
The Assassin Before Time

An immortal assassin was reborn during the time of dinosaurs; on the continent of Pangea. Only to discover that the world before time was nothing like what was said in the modern era. He will face monsters that have power rivaling the so-called gods of the modern era. Harlock lives in a world where anything and everything can exist, from the starship fleets of Star Wars to the benders from Avatar. If you have something, you would like me to try and include, Drop a comment. There will be mistakes; drop a comment, and it will be corrected when I get to it. The release rate will not be steady.

Harlock_Fjord · 电影同人
15 Chs

C1 Into the void

As I entered into the darkness laying there on the war-torn battlefield thinking to myself so this is how it ends just sitting here on a battlefield that has been ravaged by cannons, muskets, and other such weapons. A land that is strewn with the body of men and horses. The last battlefield I will ever walk. I think to myself this is a good end a noble end fighting for a cause that is a good cause one might even say a great cause a cause that is the betterment of the world itself. I think I am happy with this end, good by world, good by life, good by family. I will meet you all in the void of souls. Where we can finally have peace'

And with that my soul descends into eternal darkness heading for the void. But on my way, I am intercepted by a light, a light strong enough to light up the dark tunnel I tread. The light offers me a decision

[Light] " You can enter the void and do nothing till judgment day or you can go back and do something good for the world. To go back in time to the beginning of the world itself. Except for a different storyline than you came from. How does that sound interesting, no?"

[me] but, why what would be the point

[light] to go into a different world. A more interesting world, not a better world a different world with infinite possibilities and infinite different ways to live a life different from your past life.

[me] yes I will go. This should be a fun past time till I return here to see my family.

[light] alright I will lay out what will happen

One, you will be sent back in time to the time of the dinosaur of this earth

Two, you will be immortal(so long as you don't get killed) you will also heal very fast compared to others

Three, All movies books And other such things are real. Everything pertaining to earth is in earth

so you could meet Harry Potter and become a magician if it is your fancy, and every world or universe that does not pertain to earth will be in a different dimension and you have the possibility to eventually get the ability to travel to different dimensions

4 you will get a system with the possibility to get every ability item or other such thing from across the world and dimensions. This is also where you will get the ability to travel dimensions. Now you have three wished to choose from and you do not get any magical or out of this world ability's only things from your world that it would be possible to get while living a mortal life. Now choose.

[me] let me think..... I would first like an edict memory ( basically a perfect memory)

[light] your first wish is granted

[me] second I would like to have no bodily functions with a superb body, basically don't have to go to the bathroom, breath things like that

[light] very interesting also possible and for your last wish, I would like to recommend a set of skills for survival. Remember you will be with dinosaurs for the first couple thousand years

[me] mmm... 'only from this world a ' well I will have to go with the skills of all the assassins from the assassins creed games like all of them

[light] that is one of the best choices you could have made with what you had to work with very good. Now, the system has most of the features that you normally have in your average Webnovel it also has the ability when asked what the possible future is not in great detail but more a general outline. It comes with a map, obviously, it has to right though do take into account that it is possible to start from a certain time point when traveling to a new universe or dimension. Everything I said you would have you will have, worry not. And this is for my entertainment so make it fun do something bold If I think you deserve it when or if you die I might even bring you back. Also, the timeline will pretty much be the same so you could even meet your family again. There will be no mass butterfly effect or whatever it's called. Well, I will be off. It may take a few days for you to enter the new world but it will happen.

And so the light that guided me started its slow walk back to where ever he came from but almost as an afterthought he shouted back

[light] hey, I didn't catch your name?

[Me] My name.... well my names Harlock Fjord

I am going to try and add more words usual this was a short chapter better next time

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Harlock_Fjordcreators' thoughts