
The Assassin Before Time

An immortal assassin was reborn during the time of dinosaurs; on the continent of Pangea. Only to discover that the world before time was nothing like what was said in the modern era. He will face monsters that have power rivaling the so-called gods of the modern era. Harlock lives in a world where anything and everything can exist, from the starship fleets of Star Wars to the benders from Avatar. If you have something, you would like me to try and include, Drop a comment. There will be mistakes; drop a comment, and it will be corrected when I get to it. The release rate will not be steady.

Harlock_Fjord · Movies
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15 Chs

C2 Out of the void

245 Million years ago

Sol 01

'It's been three months wtf didn't that guy say only a couple of days what I am going to do. Just sit here between the land of life and the land of death what kinda life is that' Suddenly excruciating pain hit, making my entire soul tremble 'what the hell is this' I look around and see the slow bright light coming toward me.

[light]Hello Harlock been awhile I see the process is beginning to start. Let me just say that this is the least of it. The pain you feel now is minuscule. Prepare yourself because the pain you feel is just beginning. This is your soul merging with your new body and the system. If you do not manage to hold up now your soul will collapse and there will be no more Harlock so just try and hold up. My apologies for it taking so long. It took a while to prepare the world and the system. Pretty much all the boring stuff. The pain will continue all the way until you have fully merged and when it stops you will be sent to the new body. Well see you around Harlock it was nice meeting you hope to see you again. But do me a favor and don't come back for a while. Ya?

And just as it had come it started to float away' I didn't even get a chance to say anything this hurts way too much. God, why does it always have to hurt.' And so the pain went on tormenting our protagonist for three more days and nights. All the while he screamed from the pain his mind breaking and being rebuilt again and again. Being destroyed and coming back changing him making him tougher, smarter, more resistant, and less merciful.

After three days and night, it stopped he fell back into peace just laying there in the cold void of darkness thinking 'what the hell. That was excruciating' another light came flying at him from within the cold void and as it got faster it got bigger and it wasn't like the warm light that had helped it was a hard bright white light, prepared to devour him. And it did, it got to be massive, bigger than even a world. Harlock braced himself waiting for the massive light to slam into him but it never came. As he opened his eyes looking around all he could see was light, so blinding that he could only open his eyes for a few milliseconds. And then he could feel it. The air around him his body laying on the damp grass, and as his eyes opened he could see a blazing ball a fire, and a blue sky.

A tiny Compsognathus(basically a tiny velociraptor) nibbling on his ear with a jerk his had shot up and grabbed it smashing its small head killing it. he stood up looking around.

So this is the world before man. Before Harlock lay a massive expanse of land absolutely untamed with roaming dinosaurs. Above him soared pterodactyl and on the ground roamed stegosaurs. 'this is crazy look at the size of these beasts its crazy. How am I going to survive for the 244 million years to get back to normal time'

{system initializing: 20%....50%....75%.....100%}

{system initialized}


Name: Harlock Fjord

Title: The First

Level:0 (2 out of 100){2%}








The assassins creed include

swordsman ship

hand to hand combat

knife throwing

knife Skills

battle-ax manship

ax skills

gun skills

(a/n: pretty much all of the skills that you can use in the games I am not even going to be able to think about all of them)

STORE: closed till level two

ITEMS: beginner package



{The average for all stats is 10. 20 would be a pro athlete}

{The way you will earn points is through kills you will also get exp through kills. You must reach 100% in the level category for you to upgrade

If you have any more questions ask they might be answered}

{First kill. Congrats on your first kill you killed a Compsognathus worth 1 point and 2 exp}

'Great, just great well I guess first I have to find a base with a suitable location.

{Mission triggered:


Find a suitable location for a base. Has to be easily defendable, where you could build a fortification.

Requirement: Find a suitable base

Time limit: N/A(not applicable)

Reward:500 points, 50 exp

Penalty: No base, wonder with no home.

Mission triggered:

First Kill

Get your real first kill of significance

Requirement: Kill a Tyrannosaurus rex alone

Time limit: 200 million years

Reward: 2000 points, 2000 exp}

Penalty: death, loss of the system, the soul returns to the void}

'hey system how can I open my map

{Just think map} (A/N: this is what I am thinking https://www.reddit.com/r/geography/comments/ge0hwu/a_map_of_pangea_ultima_with_current_borders/)

'mmm... So I am around Sudan but where would the best place to go be?'

{if I may I would say go to the Atlantic sea on the America side and build a fort in the mountains their}

'why their though that's so out of the way'

{simple there is a large human settlement right around there and it highly defensible}

'alright I think I will go there'

{it will be a long journey it will take you with your speed since you don't get tired probably 3-4 months. On your way there you should try to kill smaller prey as well to get used to fighting creatures like this}

{Mission triggered:

Dino Slaughter

Kill as many dinosaurs as you can on you your way to Alistar on the coast of the Atlantic sea

Requirement: kill 200 dinosaurs of any type on your way to Alistar

Time limit: Till you reach Alistar

Reward: Small Frigate and crew, all stats go up by 1, 100exp

Penalty: All stats go down by 2}

'Well I guess I should open the beginner package'

{opening beginner package:

You got a:


Sheath for sword and knife

Traping skill


Large Knife

Large ax

Ax sheath

kyoketsu-shoge(a double-edged blade, with another curved blade attached near the hilt at a 45–60 degree angle. This is attached to approximately 10 to 18 feet (3–5 m) of rope, chain, or hair which then ends in a large metal ring.)


'Sick, This stuff is Great'

Harlock starts to move across the open plain. trying to move away from some of the bigger dinos. There is a forest about half a mile away from Harlock he starts to maneuver around making sure not to be noticed but a massive probably 3-ton armor dinosaur starts to make his way towards Harlock. 'I'm pretty sure they are omnivores so as long as I don't make a sudden moment I should be fine' all of the sudden he bares his fangs and charge Harlock made a break for it. ' what the hell these things are only supposed to eat plants why is he coming after me. If I am able to make it to the forest he shouldn't be able to fit through and I should be able to get away clean.' It is a quarter-mile race to the forest between the armor dino and Harlock. Harlock makes it to the forest. Tripping on a branch he stumbled and fell through into the forest. The armor dino prowled on the outside of the thick trees not able to breakthrough. Harlock looks back at him thinking 'someday when I am strong I will kill you.' turning his back on the beast he walks into the forest. Harlock starts his journey through the forest and to Alistar.

'system can you open map'

{opening map}

'mmm.. so it looks like I will be soon entering another clearing lets hope this time there are easier to deal with dinosaurs there.

I'm trying to put together a map does any one know a good app or website

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Harlock_Fjordcreators' thoughts