain go through his skull and he yelled in agony. "Master!!" shouts came from around him, but he could not respond and his vision began to blacken and the shouts of the worried maids around him began to quieten and June fell into darkness. ---- I'm not going to make false promises about daily chapters or never dropping the story. I will release when I can, and I will try to finish the story if I can. Chapter length depends on the release frequency tbh. If one chapter a week then maybe 5k words. If the release frequency increases then 1k words per chapter. Please leave any suggestions/critiques in the comments thanks! --- Cover Art is also not mine got it here from Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/pin/692076667714031201/

XoN · 奇幻
9 Chs

Team Meeting

"Okay Listen up!" June shouted to gather their attention all of the Floor bosses quieted down, and waited to listen in silence, and even the bigger ones used magic spells in order to shrink themselves down so they can hear better.

"I am sure you are all aware, but we are now in a new world" June began.

"Or our old one has changed at least," June said.

"We need to be cautious because we are no longer the rulers of the world like before, the top dog's everyone feared. We are not known in this world, and we do not know if there are beings stronger than us here!"

"Nikita I need you to gather Eternal Night and begin scouting around our borders and bring me a map that includes the surrounding ten kilometers in every direction. Ensure safety, and do not engage in combat unless you are sure of your victory."

"If you see any peaceful creatures take note, but do not subjugate them."

Nikita nodded in agreement.

"Our enemies from the old world may have also come here, so be careful, and if you see them report back immediately. I want to finish them off as fast as possible to close loose ends".

"Atlas what of the dungeon we were going to subjugate before? When you teleported our people back from there?" June asked.

"All the places we could teleport to before are no longer because the coordinates changed, however, we can teleport back to the dungeon to subjugate it because we got the coordinates after the world changed," Atlas replied.

"How far away is it now?" June asked

"It is now 350 thousand Kilometers to the west" Atlas gave him the coordinates to the Dungeon.

June frowned because it was only sixty thousand Kilometers away in Rise of Kings. "How about other people we have sent out on different missions? Do they have coordinates of different places?"

Atlas nodded as he said, "We had forty-five Eternal Night agents out at the time of the..."

"Let's call it the Cataclysm" June said giving him a word to describe the happenings.

"yes... At the time of the Cataclysm, we had forty-five agents out collecting intel and exploring." Atlas continued. "Of those forty-five, only eight were at spots that we could use at the moment to find more information, the other thirty-seven were in the wilderness the moment the Cataclysm happened."

"Though from the coordinates, we gathered from all the Eternal Night agents we can see that this new world we are in is indeed Massive. We have not even seen it all, but from what we have so far the world, or maybe even just the continent we are on is over 3 million square kilometers big." Atlas explained.

June took in a sharp breath at that! Those numbers were so massive they made June feel Dwarfed in comparison.

"What of the eight strategic locations?" June asked feeling extremely grateful for the use of teleportation.

"Two of them were at different villages, Four were at different mining or farming spots, one was at another dungeon, and the last one was at some ruins." Atlas listing them off.

"oh?" June said with a smile creeping upon his face.

"Nikita, after you finish mapping around the Tower of Babel, send some agents to the coordinates that are not of strategic value, and have them start mapping around those areas too. Report if they find anything useful" June began giving orders.

"Madeline and Nero, send out your subordinates to start patrolling our territory, kill all intruders if they are hostile, and capture those that aren't. Retreat if necessary".

"Ramses and Titus, send people over to guard the mining and farming spots, they may be of great importance later."

"Atlas to we have enough food production to feed our territory?" June asked

"At the moment we do not, but since we have a large stockpile we should not be in any desperate straights," Atlas said.

June nodded and said "Mel Ray start making farms to produce food. I want us to become self-sufficient. You have two months to do that or I'm handing it off to someone else"

"It will get done, Master!" The Five Floor Guardians responded to the tasks they were given.

"Good! Skylar and Aurelia you are coming with me, Alice and Micah to the Dungeon."

"The rest of you. Help where it is needed, and secure the Tower of Babel. No intruders are allowed inside!"

Some of the girls wanted to protest, wanting to come along with June to the Dungeon, but seeing the seriousness of the situation they held themselves back and pouted as they got to work doing as they were told.

"Atlas delegate where it's needed, make sure the inhabitants of our territory are doing fine, I don't want them to be causing any chaos."

"As you command" Atlas replied then vanished from where he stood.

Once the rest of the Floor Guardians teleported away. Aurelia began bouncing in glee as her breasts shook up and down along with her. "We are going on a date with Master!" Hearts began to appear in her eyes as random thoughts began floating inside causing her to blush.

"*Ahem* Keep thy delusional fantasies as fantasies! I am going along with Master, so that we may bond under the struggle of perpetual wink! Then with our last breaths, we finally confess our love to each other dying in each other's arms" Skylar's face turned red as she began to sway back and forth with her hands on her cheeks stuck in her fantasies.

Aurelia's face turned dark and she glared down at Skylar "How dare you wish death upon Master! I will kill you!"

"I never would wish perpetual wink upon him! Doth thou know naught of romance thou uncultured woman!?" Skylar responded with a sneer "I wouldn't expect thou to though, seeing as how thou walk around with a 'holier than thou' attitude!"

While those two were arguing Alice snuck up and began hugging June's arm. Snuggling her face into it smelling his scent. She thought he had the best scent in the world.

"I was so scared earlier today you know," Alice said with a frown. "I thought you were going to die...I didn't know what to do..." tears began to form and June smiled down at Alice and pinched her nose. "Don't tear up little missy. We all got out alright in the end. Although my head still hurts a bit from that."

"Oh, your head hurts? You want me to take it into my mouth in order to heal it?" Micah said with a naughty smile as he looked down towards Junes pants while licking his lips.

Alice frowned and stood in front of June this time blocking Micah's sight, although Micah looked like a woman, a very flat woman, he was indeed still a man! She can't let a man show her up! So she began to reach down towards June's bulge...

"Alright! Let's stop messing around now!" June said causing Alice to frown as her hand halted feeling two glares slicing into her back. She turned around and smiled and stood beside June pretending as if nothing happened.

The other three gathered around and they soon vanished teleporting to where the dungeon was.

I'm using an English to Old English translator for Skylar's lines tell me how you feel about it, or if you have a better website I can use to translate it.

P.S. You guys care if there is any sex scenes?

XoNcreators' thoughts