
The Celestial Sovereign

June was just playing the game Rise of Kings, the most popular VRMMORPG that came out in recent years and was relishing in his conquest. He was the top player in the world, and there was no one who could threaten him in the game, but at the moment seven of the top ten players decided to unite against him in order to try and take him down. "Hahaha! It will all be over soon! They have no idea they are walking into a trap!" June giggled in glee. On a monitor in front of June, he was watching a battle play out against the two forces. He was currently luring in the enemy forces in order to do a Hammer and Anvil tactic destroying them in between two parts of his armies. "Lord June, make sure to prepare the backup plan just in case" a deep and mature voice reminded him. "It is already ready! You fuss too much Atlas" June said as he waved his hand in the air. He watched as the enemy walked right into his trap blinded by their own bloodlust unaware that an army was behind them cloaked with an invisibility spell. In a few moments, the army was surrounded caught unprepared for the sudden ambush. June smiled and switched off the monitor as he stood up from his throne and stretched. He had no need to continue watching because he knew his subordinates could finish the rest. He began walking outside of his throne room because he wanted to go collect the loot from the battle, which was one of his favorite parts. Being able to watch as his enemy could do nothing but glare with hate as he took their items was one of the biggest joys you could get from defeating an enemy. He reached the throne room door as maids bowed to him and opened it as he walked passed. June smiled at them and nodded because even though he treated his enemies like shit he was extremely protective of his own people. He never understood why some people like to abuse their subordinates. Did they get some sort of sick pleasure from it? He sort of understood because he got pleasure from taking loot from his enemies, but that was different! He stole from bad people June comforted himself in his mind distancing himself from those sickos. Violently wrenched from his thoughts June felt a head-splitting pain go through his skull and he yelled in agony. "Master!!" shouts came from around him, but he could not respond and his vision began to blacken and the shouts of the worried maids around him began to quieten and June fell into darkness. ---- I'm not going to make false promises about daily chapters or never dropping the story. I will release when I can, and I will try to finish the story if I can. Chapter length depends on the release frequency tbh. If one chapter a week then maybe 5k words. If the release frequency increases then 1k words per chapter. Please leave any suggestions/critiques in the comments thanks! --- Cover Art is also not mine got it here from Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/pin/692076667714031201/

XoN · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Dungeon

June looked around trying to see if he could find anything different about this place, but everything so similar to what was in the game before, and he could not find the slightest difference.

There was a giant mountain with snowy peaks, and towards the lower half, you could see wooden support beams strutting out from the mountain as railroad tracks circled their way down the mountain.

There was one giant cave in the middle of the mountain, which was the entrance to the dungeon, and the railroad tracks were the path you were supposed to follow in order to enter it.

Micah was whistling as he waved his wand around twirling it in his hands, the five of them walking along the path towards the dungeon. In the game Rise of Kings, you could not teleport in areas claimed by the system like dungeons or farming spots.

"Could you stop waving your wand around! You almost hit me!" Alice said with a frown.

Micah smirked as he said, "All the men would love me to wave my wand in their face so pipe down missy."

"Too bad we are not at a gay bar, and we are instead about to enter a dungeon. Save your two inches for when you find someone who wants it!" Alice said with a sneer.

"I will have you know that I am more than two inches, although I do not find you attractive I will show it to you in order to prove it," Micah responded.

"Let's not Micah, I would prefer if we kept some semblance of propriety while we are not in our own territory. Save your exhibitionism for when you get your own place" June responded with a frown not wanting to see any other man's penis.

"Aww come on June, Don't knock it till you try it," Micah said with a pout.

"Yes, I say truly with Master. Keep thy disgusting corporal agent to yourself. Thou are naught able to decide if thou desire to be a man or a woman." Skylar responded looking at Micah with scornful eyes.

"Keep your old fashion ideals to yourself. I would love to see Master getting hot and steamy with another man!" drool began to subtly leak out of Aurelia's mouth.

"Thou are an angel! A Seraph! how may you act like such a slutty woman!" Skylar yelled towards her.

"Alright guys quiet down we are nearly there," June said as the entrance to the dungeon was just up ahead. He also did not want to hear any more of Aurelia's fantasies as they were giving him shivers.

Dungeons were usually made for 20 man teams, and most guilds did, in fact, max out the number of people they sent inside even then losing a lot of the time due to the difficulty of the dungeons. The fact that June was about to go into the dungeon with only five people was a testament to their power, and he was bringing five people this time because he was being cautious!

Stepping into the cave he saw the minecarts tipped over leaking out rocks, and heard the faint drip of water echoing throughout the cave.

"Where are all the mobs?" Micah said as he kicked a rock on the floor.

"This is very peculiar, this dungeon was called Carst Mine, and was supposed to have Duergar defending it," June said with a frown.

"Oh, I found one!" Aurelia said cheerfully and the rest of the group followed her eyes to find a dwarf pinned to one of the Stalactites hanging from the ceiling. Without a shadow of a doubt, it was dead and looked to be dead for a few hours.

June frowned as this all seemed fishy. 'Did the other Guilds already come back to defeat the dungeon?'

'Why would they come back this fast? They should be protecting their territory. And even if they did come back they would not be able to impale a Duergar onto a Stalactite that is fifteen meters in the air. Even I would not be able to do that without difficulty, Skylar can do it easily, but the other guilds do not have someone so powerful as far as I can remember.' June was lost in thought.

"Alright, let's proceed with caution. Take out your weapons we can't mess around anymore" June said as he had the feeling the other guilds were not the culprit.

Walking through the tunnels of the dungeon they began to see more and more evidence of a fight, well a massacre, as all the Duergar were brutally killed by something.

June looked on the wall and saw there were scratch marks slicing through the rock as if it were butter. The Duergar were gutted by whatever came through, and their armor was like paper as it was of no help at all.

As they continued to walk through the dungeon their chatting stopped because they knew the times for play and when it was time to be serious.

They were all on guard, some more than others, as Skylar and Aurelia were extremely confident of their abilities, and it was extremely hard to sneak up on them.

They began to hear clashing sounds echoing through the cave, and while this was not uncommon in the mines of dwarves this was different because it was not the sound of a hammer hitting anvil, it was the sound of battle.

Roars echoed through the cave and battle shouts were heard cut short the ringing of steel clashing together was evident.

June motioned the rest of his team and they began to try and locate the battle through the echos of the cave. It was normally easy to follow sounds as you just ran in the direction you heard them, but when inside a cave where the sounds repeatedly bounce off walls it may be very disorientating for someone who was not used to it.

June, however, was not a rookie, and quickly began to move through the tunnels finding his way towards the battle. It was hard to move due to the low ceilings at some point, causing them to end up crawling at points because of it.

"These stupid dwarves have no care for others! All they have to do is make the ceilings one or two feet higher, but they are too selfish, and now I'm crawling through dirt!" Micah complained as they were now all dirty.

"I agree, they got Master's clothes dirty, let's commit a genocide," Alice responded a cold aura coming off of her body.

"Shh they are just up ahead," June said as the sound of battle was heard from just ahead of them.

The five stood up from the ground and dusted themselves off as they came through the tunnel and into a big opening.

In this cave, they finally saw the battle that was unfolding inside the dungeon.

Just want to leave it here I have nothing against LGBTQ people, its just for story purposes.

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